Discussion to the Max

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"Oh God can this day be any more busy?" I sighed wiping down the counter.

"Nope, we haven't had this kind of business since you came here. I guess you have this pull on customers. Especially those of the male species." Trevor laughed and ducked as I threw a towel at his head.

"Please I came for a new start on life, I don't need a boy to tag along." Trevor didn't say anything else but looked at me curiously. His tilted to the side. it was kind of making me feel a little bit uncomfortable. "What?"

"Nothing, just trying to solve you out" Trevor shook his head.

"Well, this equation is meant to be uncrackable so back off" I said with a little warning. Trevor raised his hands.

"In time Lu, in time"

"Yeah" I breathed, "In time" I continued to clean up the counter. Customers were still coming in but not as much as the afternoon shift.

"Hello there" I heard a voice. I lifted my head and looked at a young looking girl my age probably sitting with another girls. The girl who talked looked kind of familiar. She had short dark brown hair that barely passed her shoulders with a pretty shade of green eyes. She has a small body like most of the girls here but hers seemed just beautiful, her friend had jet black hair and a very tanned skin almost looking natural with her dark dark brown eyes, darker than mine. She had the same body as her friend.

"Hi" I said putting a smile on my face. "How can I help you?"

"Um can I have 4 bottles of water?" She said bringing her eyebrows together think if she needed anything else. I grabbed 4 bottle of water from the cooler and placed them on the counter.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Well" She said putting her hand under her chin and leaning on it. "Well I was wondering if you give any advice...... about boys"

I raised my eyebrows at her. Was she really asking me about boys?'

"Um I don't think I am the right person for this" I said shaking my head

"Oh come on every girl has gone through a boy problem once in their life" She said as a matter of fact. I shrugged my shoulders and felt my face become hot with embarrassment. I have never looked at a boy twice, well except yesterday when that guy with the sexy tattoo helped me. Other than that I would block myself from them. It was my way of staying away from hurt. Dad would always yell at me saying I wasn't worth being loved, that I am nothing but a mistake and as worthy as dirt.

"I really wouldn't know." The girl and her friends eyes both grew wide in shock figuring out what I was saying.

"Really" They both squealed. "But you are like super super pretty, I thought you'd have at least one guy look at you and undress you top to bottom"

My face flushed. Clair showed up behind me and smiling.

"Whats up with you?" She asked, my face was still red. Clair looked at the two girls questionably. They still had a bit of shock on their faces. The girl wth the dark eyes spoke up first.

"We are just suprised that your friend here has never had a boyfriend before."

Oh kill me now. Clair looked at me . "Really?!"

I shook  my head. "IS it really that hard to believe?"

"Oh definitely. I'm Maxine, by the way but everyone calls me Max and this is my best friend Leslie." Max said pointing to her and her best friend.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled, actually smiled not those fake smiles I always give. Something about her just makes you want to smile. "I'm Lucy and this here is well my best friend Clair." Clair waved her hand at Max and Leslie.

"So how old are you guys?" Leslie asked leaning more into the shack as I tended to the customer that just walked up.

"Well I'm 19 and well Lu how old are you? I never really got to ask that"

I finished up with the customer and looked at the girls. "I'm 17 going on"

Max's face lit up and so did Leslie's and Clair and I looked a little confused at that.

"So Lucy you are in highschool?" Max asked. I looked down feeling ashamed again and well stupid.

"No I can't really register without a guardian" My voice was low and soft. "I was in the middle of summer school when I left home"

Leslie and Max seemed really confused while Clair looked at me with sympathy. She reached over and rubbed my back.

"I can talk to Trevor and ask if he can sign you up for fall semester at the high school not too far from here"

"OMG you should register at Beach View High School, Max and I go there" Leslie chimed.

"I don't. . . "

"Oh come on, you need a high school diploma and more to life than just working in a shack." Clair said.

"Hey" We all turned around and looked at Trevor.

"Well other than you honey" Clair smiled kissing his cheek. Trevor smirked and looked at me.

"You know I have no problem registering you into high school Lucy. You are young and you don't want to be like me. I dropped out a few credits short to work with my family opening shacks across the shore."

I was taking everything in that they were saying. I was shocked to say the least. I never really like school at all. Kids would never talk to me or make fun of me call me so many names. They always made my life more of a living hell. I looked at Max and Leslie. They are so nice to me. What is it about this place that everyone is so nice. Is it some sick game they play, do they just see a girl like me and pity me, I can barely trust Trevor and Clair. 'You are worthless' My fathers voice echoed in my head.

"Hey Max um mom called and its um time to um g-go" I was snapped out of my gaze as I heard the all to familiar voice. I looked up and saw the guy from yesterday, Gabriel I think his name was.

"Okay gabby" Max rolled her eyes. "I'll see you later Lucy and nice to meet you Clair. I really hope you thin about what we were talking about." Her eyes were glowing with a hint of hope in them. I smiled and nodded. Gabriel was looking at me is green eyes almost captivating. I waved my hand. He smiled and waved then left.

I turned towards Clair and Trevor.

"Okay lets go eat I'm starving"

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