Meeting Her

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"So what did she say" I asked impatiently to Max and Leslie.

"Don't know what you mean big brother" Max said as if it doesn't matter. I scowled at her which caused her to smirk. I swear little sisters are annoying beyond a doubt.

"Awe come on Maxi don't be so mean to your brother" Matt pouted. Leslie rolled her eyes.

"Please its every sisters job to annoy the hell out of their brothers. It balances everything out."

"Ha Amen to that Les" Matt and I rolled or eyes at this. Lucy is still corrupting my mind right now and I need answers. I jumped in front of max and Leslie practically begging to give me and answer.

"Please Max I really need to know" Max raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"You really like this girl and you don't even know her."

"That's why I sent you and your super friend over there to talk to her so I can find a way to make her at least come on a date with me."

"Dude she is a little.. . .  Um how do I put this" Leslie was putting her finger to her chin thinking.

"Unpracticed" Max finished. Matt and I looked at each other a little confused.

"What do you mean?" We both asked at the same time.

"Should we tell them?" Leslie asked Max. Max was thinking.

"I don't think so it goes against the girl code."

"But we barely know her"

"So, I think she is pretty cool and the fact she admitted something like that to us she will think us as friends and by telling them its practically breaking the girls code"

"I guess your right." Leslie sighed. "Sorry boys"

"Oh come on" I whined. "please"

"Sorry bro but I think the only info I can give is that she is 17, pretty, hard working, shy, and well strong" I looked at Max. What did she mean by strong? She knows something I don't and I need to find out what that is. This girl is getting under my skin.

"Well that makes her a keeper" Matt said sarcastically. We all turned towards him. Leslie Gibbs slapped him. "Ow"

"Look let stop talking about her and go eat. I'm starving" Max said taking Leslie's arm and walking to one of the restaurants located on the shore. I hung my head and walked behind them. Matt patted my back.

"Don't worry dude whe have all summer". . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .  We walked into a small restaurant called Sal 'Sea's and Stake'. Usually this place gets a lot of tourist, they had the best sea food and steak for those who don't really like sea food. We walked up to the counter.

"Hello welcome to Sal Sea's and Stake' She smiled at us looked mostly at Matt and I.

"yeah um table for four" I said in a polite voice. She nodded her head and showed us to a table and handed each of us a menu. She left to help the next set of customers in.

"Mmm I love this place" Max sighed dramatically. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the memories where I would taker her every year for her birthday and special occasions.

"Oh you can say that again" Matt sighed. The waiter came to us not long after and took out drink order.

"So Max, when does school start?" I asked putting down the menu already knowing what I am going to order. Max looked up from her menu and smiled.

"We start in three weeks. Gosh this summer passed by like really quick" Leslie nodded

"I know it only seems like two months ago you and I were graduating" Matt said wiping away an invisible tear. I rolled my eyes.

"It was two months ago Leslie said lifting her head from the menu." We all lookaed at her and laughed. She was never really the brightest especially with food involved. That girl can really eat no joke. Sometimes I have her eat my plate.

"Table for three I heard someone say." Usually I don't pay attention to those entering but something made me look and I swear my heart skipped a beat and was speeding. At the door was Lucy, with her friend and some guy. They walked into the restaurant. I couldn't keep my eyes of of her. She was definitely beautiful in that evening dress that hugged her small body and flowed down to her mid thigh. She had a pair of simple sandals that make her about 2 inches taller. Her hair was down and put in natural looking loose curls that hugged her pale face and made her big dark eyes pop out into perfection. She was perfect.

"Yoo hoo anybody there" Max was waving a hand infront of my face. "Who you looking at big bro?" She laughed and looked in my direction. She squealed making everyone around go quiet. I took my gaze off Lucy and glared at Max. She shrugged and looked back to Lucy.

"Hey Lucy!" Lucy looked up from where the hostess was showing her their table. A small smile played upon her face as she looked at Max. Then she looked at me.

"Dude your drooling" Matt teased. I shot him a look and brought my hand to my face to make sure I wasn't because DAMN she is beautiful. She gracefully walked over to us and just so happens that there was an empty table next to us.

"Hey do you guys want to sit with us, we can ask the waiter to put the tables together." Leslie said smiling.

"Sure" Her friend Clair I think said. Leslie called over the waiter and had the tables put together. Lucy sat right across from me as everyone was moving around trying to find a good spot. Her eyes bore upon me sending a fit if tingly feeling go through my stomach and when she smiled they exploded. Max was looking from me to her very attentively.

"So Lucy have you met my brother?" Max asked leaning over. She was sitting right next to me. Lucy looked at Max and smiled.

"I have actually, yesterday one of his friends threw a football a little too far and it hit me." Max gasped although already knowing because I told her earlier. She turned to me and smacked my shoulder.


"That was for being an idiot"

"What don't look at me I was being a gentleman, it was Jake that threw the ball" I defended myself. One thing about Max is that when she hits, it hurts. A lot. I taught her too well during my high school years. You know how it is, I was the all star football/basketball player with the hot little sister so I taught her how to fight and well BOOM she can hit and take a hit.

"Well I am going to have a few words with Jake when we get back to school" She mumble. Lucy giggled from her seat sending another fit of tingles in my stomach.

"So Lucy, where you from?" Matt asked leaning on the table. I saw her body kind of freeze and stiffen, I don't think anyone else noticed but me. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Um I am from San Antonio Texas" She drawled. Now that was sexy. Matt raised his eyebrows.

"A Little far from home now are we?" He said. Lucy nodded still looking a bit afraid? can be a word.

"Yeah but everyone needs a new start."

"Cool, and how long have you been working in the shack with this bozo" Matt nudged a finger at the guy. Then it hit me, this wasn't just a guy, this was Trevor Owens. One of the best soccer players our school has ever had. He dropped out a couple of years ago during his senior year to help out with the family business.

"Um i have been working there since well yesterday" She smiled looking a little more relaxed. She looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. Max was still looking between us, I had the urge to just slap her face in a different direction. The waiter came back and took our orders. This place had the best food ever. But when our food came all Lucy ordered was a small salad and a glass of water. I think she is trying to stay fit but she is already skinny enough. I mean she was beautiful, her body slim and shows curves but she was so small. Does she starve herself, bulimic, or something like that. Does she need help. Oh God now my head is spinning.

"Is that all you are going to eat?" I asked. She looked up and shrugged.

"I guess I am not that hungry" I nodded my head and went to my dinner. It was fun to say the least. Everyone talked and joked. Lucy only spoke unless spoken too which was weird. She sat very still as if one move would wake up a giant. And she barely ate her salad. We were all walking out of the restaurant in a group.

"So is it okay if I get your number" Max asks looking at Clair and Lucy. Clair hands Max her number then looks at Lucy. She lowers her head.

"I don't have a phone" Her face flushed. She looked so cute when she does that. Okay compose yourself Gabe.

"REALLY?!" Max, Clair, Leslie, and Matt squealed. I had to laugh at Matt.

"OMG how can you not have a phone I would die if I didn't have one." Leslie said hugging her phone. Lucy just shrugged. There was a hint of sadness that flowed through her eyes but she faked it with a steal mask facial expression.

"Oh we are so getting you a phone tomorrow Lu" Clair said. followed by a yeah from Trevor.

"And we are totally tagging along" Max said grabbing Lucy by the arm. Lucy nodded her head and smile. I guess she doesn't like to feel pitied.

"Can we come?" Matt asked draping his arm over Max. Max shrugged it off and shook her head.

"Hell no you'll just ruin everything." Matt feigned hurt as the rest of us laughed. I looked at my phone for the time.

"Okay guys it is getting late and I need to take you two home" I pointed to Max and Leslie. They both pouted

"Awe do we have to" max said pouting using the baby thing that always make me feel bad. I swear she has me wrapped around that finger of her. I nodded my head and sighed. I turned to Lucy, Trevor and Clair.

"It was nice meeting you properly" i shook their hand. The rest of us went our separate ways home. This had to be the most eventful day ever.

"OMG Lucy how funny" Lucy squealed skooting out of her chair and going over to her. I shook my head. Sisters.

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