chapter 31

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ok. i really really tried to search how france education works. like does junior/senior high exists or... i just... i dont know anymore. i should just give up at this point


this is the season 1 finale i guess lol


Well. A week later, was the day you had to say good bye to your classmates. School has ended and the months of being a 9th grader was finished. You were ecstatic, yes. Finally, no more homeworks and quizzes.

You were free.

Well, for two months.

Still, you cannot will yourself to forget that night. You had let your feelings out, you thought you can just face him and talk to him normally.

You can't. Obviously.

You knew you would just mess things up. You knew it would end up awkward, you would embarass yourself. You shouldn't have told him everything.

"Congratulations to the class of 20xx. You have a year left before you are off for lycèe. Enjoy collège while you still can! Bonne chance!" Ms. Bustier said over a microphone. It gave you a shiver on your spine. Enjoy while you still can.

One year left and all of you will have to split up and look for college. You will be separated.

Like last year, you had received medals, certificates. A reward for working your butts off.

And afterwards, the event had ended and everyone had to go.

You went home with your parents as you carried a bag of your favorite food, a treat from your parents. You made them proud.

As you ate, you held your phone while scrolling through the images you had taken earlier, along with the ones Alya bad recently sent you. One was a picture of Alya's side profile as she was sitting there beside you. The guest speaker's speech was rather boring so you had nothing to do but to record your friend.

One was a picture of Marinette and Nathaniel. They sat together with their cheeks aflame. There was also one where Adrien received his recognition for being the best fencer in his fencing class, surprisingly surpassing Kagami.

The rest of the pictures were after the event. You got a picture of Rose crying because she was getting emotional knowing that there's only one year left before you all go to new places. You also caught a picture of Marinette and Alya laughing together. Then it was becoming to grow formal as you slid into the next pictures.

Adrien, Nino, Marinette, you, and Alya were standing with your smiles showing, your medals shining. One was Nino and Adrien, grinning with their arms around their shoulders. Next was the women; you, Alya and Marinette. You and Marinette were linking arms with Alya in the middle. You showed a peace sign as Marinette stuck her tongue out. Alya represented a contagious, proud smile in the camera.

The next one were Nino and Alya, with their arms around each other, their huge smiles making their eyes squint. You were absolutely happy and proud of them for fimishing 9th grade together.

The final one had caught your breath. You remembered the time when this was taken. Alya had insisted to take the picture even though you were opposed to the idea.

"Come on, Y/N! Just one picture!"

You scrunched up your face as you pleaded, "Alya, please. I don't want to bother him. He's clearly having too much fun," you spoke. "I don't really need him to remember the thing."

"Y/N, it's just a picture." Marinette placed a hand on your shoulder. "I know you're going to regret it as soon as the event ends."

"I won't-"

"Y/N." Alya cut you off. She stared at you. "Please."

You looked at him from afar. He was laughing with Nino and Alix, still congratulating the two of them. You huffed. "Fine."

Alya punched the air as she hissed, "Yes!" She instantly took your wrist and pulled you towards the golden-haired boy. "Oh, Adrien!"

"Alya, shush!" You scolded. The girl with the bluebell eyes laughed.

The said boy turned around with a smile so cute that it made your insides turn jelly. You tried to hide the heat from your cheeks.


You stood up straight. You cleared your throat. "Wanna take a picture? Together?"

He didn't even hesitate. "Sure!"

You stepped forward as Alya readied her phone camera. You and Adrien stood beside each other, your faces prepared for your friend's signal.

"Okay. 1..."

The two of you were smiling.


When he suddenly slung his hand around your shoulders, making you tense up, your smile slightly crooked. You were thrown off-guard, but you hid it by displaying a peace sign with your smile widening.

Even Alya was surprised, but she was still smiling as wide as before.


She clicked the button.

The feelings still lingered in your mind and in your body. The more you remembered it, the more you loved it. He can't just casually throw his hand over your shoulders like that! You were afraid you would emotionally combust on the spot.

The feeling of rejection was now casted out of your head. You threw your phone beside you and you placed your hands on your head. You then thrashed around your bed as you squealed. You continuously kicked the sheets off your matress while your hands still covered your eyes. You hid the smile forming on your lips.

Your thoughts formed of Adrien. Everything about him.

"These feelings are so confusing," you laughed at yourself, almost crying. You looked at your hands with a stupid smile on your face. You grabbed a hold of your nearest pillow and slammed your face into it. You screamed. "Adrien Agreste," you said, your voice muffled. "Why are you so..." you sit up and took a deep breath. "" You sighed dreamily and laid your body on the bed.

You stared at a ceiling with a silly grin. You didn't care about his rejection. You will continue to just be there for him whatever it takes. Even as a friend.

end of chapter thirty-one


someone please make a callback on the second to the last paragraph! a callback to one of the chapters!


first of all, thank you for all the people who supported me all through 32 chapters!!!!!

this is not over yet tho! there will be a season two IF YOU WANT!!! just comment here if you want me to continue it... or whatever. it's fine by me, i promise.

please, please, please TELL ME your comments about the book so far! comments, suggestions, colorful reactions!!! anything please just to lighten up my day.

im really tired today and im feeling a bit of a headache. i want to rest more than anything, but i havent been updating this piece of crap and writing is really important to me, especially my readers.

i hope you understand. my school starts this august and i really want to start my nathaniel x reader sooner. i know i lied about me ending this book before may but i was just lying to myself and to you guys. i really hate that and i hate myself for it. i knew i couldnt do it in the first place so why did i even accept it.

anyway, season 2 will be consisting of like 10-15 chapters i think. i want to end this quickly like i want to end my life. jk jk jk jk

i will maybe publish the second "season" this week or the next.



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