America Again

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Hinata Hyuga

It took several hours just to get there and on the way I was crying because when every hour goes by my baby gets hurt. The flight attendents were trying to calm down my crying but I just could'nt stop. They eventually got the co-pilot and he offered me free coupon for 8 free trips on this exact plane. I stopped crying as the pilot sat next to me. 

When the plane landed the pilot and the co-pilot allowed me to exit the plane before anyone else could. I ran off the plane and into the airport passing everyone so quickly I didn't even stop to take a breath. I looked at the time on my phone and before I knew it, there was that phone number again. I quickly answered it

"Don't hurt my baby!!"

"No promises *laughs* stupid bitch"

"Please just don't hurt her"

"Hmmm.... I may consider"

"Oh thank you" 

"Thanks to you, now is every 30 minutes"



I start to tear up hearing those words

"Oh and let me let you hear a little thing what I call torture" 

" NO PLEASE, Listen to me. I'm in America even tho I don't want to be "

The man sighed on the other end of the phone and a sizzling noise begun "great your in America, that's a big whoppty do for you Uchiha. But listen to me.... You got exactly 3 hours to find your baby. And if you don't..." The man laughed "well then that's too bad"

"Then give me a hint please"

"I know for a fact that your not gonna save your baby in time but fine. One of The biggest park in new York. But near the crashing sounds of the rocks and kids playing, Roller coasters swaying with water dancing"

I think about it for a while then it came to me.?.. Kids playing... Crashing rocks.... Rolor coasters.... Water dancing.....  One of the "biggest parks".... It's so easy

" your at the....... "


Now this is a GAME!!!!!

Whoever can guess where the mysterious man is at, using the hints! I'll update another chapter

If no one gets it right. I will end it or possibly not update. 

Deadline= January 21st, 2016


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