Japan With An Unknown Call

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Hinata Hyuga

Just to think he was still the Sasuke I use to know and love. But I was wrong about everything I thought was right. He said he never wanted a baby in the first place but I'M hhappy with Hina in my life. Well he can go and suck it because Hina was'nt a mistake she was a mirical that happened to me.

I looked outside the window of te airplane as I continued to stroke Hina's long and beautiful midnight black hair. I finally saw the Hidden leaf village and I smiled to my self knowing I'm a million miles away from that ass wipe I use to call boyfriend. I looked at Neji and saw that he was sleeping the I looked at Hina and saw she was sleeping. I woke up Neji and his violate eyes looked into mine then he smiled at me.

"Neji, wake up we're about to land" I said softly

He streached his arms and stoked my hair "Okay"

A few minutes have past and we landed in Japan finally. I carried Hina as Neji carried the luggage and we got of the plane. As we went inside we heard a loud stomping or running or something but it was coming our way. I held Hina close to my chest then all I saw was that Neji was on the ground with a girl ontop of him hugging him. It all happened so fast that at first I didn't even see the girl.


Neji looked down just to see that girl again "Tenten, I cant breath"

"Opps, sorry" 

She got off of him as he got up and of course she hugged him again "I missed you Neji-" then she let go "So how was America"

"It was fine I guess" He said as he started picking up the luggage



As I was walking towards the car my phone started to ring uncontrollably. I took it out my pocket but I never heard this ring tone before, let alone this phone number. I pulled it up to my ear and clicked the little green phone.


"Are you Hinata Hyuga"

"M-maybe, may I ask who's c-calling me"

"No you may not, come back to America"

"No, I left for a reason"

"Well then, never see your presious baby again"

"Jokes on you because my baby is in my arms sound asleep"

"We'll see about that little miss Hyuga, We'll just see"


The mysterious man cut off the signal, and when I tried to call him back the mysterious phone number had vanished. I put the phone back in my pocket and continued to walk to the car while looking at my presious little gift. I opened the car door and straped HIna in her car seat then I walked to the passagener side and closed the door. When I looked back Hina was still sleeping.

I smiled and took out my phone again as I tried to get that phone number back. I started to hear Hina cry so I pulled up the diaper bag and started to make her a new bottle.  But when I looked back to hand it to her she was'nt in her car seat. I quickly hopped out of the car and ran over to her side seeing that the door was busted open.

Tears started to sweell up in my eyes and I fell down to my knees crying. The phone started to ring again even louder then the time before. I sped walk down to my side and I quickly answered the phone.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke, where's my baby"

"HAHAHAHAHA, I take my work very seriously Mrs. Uchiha"

"Please give me back my baby"


"Please she's all I have left"

"To bad you should of heated my warning"

"I'm sorry, please I beg of you"

"If you want your baby back you must come back to America"

"But I don't wannà go to America "

"Your baby is very pretty, to bad she gonna die"


"OH YES!!!!!"

"Please I'll do anything just please don't hurt her"

"Then come to America and the longer you take the more your precious baby gets hurt"

"I'll be there"

He laughed sending a chill down my spine then I heard a loud slap from the other end. Then I heard a loud painful cry.

" HINA!!!"

"Every hour your baby would get hurt. That one was just a warning next one would be different. I'll call you when you land"

"Just don't hurt her"

"Every hour and come alone"


He cut me off again and I quickly hung up the phone and jumped out of the car. I ran back into the airport and went back on the plane that would lead me to my baby and that basterd who is trying to hurt her. Don't worry baby mommy would be there soon "


Wow 1k people read this book and 3.5k on the first book. Thank you guys so much you made my day. Oh and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I promised I would update and I'm sorry it was late. But you guys know I love you. Please Vote and Comment and I'll try to update soon XOXO 

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