Chapter | 3

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" So It's true then? " Peytons sky blue eyes were as round as saucers, her small round head tilted slightly to the side. " It's true? " 

I looked down in my lap, staring at the blood that was forming in the palms of my hands. I dug my fingernails deeper when I heard her speak, " Yeah, It's true. " 

The sun shone brightly through the glass window next to the booth in the small ice cream shop, small puffy white clouds moved sluggishly across the pale blue sky. Small birds fluttered past the window and landed on the newly white painted bench, their brown feathers standing out like a sore thumb. 

" I found out this morning. " I forced myself to reach her blue gaze, wishing I could take back everything that had happened that night.

" Alicia. . . what about school? How did this even happen, does Darian know? Are you happy about this? " Peyton fired off questions, her hands were thrown into the air and her high ponytail flipped about. 

I felt laughter bubble in my chest but I held it down, breaking into a smile, " Slow down, slow down, I will tell you, but give me a few minutes to answer you! " 

Peyton grinned idiotically, " Right, right. So, first question, does Darian know yet? " 

I shook my head vigerously, " No, I haven't told him, and I don't even know how to tell him, do I face him in person or do I call? Text? Facetime? That's basically in person. " 

My best friend paused for a moment, taking a drink from her smoothie before answering, " Facetime is not like in person, Alicia. " She tapped her fingers on the wooden table, " I say do it in person, and do it before school starts, if you tell him during baseball season, he won't even be able to concentrate at his games. " 

I snorted and grabbed a few strands of my hair, studying them carefully, " I really hope this means more to him than his baseball career, he's going to be a father, that's a pretty damn hard pill to swallow. " 

The sun vanished behind a cloud and I shivered, the dark seemed to have cast a chilly spell on the world. Small purple flowers grew in the small patch of grass near the sidewalk, " About school? I haven't even thought about it, homeschool maybe? It depends on my mom, who has no idea what is going on. " I looked back at Peyton, my breath hitching in my throat, " My mom. I totally forgot about telling her. She's going to freak, probably kick me out. She will be so disappointed and I will be grounded until 2025." 

Peyton rested her chin on her hand, " Now, I can't help you with that one. Just know that I fully support whatever happens. " She suddenly started laughing, " And, if your mom kicks you out, you are more than welcome at my place, my parents are both never home and they won't even notice. " 

I giggled at her then took a drink from the chocolate shake I had sitting in front of me. The cold liquid slid down my throat, and I felt it hit the pit of my stomach, making me once again shiver. I felt Oscar lick my feet, letting me know that he needed to go outside. I'll admit, Oscar was pretty smart despite his dumb personality. 

" Let's start walking home, I have to tell my mom today, if I wait any longer, I'm afraid she is going to find out somehow. It's cold in here and Oscar has to go outside before he does his business inside. " I stood up from the booth and untied Oscar's leash from the metal pole holding up the table. 

Once outside, I took in my surroundings, something I always seem to do. The wind had picked up a little, blowing in dark gray clouds that swallowed up the sky. The air was damp and hot, indicating that a storm was brewing not far off. People walked down the sidewalk, entering and leaving stores, going about their days. None of them knew about her surprise, none of them knew that her world changed, none of them knew anything, and it was comforting, knowing that no one could look at her and think, look at that young knocked up stupid girl. 

I was jerked out of my trance when Peyton came up next to me, the smell of her perfume invaded my senses, " It looks like it's going to storm, we had better get home before it does. I have to go, my mom won't like it if I walk you home and then come in the house soaking wet. Let me know how everything goes with your mom, and Darian. " 

I smiled slightly and wrapped my arms around her pulling her in for a hug, " Thank you, I will text you and let you know, I promise. " 

I released her and she nodded, " Good, then I don't have to sit and worry about you getting your head chopped off. " 

She grinned and waggled her eyebrows before spinning around on her heels and walking away in the opposite direction, her ponytail flicking side-to-side. 

I tilted my head slightly, confused by her cheery attitude towards the situation. I expected her to be angry, and disappointed, and, maybe she was but she was just trying to make me feel better, instead of making me feel worse about the situation. 

I shook my head and turned around, nearly bumping into someone. I said a hasty 'sorry' and sped-walked away, not bothering to see who I had ran into. 

Oscar bounced about happily, sniffing every crack and creves on the broken sidewalk that led out of the downtown area. I raised my gaze to look at the sky, the dark gray clouds were now a black, and I could feel the wind pick up even more, sending hot waves barreling into my body, sending my hair in a frenzy. 

A young woman was pushing a stroller down the side walk, a small baby was sitting in the seat, fast asleep. The woman looked to be around twenty years old, her curly black hair laid neatly just below her shoulders, her deep brown eyes sparkled like stars. She looked happy. She was wearing a yellow shirt that was tucked into her slightly ripped skinny jeans. She had a jean jacket over top and brown two-inch heels that made her look very tall. 

As they passed I looked at the baby. He was no older than a few months, his cheeks bounced around as the stroller strode on the uneven surface, his small fingers were clutching on a small white hand-made blanket, his pacifier was hanging slightly out of his mouth. He looked so small and fragile, like he belonged in a glass case where no one could touch or break him. 

I looked up and met the woman's gaze, and she smiled warmly at me, " Cute dog! What's his name? " 

I smiled shyly back, talking to random strangers definitely wasn't my strong suit, " His name is Oscar. " I looked at the baby again, this time he was looking up at me, his bright green eyes bounced around my features, " What's his name? " 

Her smile widened and she pushed her hair back behind her ears, " His name is Oakley. " 

I looked at her again, " Oakley, that's a pretty name. " 

" Thank you! " She looked up at the sky and as she did a raindrop landed on the tip of her nose, " I had better get us out of here, it's going to storm. It was nice meeting you and Oscar! " 

I nodded in agreement, " I had better go too, It was nice meeting you and Oakley as well. "

I watched her push the stroller a few more feet before turning around. More raindrops were falling down now, it looked to be night outside, the clouds had completely drained every ounce of light from the earth. I picked up my pace, breaking into a steady jog. I could see my house from where I was, and apparently Oscar could tell as well because he broke into a run. Above me thunder rolled, the sound invaded my ears, making me throw my hands up to block them, I had never heard thunder so loud before. 

Once on the porch, I threw open the door, pushing Oscar inside quickly. Once safely inside I heard the rain pattering on the roof, and I knew I had just made it inside. 

" There you are! Where on earth have you been? You didn't even answer your phone! " My mother came into view, her mouth was turned down in a frown. 

Her hair was tied up in a very messy bun, random strands falling everywhere, framing her perfectly round face. She was wearing a yellow shirt with black shorts and an apron that was patterned with flowers of all different colors. 

" I'm sorry. " I said bluntly as I let Oscar off his leash, watching his floppy ears bounce as he ran up the stairs towards the main level. " I was busy. " 

My mother rolled her eyes at me and strutted away back into the kitchen, shaking her head dismissively, " Next time, I want to know exactly where you are going and with who, understand? " 

I hung Oscars leash on the banister and walked up the stairs slowly, taking my time. I could smell the sweet aroma of chocolate chip cookies, the scent was making my mouth water, " I understand. " 

I sat down on the wooden chair, gazing at the floor with much interest. I couldn't bring myself to look up, I could hear my heart beating in my chest, feel the blood rushing through my body. My palms were sweaty and I put my hand on my stomach to calm myself, feeling nauseous. I closed my eyes tight, focusing on the sound of the metal spoon hitting the side of the mixing bowl. 

Taking a deep breath, I said the words that have been haunting me all day, 

" I'm pregnant. " 

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