Happy Halloween 2019

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I love Halloween, I have always loved Spooky and Supernatural so it's definitely the Holiday for me.

When I was little we used to go Trick or Treating around the estate with one of the mothers.
I would always want to be a witch or a Pink PowerRanger!
Actually don't tell anyone but when was little I was the Pink PowerRanger
Shhhhh don't tell anyone!

But yes I always loved the festivities of Halloween. From dressing up, bobbing for Apples, scary stories and movies, decorations galore to make people jump and laugh with fright. It was the holiday for me!!

I didn't go to any party or dress up this year, highly unlike me too!!
As I was moving home there was just no time for it....
Hence why I'm publishing this chapter so late, teehee!!
Anyway, due to this I am definitely doing something next year. I have lots of costume ideas, I always loved to play dress-up growing up.

Lok okies you could say I was a Witch this year with that hood...

Halloween can be a controversial subject and I understand some people do not see it as the same light as me. One of the wonderful embracing things about life how different we all are with our beliefs and fears even..

The only thing I will say...No Clowns Please! I absolutely bloody hate them. I am completely petrified of them. My grandmother took me to the circus for a supirse day out when I was about six. I really enjoyed watching the acrobates and trapeze artists. Their performance really captured me and froze time completely.
After the went off the lights went all dim and ominously started darting around the stage. Slap-stick style music then began blasting from the giant speakers.

Lastly a loud claxon blared into my ears and the curtain finally opened again. Then a gang of Clown appeared all smiling and laughing at the audience and at me! I was nervous but not that bothered at their first act of jumping through hoops of all different shapes.
Once they had discarded the hoops either side of the stage, a funnel and ball was revealed to us. They started throwing the ball to get it in the funnel in ridiculous manors and ways. Then the audience where motioned to join in by the ball being given to us. I was at the front and the ball came flying towards me. I instantly caught it, but dropped my sweets all over the floor in effort.
I remember forgetting my part with the ball and shoving it under one arm whilst panicking down to the ground to receive my sweets.
The next thing I popped my head back up...
Mr Clown was stood right in front of me, bending down with his hands gesturing towards me! I gasped and looked..
All the other Clowns were watching me and laughing at me in a very creepy emotion. I screamed in fight and launched the ball straight into the man's face who was practically nose to nose with me. He screamed quite rightly in horror at my reaction and looked rather more monstrous to me then.
Everything from that point to me is a blur of greys and reds. A hazey vision of myself cowaring by a stall at the side of the Main Tent and my Grandmother relieved to find me. I remember her promising me I was safe and they were not coming. My Nanna used to wear a huge darkgreen fleece material cardigan. I loved it because it was soft and like a tent to me. I jumped as another grand applause came from audience and instantly hopped up to hide under her coat by her legs.
I remember being in the car on the way home with the fear slipping in already. Me as a child questioning even if Ronald McDonald was a nice guy...
So maybe now people can see the birth of one of my biggest fears..

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