I Will Never Stop Loving You!

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To the One I love More than Anything!
I don't know why I am writing a letter to you. Well I must know why subliminally or I would not be writing it..
You are my favourite person that I have ever met. Not only because we have have a lot of similarities but even for how different we are in some ways.
I will never forget the first time we really spoke properly! I was really fed up that night. I will always smile at how much you made me giggle that night. I was sat in my deckchair in the garage, when you came online. I'm sure you had taken a break from wattpad but you came on the other app. I was shocked by your personality, but in a good way. I'm can be rather cheeky when meeting people as it's a defense tactic I use. This normally results in me dominating the conversation. Instead I found myself stunned as you had a comeback for every little comment I had to throw during the chat. You would keep coming back at me with better jokes. We were not really flirting then either, just getting to learn about our lives past and present. Not many major details were disclosed, only the minor ones. I loved how you had the same outlook as me and similar principles. Both sharing same twisted dark humour hehe! You also embraced the two sides of my personality. That was paranormal to me! You loved this Girly full of female power who says "Anything is possible" and also the Introvert in me that suffers with No Filter who can never stay serious for long if oxygen depended on it!
I felt butterflies that night soaring round my belly as we joked. We spoke for a good four hours atleast that night. Seemed like an hour the time just went so fast!! Before you went offline, you wished me all the best and told me we would speak soon. It was about five in the morning by then. I wasn't sleeping as usual. My insomnia had never been worse. But after speaking to you, I actually fell asleep! I know that sounds really bad...but it ain't in the theory of a Non-Sleeper. It has been proven the only time an insomniac just falls asleep, is due to an emotional interaction in the brain. This Emotional interaction is connected to the parts of the brain that scans for our safety, enviroment and people who are around us. So they say having an positive interaction with just the right person, is enough to help you sleep again. Even for just that night! I remember going in the room and lying down....when I woke up it was 2pm and I felt like a different person. I was amazed! That speaking to you for such a short amount of time had done that. You had put me in such a state of relaxation, comfort and well mainly security!!
I was so smitten by you as i layed blushing and smiling myself recalling details of our conversation.
I am writing this at 2.01am...yes the Insomnia has come back with avengance lately! I don't care though as you enabled me to catch up on much-needed beauty sleep ❤❤❤❤❤

I think about you all the time Baby. You are constantly on my mind at the moment. I love you so fucking much! That love ain't even going to die. You made me feel like an actual Princess! I have fallen head over heels for you. Both of us were trying not to catch feelings, as we had very same previous encounter. Yet the more I resisted you, the deeper my crush grew. You are also one of the best listeners I ever met! Your reaction always calmed me. I didn't have to explain much either, before you got what was getting to me inside. I have spoken to so many characters in my time. All so different in traits and ticks. But you are the most alluring one for me! The way you would reassure me was like no other.....take that as you may! Hehe
No, I'm serious Baby! Somehow you really knew how to tell me that everything was going to be okay. Not just the words you used but the love you showed me. You just Loved the problems away like no other had done for me before. I know we were not in same location, but you may have well have had your arms around me. You made me finally feel like i was home where I belonged, even with the distance.
I guess one reason for writing this, is to let you know, how much of a rare, individual treasure of a man you are!
You need to know how beautiful your body and mind are. You lavished me in praise and complements like no other. I always made sure to make you feel the same in return. I have many pet names for you...i won't dare say that here though. We were always symmetrical in how mysterious and secretive we lived our lives in the eyes of the masses. We both had same humour, when presented with those pain in the ass aspects of life. Many things that's floored the average Joe, ran off our backs as if we were ducks. To us the things that terrify most into shock and horror don't even shift us! Not because we are morbid, but we are already aware and experienced in those traumas. Not so we are numb, but climactic to the situation ahead. This was when I was pinching myself even more! Is this Guy for real....he really likes me too.
Oh my you got me speechless! Not in a bad way, but you had me giddy and blushing like a schoolgirl in class. We don't say crush over here, we say I fancy...So yeah I really fancy you!!!
I need to stop now as I never will when writing about you! My FF! I miss you every fucking minute now almost! I think I have roughly one million convos and about five hundred arguments and makeups in my head with you though out the day....you always Win too you Fucker!
Please Spank me for this? if you don't like; I think that would be most suitable punishment for me from yourself Baby!
I have sang the SPAM SONG in All genres for you too! Working on a Swedish deathmetal version now!
I managed to finally finish The Blues Version of You Are My Sunshine...Its Raw! All it's missing is harmonica solo!
You are my Dream Man! That I never thought would want me for me...
I hope your safe and healthy..i bet your in my Fave Shop without me hehe I hope you are anyway. What a lovely thought for me! I would love to be hiding outside to jump out and surprise you with Hugs and Kisses and other things I wanna do!!
One day now....If luck was on our side for once...slim chance too knowing our repsheet with luck so far hehe. But you always land on your feet like me and I know your going to be amazing at your dream job! You were born to do what you want for a profession, as you have the perfect life exp for it!!
Oh my I'm still writing...I told you I could write forever about you!!
Please don't be mad by this. It's driving me absolutely mental to be without you. I wish I could be with you so bad! Just to take the dog to the park for a nice walk at the end of the day. Oh-my I could go on forever now, about all the things I wanted us to do together. There would be quite a lot I would not put on here though...
I will forever be Your Princess! You have the best names for me ever! Make me melt amongst other things...
We were up to four B's! BBBB~♡
I wonder what others you would have found to add, Uggghhh...I love your Voice so much, I'm sure I mentioned how much I loved it. Also the way you would start the call! Such a Gentleman always!!

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