☆ Ten ☆

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I've been Listening to undertale music all day, I have a problem...I swear its just too Good... Also, it's like 11 pm and I don't give a shit, this may be published after midnight...

Gray stayed silent as Natsu and he walked back to Natsu's house. Their house? He didn't know what to call it. Gray didn't know how long he would be living with Natsu, Or if he would ever move out. So far it hasn't been bad...  per se, just different. Gray was used to loud street noises, Having to do everything himself, and just generally not having anyone around.

Gray knew Natsu slept in a bed, he had seen it. Gray didn't know why, but subconsciously he remembered the fact that Natsu slept on the right side of his bed whilst Gray slept on the Left. A warm and tingly feeling encased him as he thought about it. Gray had the sudden urge to hug Natsu and bury his face in his hair.

Gray froze in his tracks, his eyes wide. A sudden thought had hit him, but he shook his head and the thought away with it. Gray glued his eyes to ground his face dusted pink.

Natsu hadn't noticed when Gray stopped for the split second, but he did notice, is that Gray was keeping his eyes on the ground and was looking everywhere but Natsu. Natsu grabbed Gray's shoulder and pulled him faster down a few houses and onto the front porch of his own house. 

"You alright, man?" Natsu asked concern lacing his words.

"I'm fine." Gray lied through his teeth, "Seriously." 

"Riiight, And I'm a blue cat." Natsu rolled his eyes and unlocked the door, "Ladies first, Ice Princess. "  

"Thank- HEY!" Gray realized what Natsu had said.

"Pff, just get in." Natsu pushed him in enough so he could get in and close the door behind him, "So ya liar, what's on your mind?" 

"I'm not a liar." Gray was surprised Natsu had seen through his lie and tried his best to Stall. He needed to stall, he wasn't sure how to word his question.

"Well, you just lied a minute ago, so spill." Natsu sat on the couch and put his feet on the coffee table.

"I...Uhm..."Gray made a lousy excuse and said he needed to use the bathroom.

"Um... You just went like five minutes ago in the cafe... You sure your not stalling?" Natsu didn' t chase Gray as he ran up to the bathroom, but he did speak loud enough for Gray to hear him.

Gray locked himself in the bathroom, He had heard Natsu's reply. He calmed himself and regained his composure. 

Just tell him the truth, That your questioning your sexuality. Simply don't mention that he is the reason that your questioning it, that's all! He's nothing more to you than your best friend and housemate. I'm sure whatever what I'm feeling towards Natsu will go away in a couple days...I'm sure the urge to hug him was because he's a good hugger. About the urge to bury my face in his hair was because it's soft and Fluffy and It smells like pomegranates.

Gray sighed, his inner monologue was right. He just needed to be vague. Those excuses made total sense to himself. He convinced himself of it. It wasn't the first time he had done this. Gray wasn't afraid of being LGBT if that's what your thinking, In fact, He was fairly sure that he was LGBT. Gray was afraid of romantic emotions just in general, He always ran away from them or denied them. Gray wasn't the best when it came to handling emotions. He was always afraid of wrecking a friendship or his emotions not being real. So, he ran away from them. He was never taught how to deal with emotions, like a certain fire dragon slayer.

Gray unlocked the bathroom door and sat next to Natsu, "I was stalling because I needed to figure my wording." 

"Alright. Spill then." Natsu sipped a cup full of fire.

"I was er, questioning my sexuality." Gray wondered where Natsu got the fire since he can't consume his own fire. 

Natsu's eyebrows shot up, that wasn't what he was expecting in the slightest, Natsu thought Gray was like 1000% sure of his sexuality.

"Care to explain more, That's not what I was expecting." Natsu downed his cup of fire, that he had produced from some matches, so he could consume it. If he says he doesn't want to talk about it, I'm going to be so embarrassed! 

"Sure.." Gray rubbed the back of his neck feeling awkward, "I've liked girls in the past n stuff. I think I like this boy-"


Natsu didn't know why but he felt slightly irritated at the mention of his previous crushes but didn't show it,  "Okay..sound like your either Bisexual, Pansexual, or polysexual. Bisexual is when you like two genders, Pan is when you don't give a dam about gender at all, and Poly is when you like more than two genders but not all genders."

"Wait, I thought Poly was like a three-way relationship?" You could say that Gray was confused in more than one way.

"That's Poly-amorous, not the same thing as Poly-sexual. If your still confused use Google, I'm not a dictionary." Natsu sighed, "So do you think your Bi or something?" 

"That's why I'm asking you, dumbass," Gray grumbled, "You figured out that your Gay." 

"That's a little bit different, I've always been..uh...not into the idea of dating girls, then I um, started finding guys really uh desirable. Plus I can't tell you what you like. What I'm saying is just suggestions based on what you said.  Plus I've only liked one gender, so that's more narrow than liking two or more genders." Natsu shifted in his spot on the couch, "Plus, don't call me dumbass, Elsa." 

"Whatever, don't call me Elsa. I've only really liked girls and boys so Bisexual then?"  Gray felt the tension rising and decided to end the conversation, sexuality wasn't always the easiest thing to talk about. Especially for Natsu who never really talks about it due to 'Bad Experiences a long time ago'.

"Then you just answered your own question." Natsu tilted his head as he smiled.

"RIghT." Gray's voice cracked when Natsu smiled. Gray cleared his throat and looked away from Natsu.

Natsu snorted, "Nice voice crack."

Gray didn't reply and the air was filled with awkward silence, the tension slowly rising.

"Can I see that gold Happy mentioned?" Gray made an attempt to break the silence.

"Yeah sure, take some if you want, I have a little problem with it I swear." Natsu grinned again and ran up the stairs and into his bedroom, Gray followed not that far behind.

Natsu pulled out a sack from under his bed and low and behold, Happy was right. Precious gems, Gold, Crowns, Tiaras, Golden everything. Gold coins (lots of those), necklaces, rings, headpieces, earrings, ear cuffs, and even an empty golden sword hilt. Everything was solid, nothing was plated. There were even Silver and bronze items as well. Something deep within the bag caught Gray's attention, it looked like a ruby locket.

"Why?" Gray referred to the whole bag, why did he have it? Why did he need it? Why so much? Why is there a sword hilt with no sword? Why is there crowns? Where did he get all this?

"Impulse. I'm pretty protective of it, so just take some dammit. I don't offer that to just anyone. It like you and stripping, I can't control it. Take some stuff." Natsu held the bag out to Gray.

That bag must weigh a lot, I can't take much...I'll just take a coin or two. Gray reached in and took two gold coins, "I don't want to take a lot, It is yours." 

"Oh, you sure? I have two crowns I could give you one if you wanted. No jewelry?" Natsu didn't really have a use for all of this gold, nor did he want to just throw it out.

"I'm sure, but can I just look at something?" Gray saw the ruby locket appear in the bag.

"Sure." Natsu felt embarrassed, He was offering things to gray that he wouldn't give anyone else, let alone the option. He had offered Gray one of his two king crowns.  He was given those by Igneel, who had told Natsu to keep one and give one away. Natsu didn't know why he offered it to Gray but it was nerve-racking doing so, a lot of this stuff was given to him by Igneel. 

Igneel was king of the fire dragons, Natsu never told anyone that but somehow, Wendy and Gajeel had figured that out. Igneel and Natsu had even ransacked old castles together and took their gold, And ever since he was left by Igneel who disappeared, He bought a lot of gold. He couldn't control it, he became protective of it. Soon it became a hoarding problem. Natsu hadn't mentioned something else to Gray, having and hoarding the gold made Natsu feel like a small part of Igneel was still with him.

Gray pulled out the small red locket and Natsu's heart ached at the sight. Natsu wondered why that of all things made Gray curious. It was a small red heartshaped locket made out of rubies. Gold lines made the heart geometrical, the locket itself was silver but the chain was gold. The little latch on the side held a small button, Natsu knew if you pressed that button the locket would use magic and play a lullaby.
Gray opened the locket, inside were two pictures one of Natsu and Igneel the other of a Family of three along with a black cat. The picture of the family was yellowed with age, while the one of Igneel was protected by magic.

Gray closed the locket and handed it back to Natsu, "I'm sorry, That was personal wasn't it." 

"It's alright," Natsu laid face down on his pillow, his heart heavy with bottled up emotions and memories surfacing. If Natsu had an emotional high right now due to his cyclothymia, which he felt coming, he might start crying. "Press the button." 

Gray was hesitant, Gray saw Natu's mood and expressions changed, and not in a good way. Gray carefully pressed the button and a melody in a language Gray didn't understand. Gray sat down on Natsu's bed. 
Gray might not understand it, but it sounded like a lullaby or a calming song, The language itself was rather beautiful. In something like French, Russian, Italian, and hissing were combined made that language.

Gray felt arms hug Gray from behind, It was Natsu. Natsu placed his forehead the back of his neck. Gray couldn't feel it, but He heard Natsu crying quietly. Gray turned around and hugged the smaller boy.

Gray could sympathize, he had times like this as well. Such as when he thinks about Ur too much, his walls start to break down, and He would cry. Crying may be seen as weak, but to Gray, it was more of showing someone your vulnerabilities and trusting them because you been strong for too long and you couldn't keep things bottled up.

Both Gray and Natsu keep feelings bottled up, whether its feeling abandoned or alone in the world, they would normally keep it to their selves. Of course, they rack up over time and that bottle bursts. Whether into anger or sadness or something else, Gray always knew he could go to Natsu for help, and Natsu goes to Gray. Whether it be fighting it out, hugging or the ever rare and reclusive talking about it.  They hated talking about emotions, it was against their nature, But it has happened from time to time. They weren't exactly the gushy type. 

Natsu silently hugged Gray, Gray hugging him back. 
Natsu spoke up, his voice hoarse and shakey "Hey, gimme the bag ice princess. I want to show you something." 

"Sure." Gray didn't even complain about the nickname.

Natsu dug into the bottom of the bag and pulled out another necklace and a ring, Natsu grabbed the locket and held all three up, "These are things I've had the longest. Even longer than my scarf." 

In addition to the heart locket, Natsu held another necklace; it had a silver chain with a gemstone dragon as the main charm on it, but it held other charms too. There was a tiny flame in gold and bronze, a small snowflake in silver, a black cat, The cancer symbol with vines wrapped around it, and lastly a bronze and gold phoenix. 

"Why is there a snowflake?" Gray asked in confusion, it seemed out of place compared to the rest.

"Because when I met you, I added it." Natsu smiled at him.


"Your dear to me. Your closest to me. Now shut up about the dam snowflake and stop that pudding face." Natsu adverted his eyes, but he saw Gray with the cheesiest pudding face.

"Alright alright. What about the others?" Gray kept grinning, hearing Natsu day that made him smile, His chest felt light and he could honestly hug Natsu like a teddy bear right now.

"Well as you saw in the picture, I used to have a black cat named Widow, and My zodiac sign is Cancer and it has vines because of my birthdad, he could wield Nature. The Phoenix is well on my magic circle, Flame should be obvious, and the dragon well that should be obvious too, though the dragon one is magic. It lets me do things like listen to dragon fairy tales whenever in Igneels voice or lets me relive memories." Natsu explained each charm on his necklace.

"That's really cool!" Gray kept smiling as Natsu explained.

"The ring is also magic, it lets me perform a certain spell." Natsu shrugged holding up the ring, it was solid gold, not too thick but not feminine. It was flat all around, It looked like the Invisibility ring from lord of the rings, except it had engravings in what Gray assumed a dragon language, In addition, there were rubies on the top of the ring.

"Wow," Gray commented, Natsu seems to have calmed down from earlier which was good because Gray was getting tired.

Natsu put all three items back into the bag and shoved it under his bed, yawning.

"I think we should get some sleep." Gray yawned in response, Yawns were contagious you know.

"I suppose." Natsu started changing after Gray had left the room to go to his own. 

Gray had a lot to think on regarding Natsu.

2448 words, smh longest thing I've ever written, ENJOY IT it won't be a thing long again like ever. Plus I'm tired and it's 2:30 am.  that's 4 and a half hours boi. I stared at like 11 05 and now it's 2 37. It's 2019 now bitches.

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