Why Me?

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I really hate Casey. She knew what she did to me when she signed me up for this. She knew I would not be cool with it, which is probably why she didn't tell me anything about it.

All I knew was we would not be returning home for at least a week, which made me question why I just bought all that junk when I wasn't going to be able to use it.

I packed two bags. When Casey saw this, she gave me shit and packed another two bags. I do not know what she put in them. She didn't let me see. We were currently sitting in an office where I was supposed to be meeting the boss, or the producer, as I was told to call him.

He was late, like twenty minutes late, which I was told is usual. If he liked you, he would show up within a half hour of said meet time.

My guess everyone in show business are ego maniacs.

I've been here for about two hours and all I heard was how the producer was a huge pain in the ass. I was nervous. Why does he want to meet with me? I am just a lowly assistant.

Really, I am an assistant to an assistant. I don't need any of this.

The door busted open and in came a strikingly handsome man. Well, he was handsome from across the room. As he approached me, I noticed his features carried a hint of falseness, and he wasn't so handsome up close. He was tall, had dark hair with a reddish hue, and dark eyes, a perfectly tailored suit that just so happens to be black with accents of red.

He screamed don't mess with me. With every move, he made he had an air around him. If he wanted it, he got it. He tried to smile at me reassuringly

I was not reassured, not even the slightest.

All he accomplished with that was making my heart rate spike. He nodded at Casey and unbuttoned his jacket and sat down right across from me.

I squirmed in my seat, something about him made my skin crawl. Something kept nagging me. Not really sure why, he seems pretty nice, but he hasn't opened his mouth yet.

"Hello, Miss. Baxter, I have heard quite a bit about you. I can only hope you have heard as many nice things about me as I have you." He stated with a brilliant smile, his voice like honey pouring over ice.

He stretches his hand across the table for me to shake, which I do, somewhat weakly. I have never shaken as many hands as I have today.

In an attempt to be pleasant, I smile at him.  He held my hand for a moment that felt too long, but I didn't want to come off rude.

 Reminding myself, I really needed a job, even if it is on a TV show that went around searching for evidence of ghosts. Yup, you heard me, ghosts. And the best part was the name of the show.

Do Ghosts Exist? I had done my best not to giggle like a mad woman when they told me the name. It was ridiculous!

Okay, maybe it was the idea that people actually watched ghost hunting shows that made me laugh.

I got lost in thought and was startled to realize that I can't remember his name was staring at me. Clearing my throat as I racked my brain for what he had said to me last.

"Well, of course, I have heard about you, it is a pleasure to meet you finally. Don't worry it has all been nice things." I added kind of hastily, I didn't want to get Casey in trouble, indirectly.

He started to chuckle. I could feel my bewilderment on my face. Glancing at Casey trying to ask did I say something funny? She slightly shook her head. He does his best to stifle himself, seeing my confused face. He leaned back into his chair as he stared at me.

"I am assuming you have been told a bit about our show here." It wasn't really a question, more like he was just telling me. I nodded a bit hesitantly.

"We are making a spin-off of our original show. The new show will follow around our very own paranormal investigators and will be called Paranormal Hunting. It will showcase Our Grey Lady Research Society." He frowns slightly at the name.

"Our lead investigator, Xander, named the show. Maybe you will be able to change his mind, now that you are his co-star." He didn't even realize the bombshell he just dropped on me. I stole a glance at Casey; she was doing her best to not laugh at my face.

I did not know whether to be pissed or curious, I think I am in shock. Why would I be curious? No, I want no part of this. I don't want to be on TV where people will see me. My thoughts must be showing on my face because Mr. Producer guy leans forward and pats my arm.

"What do you mean I will co-star? I thought I was going to be an assistant? What are you talking about?" The questions poured from my mother, I desperately wished I could take them. I noticed he had puckered up a little, losing more of his "appeal". I quickly added sir to the end of my sentence, didn't want to piss off the boss my first, and very possible last day.

A funny feeling started to grow in the back of my head and pit of my stomach. My hands began feeling like they were plunging in ice water.

Oh, just great.

Right when I'm in the middle of one of the most stressful times of my life, some freaking spirit decides it's a good time to put in and say hi?! I am completely screaming at myself in my mind and nobody's the wiser.

They have started talking amongst themselves, and I am still waiting for my answer. As if reading my mind Producer guy looks at me, and he smiles which actually doesn't look too bad on him. At least at this moment of time.

The spirit must have sat down behind me or something. I could feel but not see it. Ghosts are dicks. A small chuckle escaped my lips, Producer dude thought it was because of him and his smile. I almost laughed again. 

"You are the crew's newest addition. You are going to be the psychic on our show and help the guys prove that ghosts exist and hauntings do happen. The guys should be by at some point today, all I need is you to sign some papers, and we can get the ball rolling." With that, he slides some papers with a pen laying on them across the table to me. Reading them, I notice there are two copies. I am assuming one is for me to keep. My guess is, so I can read and study them.

The papers contain a list of policies which by signing them I agree to follow.  Then there are requirements that I must also follow. I realize I am signing a contract with them to star on their show. It states that I must be available to the company and the show at any given moment with or without notice.

Among a bunch of other shit, I do not understand, hopefully, Casey can send a copy to her dad to read over for me. I am a little frightened to sign this at first glance, but I really don't want to be stuck in a hotel room by myself for the next week while Cas is out filming or whatever.

I sign the contract, feeling like I just sold my soul to the devil. Hoping; more like praying, for the contrary. I gave James, I learned his name from the contract, the first copy of the paperwork.

I gave a quick glance to Casey, hopefully conveying the message that she was in deep shit because I was well over my head right now, and she could have given me a little heads up.

Again, the screaming started in my head, this time directed at Casey who was smiling as she talked to James.  Unknowing I was cursing her out six ways to Sunday. Before I knew what was happening, I was being tugged on by Casey.

I glanced at James, and he was looking at me as if he was done with me and I should have left already. I smiled briefly at him. Allowing Casey to lead me all through the building. About halfway through I had the bright idea to make sure I had everything, and by God I did.

Casey was rattling off about nonsense when my brain snapped and caught up to me. I may have lost my shit with Casey. But in my defense, I just got released from a mental institute that was a fucking hellhole. All because my parents found out I was psychic and I lied my ass off to get out of the said hellhole.

Lying by saying I wasn't psychic now she wanted me to go on TV and announce to the whole wide world that I was, in fact, a psychic. She had to be crazy. Point blank, this broad was batty. I made sure to tell her all these things in the middle of our workplace in the middle of a -thankfully vacant- hallway.

Casey was so caught off guard she let me yell at her. When I finally quieted down, she calmly looked me in the eye and told me I had to own what I was or it would consume me and own me.

I took that shit to heart, I really did.

That stopped up short and gave me something to think about later on. I apologized and we continued on. She told me I was to meet the crew, not right away as they were busy editing things from the last "field" work.

That went left really fast for her, huh? 😭😭 I almost feel bad for doing it to her.  Not really, it's for a reason.

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