Maybe, Hell Wasn't Bad

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Whoever said shopping was fun, must have never been shopping with Casey. Especially when she was in a rush. First, we went to the Supermart, then Bull's Eye, then some mom and pops shops, and a few other dollar stores.

Her trunk and her back seat were mostly filled. I am not sure what all we got. This was before she made me go to some fashion stores and buy myself clothes, she wanted me to buy all these flashy things. 

Kind of made her mad when I told her none of that looked like me, I bought some pretty flowy like tops, some jeans, shorts, three pairs of shoes, and endless amounts of socks, panties, and bras.

Not to mention what make-up Casey swore I needed, and she would eventually get around to teaching me how to apply it. After making me run the shopathon with Casey this morning/afternoon, she treated me to lunch and ice cream. This new Casey wasn't all too bad once you got used to her in your face attitude.

Once we got home, we piled everything into my room. We started putting things on my bed, by the time we were done we filled the space between my bed and door.

Holy shit, this was going to take me forever to go through and organize.

 "Casey, what in the hell did we buy? At least you gave me something to do while you are gone. This is going to take a week to go through." I started yelling but ended more muttering to myself than anything. I hustled my way to the living room.

Leaving my room for another time.

Right now, I want to watch a movie about a theme park with dinosaurs or something like that. Casey makes it very hard to watch anything as she is running around the house asking for things that are in her hands.

How does she assist anyone when she can't even pack for herself?

Right at the best part of the movie, she comes and blocks my view with her bags in her hand.

"Ok Theresa, I have left you a list with every phone number you will need to get a hold of me, and Dr. Maria; they both should be in your phone already. I also put all your medicine on the counter next to the list. You know where everything is if you need help or want to talk, text or call me." She gives me an awkward hug then she is out the door.

I instantly feel her absence, I hate being alone. On impulse, I text my brothers and Lee, after all, they are the only people I know. My movie finishes ignored, I start pacing the room.

I have no idea why I am acting this way, I spent most of my life alone. Why should it start bothering me now? I head to my room, resigned to start attacking the sheer amount of shit that I have placed there.

Hours later and several hundred plastic bags later I had everything a girl could want, seriously. I had more make-up than I think anyone girl needed. I had at least three sets of sheets, and several blankets, three pillows, a decent pile of books, movies, and CDs which Casey made fun of me for that, I got a radio, a TV, a DVD player, a stand for all the stuff to go on. Somehow, I managed to get a lamp, a weird mushroom chair. Pondering how I got they even fit in the car, I moved on.

Why I got a couple of posters I couldn't tell you, I got maybe a crazy amount of perfumes, body wash, and other hygiene products. I got things I didn't even know what it was for. I think I bought some things just to say I had them or maybe it was to know I had them. Who knows, who cares. I made a list of things I needed now, I had the growing feeling Casey was starting to rub off on me.

Now that my room was unpacked and straightened up, I looked at the clock at realized it was only 9:27 PM.

No way.

I felt like it was midnight at least, I headed to the living room intending to straighten it up along with the kitchen. There wasn't a lot to do by the time I finished.

It was barely after ten.

I decided to clean the bathroom which was bare minimal work. I went on to vacuum and mop the entire house, once I was convinced the floors were clean enough, I sat on the couch. My stomach rumbled at me to inform me I was hungry.

As I was cooking, the image of my father sitting next to me on couch kept playing in my mind. He did not look like I remembered him, the version I saw today was much older, his once medium brown hair was grayish white, he had wrinkles around his eyes and mouth as if he laughed a lot. I shook my head. I could not believe it was him, as far as I knew my papa was still alive.

Focusing on the grilled cheese, I was making.  Mainly because I am lazy also because I don't know how to make anything else. Besides oatmeal, which I will never touch again.

I put my sandwich on my plate right when it was the perfect color on both sides. As I turned I came face to face with my father, yet again.

Again, I screamed but this time I dropped my sandwich to which my papa laughed at me.

"Theresa, you were always funnier than your brothers." He smiled at me as I stare mouth gaping at him. The man who left me because he thought I was possessed by demons, I was his child, and he abandoned me.

How dare he show up now and laugh at me? I got pissed and picked up my sandwich dusted it off and ate it anyway.

No one was here to judge me.

I choose to ignore Papa as he ignored me. That proved harder than I thought when he followed me all through the house where ever I went, it did not matter he was there. I gave up on sleep when I opened my eyes and he was inches from my face. My guess is he wanted to talk to me.

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee. Coffee helps everything so, maybe, it will help me in facing my papa.

My papa, who I didn't know was dead until he appeared in my living room this afternoon. Why hadn't my brothers told me he died? Did they not know? Multiple questions popped into my mind while Papa and I waited for the coffee to brew. He must have known what I was waiting for because as soon as I sat down and took my first sip, he started talking. I didn't catch everything because he said it all so fast

"....and I am sorry, I treated you wrong. Your mama made me see that but by that time you were already an adult I figured you didn't want to see us because you never came to see us or wrote or called or anything really. I didn't blame you, but it broke your mama's heart she never forgave me and well neither did I. I just wanted you to be cared for and not have to live with others or myself judging you." Then he just stares at me, he doesn't know what happened to me, it appears he thought what he did was for the best. I just nod not sure of what to say.

"I love you, Terry, I always have and always will. Go see your mama before it's too late. Just know I was always thinking of you and looking for you."

"I love you too papa and I will," I say before I realize it. With that papa disappears, after I finish my coffee I lay down and am asleep before I know it.

The days crept by until Casey returns, I got on the computer not really knowing what to do on it. I googled some things, played some games, got tired of it. Watched some movies, then some cable TV when that got boring I read some. Didn't really care for any of the books I got, so I opted to play with my hair and makeup. 

Every once in a while my phone would ring and I would rush around trying to find it, all the while hoping I got to it in time. Finally, Casey called and said she would be there within an hour, so I grabbed a random movie popped it into the DVD player and snuggled on the couch with one of my blankets.

I hadn't really allowed myself to think about what my dad said, I didn't want to think that they regretted what they did to me. I also was avoiding the whole my papa was dead, thing, while I was at it.

My need to be mad at them, and hate them was still there. It was halfhearted though. I missed my mama more than anything in this world. I dug in my pocket for my phone, scrolled until I got to Matt's name and sent him a message. Working the courage up to ask about our mother. 

Casey busted in the house and was hugging me before I could say hello. Not giving me the chance to see if I got any responses.

"I have great news!" She all but yelled at me while dancing in one spot. My face twisted into confusion, which I am guessing she took as a sign to continue on.

"My boss said he would love to hire you as an assistant and I kinda hinted that you, you know talk to the dead. He wants you to start on our next project." When she finishes she looks so proud and happy, I do my best to hide my grimace. I know she's an assistant to a TV show crew but I know nothing about the TV show. So, it doesn't make much sense that they would care if I am psychic as Casey told me it's called.

I have a bad feeling about this, mainly for the twinkle in Casey's eye. She has something planned, something up her sleeve. This woman is going to be the death of me, I know it.

"That's great," I say with as much appreciation as I could muster. Must have been enough because she starts putting her things away and has left me to my thoughts. My brain scrambled in an attempt to come up with a defense for this. I was struggling.

Finally, I accepted my fate. My main thought is what have I gotten myself into, maybe Hell wasn't so bad after all.

Hope you didn't think I was really going to send her back 😂 that would just be cruel and unusual. What has Casey got her into now?

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