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"Are you sure that you'll go home now, Jimin? Is there something wrong?" Yoongi asked, looking worried as Jimin looked at him as if he's panicking inside.

The younger shook his head and wrote hastily on the piece of sticky note that he found in his pocket. It's a good thing that he kept some extra. Of course, he always had extra notes with him if ever he needs it for emergency purposes. 

"I need to go home. Right now. And I can go home alone." Yoongi managed to read Jimin's messy handwriting that used to be so clean and neat. 

A defeated sigh escaped the older's lips as he nods his head, "Alright. Uhm, do you have a phone or something.. so that I can still communicate with you and I won't end up worrying too much."

Jimin hesitated at first but he wrote at the space left of the sticky note.

"Okay, just text me. Here's my number: ****-****-***."

Yoongi smiled a bit when he finally got the younger's number, feeling a little bit of accomplishment. He thought that the younger isn't using a phone since he haven't seen him using any ever since he saw him at their shop — the only items that he is always bringing are his notes, pen, and a journal that looks like an old book. 

"Okay then, take care on your way home. I'll send a text right away."

They bid their goodbyes and it doesn't take long until Jimin reached the bus stop. The timing was just about right since he can see the next bus coming through. 

As the usual, he took the seat on the last row where there aren't that much of people. He doesn't like to be in the middle of a crowd. He looked outside of the mirror and he cannot wait to go home. There is a sudden feeling inside of him that makes him so nervous.

He wants to go home.

He wants to see his mom.

He badly needs his mom.

The bus reached his stop and he immediately rush off the bus before walking so fast that seems like running towards his house. It is noon time and he is assuming that his father isn't home since he's probably out for work or something which makes him feel relieved.

Once he entered his small abode, the smell of cinnamon coming from the kitchen calmed him down a little bit.

"Jimin? Is that you?" His mother called out when the door made a sound the time he shut it.

He runs to the kitchen and hugs his mom tight immediately. His mom pulled back and looked at him with such concern in her eyes. She can see the emotions that are inside his eyes but there is one that is so dominant and clear which is fear. 

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Jimin tried his best to surpass the panic attack that is about to come as he breathes slowly and deeper. His mom held his shoulder and motioned for him to continue on breathing slower — she already knew what is  about to come.

He used to have episodes but she's hoping that he won't have it today again. 

"There, there. Breathe, sweetie." His mom said, voice laced with worry.

Jimin closed his eyes and took a final deep breathe before he started to use hand signals to explain. It was short but he knew that it was enough to put his mom in shock. 

"Mom. I spoke."

"What," His mom gasped just like what he expected, "What.. did you say? W-when?" 

"Remember the friend that I am talking about, mom?" 

His mom nods her head, clearly remembering the day where Jimin happily told her that he made a friend and she was so happy about it until now. She's already used in hearing stuff about that guy since Jimin tends to talk about him... a lot. 

Jimin took it as a chance to continue, "I stayed at his place last night and he was so nice, mom. Even his family is so kind. I never expected that they'll still treat me normally despite of my state. When we were about to sleep, I feel like saying something out loud. Which I did. But it scares me mom, it scares me so much."

Mrs. Park took his hands and squeeze it gently. She understands why, it's been really awhile since the last time he spoke - he's clearly afraid of himself now since he kind of forgot the fact that he actually know how to speak. 

"Sweetie, I understand how you are feeling right now. But to tell you the truth.. I am so, so happy of what you did. I am so proud of you, my son. You did it! We talked about this before right?" She looked at her son dearingly who is currently listening to her attentively.

Jimin nods his head lightly and Mrs. Park continue to speak.

"I told you before that you shouldn't be afraid. Don't be afraid of hearing your own voice. I know that you still have that sweet voice, my dear." She smiled softly, rubbing Jimin's cheek gently.

"Now if you don't mind and if you think you can, can you let your mother hear your voice again?"

Jimin felt baffled for a second but felt at ease when his mother gave him a soft squeeze on his shoulder as if she's telling him that it's alright. 

He told himself that he can do this and there's nothing to be afraid of. The person in front of him is the most important person in his life which is his mother. So, why should he think twice of letting his mom hear his voice again after a long time? 

The younger took a deep breath and mustered all of his courage, "H-hi, mom." 

His voice came out hoarse and quiet but it was enough for the two of them to hear. His mom was completely speechless and she was on the verge of tears. Before he speaks again and ask why, he was engulfed into a warm and soothing hug. He can feel that his sleeve is getting wet because of the tears of his mom. 

He pulled back and looked at his mom, feeling bewildered, as he wipes off the tears using his thumb. 

"M-mom, why are you c-crying? there so-something wrong?" He managed to ask even though he's still struggling. 

His mom shook his head and a wide smile appeared on her face, "I am just so happy. I am very glad that I can finally hear your voice again. I missed hearing you. This is just so wonderful." 

Another hug was given until the both of them settled in the dining room as they talked even though Jimin is still struggling with some words and pronounciations, his mom is always correcting him and saying it's alright while the big smile is on her blooming face. 

This is the first time in a long time ever since he saw his mom smiling so bright. Even though there are dark circles present, he can still clearly see the sparkle within those eyes. 

"Is Yoongi free for today?" His mom asked out suddenly which made him startled a bit but he shook his head. 

He shrugs afterwards, "I'm not su..sure mom. He is currently wo-working at the shop right now." 

"Ah," His mom exclaimed as she stands up, "I baked some cinnamon buns and I think it's a good thing I made a lot. Why don't you give some to him and invite him for dinner?" 

Jimin's eyes widen when his mom said that. Dinner? At his place? What about his father? This is not a good idea at all. As if his mom can see what's going on his mind, she gives him a reassuring smile and pat his cheek lightly. 

"If you're thinking about your father, don't worry. He told me that he'll be out for two days since he'll be having something at his business which is probably an outing. But isn't it a good news, dear?" She smiled wider and Jimin smiled back, giving her a small nod. 

"Now now," She added as she handed him a small white box with handle that holds the buns inside, "Go to him, give him this, and tell him that I'll prepare some dinner tonight for us." 

And that's why Jimin is now walking towards the shop that he is very familiar with — the shop where he spend most of his time without regretting and probably where someone very important is working. There's a smile on his face and he seems glowing, skipping happily with the box in his hands. 

"Oh, Jimin! Yoongi! Someone's here!" Hoseok called out once he saw the younger enter the shop resulting for a mint haired guy to tumble down on the floor because of rushing to go out of the kitchen. 

Hoseok laughed loudly as he shook his head amusingly, "Mhm. Someone is very eager to see someone, eh?" 

"Shut up, dumbass. Go back to the counter." Yoongi rolled his eyes as he straighten out his shirt that became kind of wrinkled when he slumped down on the floor. 

Jimin cannot help but to let out a quiet chuckle because of the scene in front of him. Yoongi flashed a gummy smile as he approached Jimin. The younger smiled back and his cheeks flushed again which happens every time the older will come closer to him. 

"I never thought you'll drop by today. I wasn't expecting to see you today since you were in hurry recently to go home." Yoongi said and there's a clear hint of sadness in his voice even though he is still smiling. 

"H-hyung, my wa-wanted to give you t-this." Jimin said and handed him the small white box which made Yoongi widen his eyes in surprise — not just because of the mention of his mom, also because he heard his voice again. 

"Your voice..." Yoongi trailed off, "is so beautiful, Jimin." 

The younger can't help but to blush at his compliment. He isn't used to compliments and hearing it from Yoongi makes him feel extra shy. Yoongi noticed his flushed cheeks which made him laugh a bit and ruffle his hair. 

"Tell your mom that I said thanks and this is very much appreciated. I'll pay her once I got my salary for this." Yoongi said. 

Jimin immediately shook his head in disagreement, "N-no. Keep it, my mo.. mom wants to g-give it to you and she i-is gonna prepare d-dinner for us tonight." 

"A dinner?" Yoongi looked so shocked at what he just heard, "That would be very nice but is it okay if you'll wait for me until my shift ended?" 

"S-sure!" Jimin exclaimed while nodding his head eagerly, making his cherry blossom colored hair bounce. 

Time passed by rather quickly and the both of them are making their way to the Park's household which made Yoongi feel a little bit giddy and nervous at the same time. The fact that Jimin's mother invited him for dinner still doesn't sink inside of his system. 

The both of them are quiet as they walk but it is not awkward at all. 

"I-I'm sorry, our house isn't t-that big." Jimin apologized when they made their way to their porch.

"No no," Yoongi protested, "It's fine! Don't worry too much about it."

Jimin opened the door and a delicious smell of cooking welcomed the both of them. Yoongi wandered his eyes around the house, the rustiness and oldness of some stuff are very present but he doesn't mind at all. 

"Jimin is that— oh! I was just expecting for the both of you to arrive. It's dinner time already!" 

Yoongi smiled at the lady in front of her that seems to be like Jimin's mother because of their comparison. They both have the same eyes, lips, and skin. Yoongi can't help but to smile as he observed his mother who is wearing a pale floral dress, red apron, with ribbon in her hair. 

"Jimin dear, can you help me and prepare the plates already?" Jimin's mom said which made the younger rushed to the dining room and prepare the plates along with the cooked meals. 

Mrs. Park removed his apron and hooked it at the rack beside the refrigirator before making her way to Yoongi who is just quietly standing in the middle of the living room. She gave him a big smile which the mint haired one gave back with a bow. 

"It's nice meeting you, Mrs. Park. Thank you for inviting me for dinner. I'm Min Yoongi." Yoongi introduced himself but Mrs. Park just shook her head and gave him a pat on his shoulder. 

"No need to introduce yourself, I know your name very well since Jimin talks about you a lot." 

And now, it is Yoongi's turn for his cheeks to be flushed. 


guess who is back from the dead? :-) it's your hoe, trashyung. i'm sorry for  not updating for a month, here i offer a long chapter. BUT thank you very much for the 11.2k reads which i didn't expect- I LOVE YOU MY ANGELS.  comment your thoughts since i always read comments to motivate me. i am currently typing the next chapter, it'll be a very important one since... oops no to spoiling. :-) 

not yet proofread.

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