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"Mr. Min Yoongi, get out of my class. I do not entertain sleeping students in my class. Get out!"

Yoongi jumped out from his chair in shock after hearing his teacher. Basically, all of his classmates are looking at him but as if he gives a damn.

An annoyed, low groan escaped his lips as he gets his backpack and make his way out of the classroom. The teacher slammed the door closed and he was completely sent out of the class.

"Stupid Yoongi," He slapped his own forehead as he blamed himself, "Now how are you gonna catch up with the lessons?"

Yoongi promised himself that he will catch up the lessons he missed due to ditching class, just to save his scholarship.

His skipping class adventures reached the principal resulting for him to get called by the superior and said that if he fail his class, his scholarship will be gone.

Catching up lessons is actually not hard for him.

But Physics is really hard and that's one of the class he mostly skip since the teacher is not that friendly.

Yoongi slumped down the floor and continue to blame himself.

"Hyung, are you okay?" The older looked up and saw his one and only university friend.

"Namjoon-ah. Why are you here?" He said and motioned for him to sit down beside him which the younger followed.

Namjoon raised his brows, "I should be the one to ask you that. My classes just ended for today."

Yoongi explained what happened and Namjoon told him words to make him feel better, which actually worked. The two of them continued to talk and just wait time to pass by.

"You know what, hyung. You are really one of the people I look up to! You see, you are working hard. You are so smart and still a scholar even though you have a job. Also your music! You are one of the greatest lyricist that I know." Namjoon complimented out of the blue.

Yoongi nudged him, "Yah. What are you talking about? Don't look up to me. I am nothing but someone who skip and sleeps in class."

"Hyung," Namjoon whined, "Stop being so hard on yourself. You aren't nothing. You inspire someone like me! To be honest, you are the reason why I am into rapping now since you pushed me to."

Yoongi stayed quiet and the younger took it as a chance to continue.

"You are actually helping people without noticing it. Maybe when you're at work, there is someone you are helping to have a brighter day by simply talking to them. You'll never know. But always remember that you aren't nothing, okay?" Namjoon smiled.

"Wow," Yoongi grinned, "You really are sappy, Namjoon."

The both of them laughed at what the older joked.

"Nah kidding, thank you so much for your kind words. I will keep it in mind. Just promise me that you won't skip class and sleep inside." Yoongi added and Namjoon nods his head in agreement.

The bell rang and both of their day at school is ended. The two of them bid their goodbyes and Yoongi make his way to the ice cream shop.

He was surprised to see Jimin who is already eating ice cream while writing something just like he usually do.

"Yoongi! Good afternoon, man!" His eyes searched from where the greeting came from and was shocked to see his best friend.

"Duuuude," Yoongi gave him a bro hug, "You aren't sick anymore. Awesome!"

Yoongi let the time passed, the shop is quite busy today. He didn't expect for people to rush on a Wednesday afternoon. While working on the cashier, his eyes are occassionally traveling to Jimin who is just quiet at his usual seat.

Finally, his duty ended for the day and he can now talk to Jimin.

"Hello, how are you?" Yoongi approached with a smile on his face as he took the seat across Jimin.

Jimin smiled back and wrote, "I am okay? I don't know. How about you?"

The smile on Yoongi's face became a frown after he read what he wrote, "Let's talk about you first. What happened?"

Jimin shook his head and smiled softly as he point to Yoongi, indicating to just talk about himself.

"Yah, Jimin. I asked, what happened?" Yoongi insisted as worry takes over him.

Jimin looked down and didn't respond for a minute, not until he wrote something long. The older waited for him and just observe him.

The way the younger write is making him worry more. The handwriting is fast yet becoming sloppy and he is trembling. But on the other hand, he is amused to the fact that Jimin is opening up more.

Yoongi held his shoulder, "Calm down. Don't rush it. I'll wait."

Jimin looked at him as he smiled again before continuing to write, this time a little bit calmer.

The younger hesitated at first before finally pushing the pastel paper towards Yoongi.

"I don't want to go home, but I need to since it's getting darker. But hyung, I really don't want to. I am scared of going home. But my mom, she needs me yet she also told me that she'll understand if I don't go home one day. I am having trouble of where should I go to stay.." The paper informed.

Yoongi do not know what to say.

This is the very first time that Jimin mentioned his home. To be honest, he doesn't really know about his background.

All he knows is that Jimin is still a high school student, his favorites, and that's it. Nothing more.

"Why are you scared?" He asked, hoping for an answer but the younger just hung his head low and gave a light shook.

Yoongi sighed, "Do you want to stay at my place tonight? I mean, it's totally fine to me."

Jimin looked up to him with shock present in his eyes but soon replaced with worry.

He wrote something down as a response, "I don't want to become a burden."

Yoongi shook his head as he smiled softly which makes Jimin calm again, "No. You will never be a burden to me."

Few more talks and they are finally walking towards Yoongi's home. They stopped when they reached a small yet welcoming porch. The older opened the small gate and motioned Jimin to come inside.

"Mom,"Yoongi called out when they entered the house, "I'm home!"

Jimin wandered his eyes around the house. It was not that big. In fact their house is bigger, but Yoongi's home is better since he can feel the warmth of such family.

The walls are painted with a calming shade of light green and there were portraits of family pictures that are hanging along with shelves and some wall decors.

He was snapped back out of his thoughts when he heard a soothing and enthusiastic voice somewhere from the kitchen.

"My son, I'm glad you came home right after I make dinner!" A woman which probably is Yoongi's mother approached the older and gave him a hug.

"Mom, I brought a friend with me and I hope you don't mind." Yoongi said and his mother looked at Jimin who is standing shyly in front of them with a small smile on his face.

Mrs. Min approached Jimin and gave him a hug too, "You are so adorable. Feel at home at our household. You are very much welcome in here."

Jimin can tell that his heart swell because of such warmth that he felt. He never felt so comfortable inside a house. In fact, he was surprised that a stranger is giving him such comfort.

"Come. Let's eat before the food gets cold!" Mrs. Min added with a wide, beautiful smile on her face.


hey angels, thanks for reading!
leave your thoughts for me to read hehe, this is prolly the longest chap in here so far.

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