The Tinker

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He is thought to be completely insane.

His eccentric looks and behavior to blame.

He  appeared over night and opened a small very odd shop.

People rarely stop by and when they do panic usually ensues.

For you see he is a bit of a tinker. 

Anything but a normal thinker.

He is said to he a sorcerer.

Perhaps a mage or a warlock, no one is quite certain.

 He sits hunched over scribbling page after page of the trinkets he plans to make.

Those that purchase them to take home, soon learn all is not as it appears to the eye.

The tittle tattle that rattles through the streets is that he puts a curse on each piece he makes.

Bitter and full of evil and hate.

He stays cooped away night and day.

Tinkering away on the toys one would think would bring joy.

But tis all a ruse, his evil ploy.

Little small dolls of every color and kind, painted and strung up suspended on lines.

When the door chimes and a caller steps in, he glances up with a grimace of disdain.

No greetings of "how do you do?" or "so glad that you came."

Placed inside every doll and toy train is a sprite or as some may know as a evil fairy.

Known for their dark magic and thought by many to be scary.

Once brought home and left alone.

They are free to take over the home.

Mischief makers and up to positively no good.

Very often known for taking children away.

Luring humans to their doom.

Some become sick or die.

No one having any inclination as to why.

When one is welcomed into a home there's always more invited in.

The tinker their master.

His presence, always a tragic disaster.

The tinker very new to town never sticks around.

Mayhem and trouble always near.

With him comes deathly fear.

Before long all will be gone.

The once bustling, happy town, burned to the ground.

Not one living soul is left to be found.

The wind carries the tinkers evil laugh as his carriage rattles out of town.

Nothing left but ash upon the ground.


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