Episode IV: Training

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Now I introduce one of ussamerica2018 's favorite characters... you simp...

A few hours later
Hanzō National Academy...

Kahn enters Hanzō Academy, humming to himself as he wanders the halls.

(A.N. And if you're wondering, yes, he is humming the Cantina theme)

Checking around him to make sure he wasn't followed, as per Ikaruga and Asuka's request, he then entered the entrance to the ninja room. He knew he wasn't being followed by any of the normal students or enemy ninja, but he could sense the presence of their substitute watching him, so he made it look like he was actually taking it seriously.

When he entered the Ninja Room, he saw Asuka and her friends conversing amongst themselves. When they looked over to him, they smiled and waved... well, except for Yagyū. She just kind of looked at him.

"Killian-san, you're back!" Hibari exclaimed happily.

"Yeah. How did your training go?" Kahn asked.

"Daidouji-sensei arrived not long after you, Ikaruga, and Asuka left. It's basically everything we usually do, but amped up in intensity and a lack of ninja philosophy stuff." Katsuragi said.

"Lack of philosophy?" Kahn asked.

"Daidouji-Sensei is... well, the best way to describe her is that she's very 'punch first, ask questions while punching'." Asuka explained.

(A.N. Taken straight from her wiki page)

"Yeah, I know the type." Kahn chuckled, thinking of some of the commandos in the Republic Military... and some less than reputable bounty hunters in the neutral worlds.

His face then got slightly serious, which the girls noticed.

"What's wrong?" Hibari asked.

Kahn then simply stepped to the side as a figure punched the ground where he was standing. The figure then stood up, allowing Kahn to see them. Upon seeing who it was that attacked him, the a bead of sweat rolled down the girls' heads.

"You're a fast thinker, and you seem to be very aware of your surroundings. I can see how managed to best a group of shinobi." The woman said.

"Well, the fast thinking part is correct, but I have to disagree on the awareness thing. I mean, crouching on a beam in the ceiling isn't exactly inconspicuous." Kahn replied with a smirk.

The woman was about to reply, but then thought about it for a second.

"Fair point. You must be Killian." The woman concluded with a small smile.

"That's me. And would I be correct in assuming that you're the infamous Daidouji?" Kahn asked.

"You would." Daidouji replied.

The two then shook hands, which even that made the girls a bit nervous. However, they were glad to see the two getting along.

"You have a strong grip. I look forward to seeing how powerful you are." Daidouji said.

"I'm guessing that Mr. Kiriya is already out on his Shinobi business?" Kahn asked.

"Yes, he is. And until he gets back, I'm substituting the girls' training." Daidouji said.

"Well, that'll be interesting to see, if this introduction between the two of us is anything to go by." Kahn replied.

"Speaking of... he also requested that you join them in training." Daidouji said.

"HHHUUUHHH!?!?!?" The girls all exclaimed.

"Obviously you don't have to. Kiriya-senpai simply wants to know if you've had any training." Daidouji explained.

"Considering that I managed to beat an 'evil shinobi', as you call them, I suppose that's understandable." Kahn replied.

"A-are you sure, Killian-san? Shinobi training can be pretty hard sometimes." Hibari warned.

"If anything, that'll probably make it more fun." Kahn replied with a confident smirk.

The girls sweat dropped in response to this. Daidouji, however, grinned at Kahn's readiness.

"Very well. Prepare yourself, then!" Daidouji exclaimed.

Whilst the girls were blasted back, Kahn managed to stay on the ground. He had subtly used the Force to part the shockwave that was coming towards him, though he still let some of it hit him to avoid any major suspicion.

Daidouji then raised an eyebrow and smirked when she saw that Kahn was still standing.

"You're still standing? Impressive. Not many who have faced me have that kind of strength. It will certainly be interesting to watch you handle Shinobi training." Daidouji said with a smirk.

Kahn then looked back and saw the Hanzō girls a few feet away from him, their eyes wide and jaws on the floor at the fact that Kahn was still standing after that.

Kahn then turned back to Daidouji with a smirk on his face.

"You know... I think it will be." He said.

A few moments later

"W-woah!" Asuka exclaimed as she tried to regain her balance.

She thankfully managed to regain it and stood up straight, balancing herself on the water.

"As shinobi, balance is an integral part of combat." Daidouji explained.

She said it as though she were reading a lesson plan that Kiriya gave her. She didn't necessarily disagree with the statement, though it was clear she didn't exactly know the reason why. She just knew that it helped.

While Asuka regained her balance, Ikaruga managed to stay almost perfectly still, though the ripples in the water from everyone else threw her off a little bit.

Hibari had already lost her balance and fell in the water, much to her dismay. Yagyū fell in as well, as the splash Hibari caused knocked her off her feet and into the water. This caused Hibari to scold herself further, but Yagyū reassured her that it was okay.

Meanwhile, Katsuragi... well...

"Asuka! Save me!" Katsuragi exclaimed as she began to fall forwards towards Asuka.

Asuka would have just let Katsuragi grab onto her if it wasn't for the fact that this was clearly an attempt to grope her... which was unfortunately successful.

"K-Katsu-nee! Stop that! This isn't the time!" Asuka exclaimed.

"Oh, Asuka! You're my hero! Please, let me reward you!" Katsuragi said with a mischievous grin.

"Katsuragi, that's enough! Get off her this instant!" Ikaruga exclaimed in annoyance.

"What's the matter, Ikaruga? You feeling left out?" Katsuragi asked playfully as she kept groping Asuka.

Katsuragi then heard a sigh in front of her. She looked up and saw Kahn in front of them, standing up straight and completely still, as if he were standing on solid ground. He even had his hands in his pockets. Even the ripples in the water weren't throwing him off at all, unlike Ikaruga, who was having more and more difficulty with the large ripples that Katsuragi's nonsense was causing.

Katsuragi then grinned at Kahn.

"You enjoying the view, Kahn?" Katsuragi asked.

"Didn't Asuka ask you to stop?" Kahn asked.

"Oh, c'mon, Kahn! I know you like watching these marvelous-" Katsuragi began.

She was cut off, however, when Ikaruga bonked her on the head with her sword... which she had somehow gotten.

Asuka then sighed in relief, then sort of skated away. Kahn just sighed and turned around to skate away.

"Don't worry, Kahn. Nobody gets left out~." Katsuragi said, getting ready to pounce on Kahn.

Kahn, having sensed what Katsuragi was about to do, moved his finger, which was still in his pocket, using the Force to knock the paddles out from under Katsuragi's feet and making her fall into the water.

The splash she caused when she fell in knocked Asuka off balance and caused her to fall into the water. And that splash, in turn, knocked Ikaruga off balance and made her fall into the water.

The three then came up out of the water, with two of them looking at Katsuragi with annoyed faces.

"Katsuragi..." Ikaruga and Asuka growled.

However, they then noticed that Katsuragi wasn't paying attention to them, as she was staring at something else. They followed her gaze and were amazed by what they saw. Even with the giant waves going around in different directions in the water, Kahn was standing as straight and still as a board, perfectly balanced.

A few moments later...

"As shinobi, you must anticipate attacks coming in from all sides, as well as keeping an eye on your surroundings." Daidouji said.

"KYAAA!!!" Asuka screamed as she desperately tried to avoid getting hit by the trap.

Kahn watched as the other girls were also struggling with this one. Ikaruga was struggling to keep up with all of the traps that were attacking her. Yagyū and Hibari ended up being to concerned with the other to watch their own backs. And Katsuragi... well...

"Hehe... enjoying the view, Killian-san?"

He was honestly trying to figure out how that happened.

Anyways, he looked back towards the others. In all honesty, even though they were struggling, they were doing quite well.

But of course, the second he had that thought, something went wrong for the remaining girls. Ikaruga ended up getting tripped over by a trap that swept her legs out from under her, which caused her to barrel into Yagyū, tangling them together. Hibari also had her legs swept out from under her, and she ended up falling on her bottom. And Asuka had her legs swept from under her, then three more traps launched her into the air, before she landed in some nearby water.

Asuka then emerged from the water, spitting out a bit of water that got in her mouth. She then looked up and saw Kahn nonchalantly walking towards the course, as if he wasn't paying any attention to what was going on around him. However, he didn't seem to notice the pressure activated switch that he was about to step on.

"Killian-san! Watch out for the switch!" Asuka shouted.

"Huh?" Kahn asked nonchalantly.

However, he ended up stepping on the switch and activating the trap. A bunch of ropes with small wooden paddles thrashed out towards him with incredible speed, faster than any shinobi could keep up with, let alone a normal person.

However, the girls all watched in awe as Kahn suddenly ignited his blade and began twirling it around, deflecting every single rope. As mentioned earlier, even shinobi would have had trouble avoiding it. So one could probably imagine how impressed the girls were when a boy that likely wasn't even shinobi managed to deflect every rope that was flung his way.

When ropes had finally finished flinging themselves towards him, Kahn deactivated his weapon and clipped the hilt to his belt as he continued to walk through the course. Thankfully for him, he didn't activate any more traps.


"Shinobi will always face odds that are against them. As such, it is imperative to learn how to defeat as many enemies as they can at once." Daidouji said.

As she did, Ikaruga and Yagyū both unleashed attacks that cleared out at least ten training dummies each.

Hibari had fallen and scrapped her knee on the way to the training field, so she sat this one out in the nurse's office. Katsuragi had accompanied her (much to Yagyū's disapproval), so it was just Asuka standing next to Kahn. Asuka marveled at her friends' strength and ability, and Kahn was also rather impressed.

"Killian." Daidouji said.

Kahn then turned his attention to the substitute.

"Would you be willing to show us how you would do it?" Daidouji asked.

"Yeah, why not." Kahn shrugged.

Kahn then stepped up to the middle of the training area, his hands on his blade and blaster. Just before his foot stepped into the center of the training circle, the Force gave him a moment of precognition, allowing him to see where and when the targets would appear.

His foot then stepped into the middle of the training circle, and the targets all popped up just as Kahn predicted they would. He immediately turned on his blade and threw it, causing it to spin around and curve as it flew, allowing it to cut through target after target. As his blade flew around him, he had turned around and drew his blaster, shooting the dummies' heads with remarkable speed and accuracy. When he shot the last target, he holstered his blaster, then his blade flew back into his hand, and he deactivated it.

He then turned around to step out of the training circle... and was met with the surprised and awestruck looks of Asuka, Yagyū, and Ikaruga.

"That was amazing!" Asuka exclaimed.

"Yes, it was very impressive." Ikaruga complimented.

"... it was alright." Yagyū said dismissively.

"Yagyū!" Asuka reprimanded with a pout.

"Actually, I have to agree with her." Kahn said.

"Huh?" Yagyū questioned in surprise.

"Yeah, I may have taken out a bunch of targets in a short span of time, but I'm not nearly as fast as you. Hell, at the speed you girls strike, it looks like you took out your targets in one attack." Kahn said.

"Don't sell yourself short, Killian-sama. Just because it wasn't as fast as our attacks doesn't mean it isn't still impressive." Ikaruga assured.

"Of course it's still impressive. It's me." Kahn said jokingly with a playful smirk and shrug.

Asuka and Ikaruga giggled, while Yagyū... well, she's not afraid to admit that she chuckled.


"Finally, and most importantly, a shinobi must have a clear mind at all times." Daidouji said.

She watched as the girls sat under a waterfall in their swimsuits and meditated. At least that's what they were doing, up until Ikaruga accidentally inhaled a water droplet and started coughing.

When she was done coughing, she looked over and noticed that Katsuragi wasn't wearing her swimsuit... in fact, she wasn't wearing anything at all.

"K-Katsuragi!" Ikaruga exclaimed in horror.

"Sup?" Katsuragi said nonchalantly.

"Cover up this instant!" Ikaruga shouted.

"Katsu-nee! There's a boy here!" Asuka shouted, having seen what Ikaruga was getting so upset about.

"Maybe he'll like what he sees." Katsuragi said with a smirk.

"Katsuragi!" Ikaruga shouted.

They were interrupted when they heard a growl beside them. They looked over and saw Hibari with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Hibari?" Yagyū asked.

"Sorry. I'm a little hungry." Hibari apologized.

"That's fine. If you girls want, we can continue this part of the training some other time." Daidouji said.

The girls then got up and put their clothes... then held Katsuragi down and forced her to put on her clothes.

After that, Asuka dug around in her bag and pulled out a bento box filled with futomaki rolls and distributed them amongst her friends.

As they ate, Hibari looked up at the sky and noticed that the sky was suddenly covered in grey clouds.

"Um, should we start heading inside? It looks like it might rain." Hibari said.

The other girls looked up at the sky and saw the clouds.

"It's fine. There wasn't any rain in the forecast, so it's probably just overcast." Ikaruga said.

The girls then went back to eating their rolls. Then it was Asuka who noticed something, as she looked around and realized that they were missing someone.

"Where's Kahn?" Asuka asked.

"He climbed up to the top of the cliff to meditate." Daidouji said, pointing to the top of the cliff.

The girls looked to where their substitute was pointing, and saw Kahn at the top of the cliff sitting on a rock that jutted out of the middle of the waterfall.

A few moments later...

The girls finally pulled themselves up to the top of the cliff. They laid on the ground for a second to catch their breath. In hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to have scaled a cliff with full bellies.

The five then got up and used small stones in the river to cross over to the rock where Kahn was meditating.

"Did he really... have to come all the way... up here... just to meditate?" Katsuragi asked, still catching her breath.

"Location can help someone clear their head." Ikaruga explained.

While Katsuragi kept complaining about the fact that they had to climb a cliff, Asuka looked at Kahn. She noted how peaceful he looked.

"So, should we get his attention?" Yagyū asked.

"I think we shouldn't disturb him if we haven't already." Ikaruga replied.

"While I do agree that we probably shouldn't bother him while he's in the zone, we do have to be getting back pretty soon." Katsuragi said.

"Is he sleeping?" Hibari asked.

Asuka then looked Kahn again. She noticed that his mouth was moving.

"No, he's saying something." Asuka said.

The girls then listened to what it was that Kahn was saying... which seemed to be some kind of mantra that he was repeating.

"There is only the Force... there is only the Force..." Kahn recited.

Needless to say, this got the girls thinking.

"'The Force'? What is he talking about?" Yagyū asked.

"I dunno. But whatever it is, it seems to be helping him meditate." Katsuragi noted.

"Maybe that means it's some kind of spiritual or religious thing." Ikaruga pondered.

"Maybe... so, should we head back?" Yagyū asked.

"I don't think we should leave Kahn-sama up here alone." Asuka replied.

"With how much he's breezed through shinobi training, I'm sure he could find his way back." Yagyū muttered.

"Yagyū! That's mean!" Hibari pouted, having heard what Yagyū said.

Yagyū grumbled in response, but conceded and sat with her friends and waited for Kahn.

One hour later...

The girls all sat around, talking quietly so that they wouldn't disturb Kahn.

Suddenly, Kahn's eyes opened and he stood up.

"Finally awake, eh?" He heard Katsuragi ask jokingly.

"Katsuragi!" Ikaruga scolded.

Kahn turned around and noticed the girls were all sitting around behind him. He then grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry. I get lost in meditation sometimes." Kahn said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's fine, Kahn-sama. At least you had a successful meditation session." Ikaruga said as she glared at Katsuragi.

Kahn simply looked to Hibari and Yagyū in confusion, to which the two maintained an awkward silence.

Kahn simply chuckled as they began to make their way back to the Academy.

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