Episode V: Tales of the Jedi

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The girls all got done changing. They walked out of the changing room and into the ninja room.

"Well, I'm beat. Time to kick back and take it easy for the rest of the day." Katsuragi stated as she sat down on the couch and kicked her feet up on the table.

"It'll be nice to relax for a bit." Ikaruga said as she stretched.

"Would it be alright if I finished watching my cartoon in here?" Hibari asked.

"I don't see why not." Asuka said as she turned to the rest of her friends.

They simply shrugged, implying that they didn't have a problem with it. Hibari smiled at this and grabbed the remote. She had turned on the cartoon, but just as she was about to hit play, she noticed that Yagyū was staring at something suspiciously.

"Yagyū? What's wrong?" Hibari asked.

She and the rest of the Hanzō team all followed Yagyū's gaze and saw that she was staring at Kahn, who was at the far end of the room.

"Yagyū... he doesn't seem like he has any bad intentions." Ikaruga sighed.

"How do we know he doesn't? For all we know, he could be gaining our trust to make it easier for him to take us out." Yagyū replied.

"I don't think so. After all, he had no clue what shinobi were until we told him." Katsuragi stated.

"And what's to say that it isn't an act? After all, for someone who doesn't know what shinobi are, he sure had an easy time with our exercises." Yagyū reasoned.

"I do agree that that part is a bit odd. He claims to not know about shinobi, yet he breezes through Shinobi training with seemingly no effort." Ikaruga somewhat agreed.

"Yeah, I'm curious about that, too. Where did he get the skills needed for shinobi training?" Asuka pondered.

"Why don't we ask him?" Hibari said.

"Yeah. Why are we sitting around gossiping about it when we can just ask the man himself." Katsuragi.

"Fair point... but we should probably be careful about how we ask him. We don't want to come off  as rude and paranoid." Asuka stated.

"Nor do we want him to get suspicious of us. If Yagyū is right and he is a Shinobi that's been sent to spy on us, he might as think we've found him out and could attack us while we're unprepared." Ikaruga reasoned.

The girls all nodded, then looked to Kahn, who had heard everything the girls said and was smiling to himself.

"Hey, Kahn-sama?" Yagyū called.

"Yeah?" Kahn replied as he turned around.

"We were wondering... where did you learn to do everything you did during our training session?" Yagyū asked.

"Well, that's a bit of odd question." Kahn said, resisting the overwhelming urge to smirk.

"Well... it's just that you say that you've never heard of shinobi before, yet you breezed through shinobi training like it was nothing." Hibari stated.

"That sounds a bit like an accusation." Kahn said with feigned offense.

"Forgive us, Kahn-sama, we didn't mean to offend you. But please try to understand that we must use the utmost caution given that no one is meant to know our location nor how we do things. We just-" Ikaruga began cautiously.

She was interrupted, however, when Kahn suddenly began giggling. This tipped off the girls as to what he was doing, causing tick marks to appear on their foreheads.

"Kahn-sama! Please try to take this seriously!" Asuka pouted.

"Sorry. Force of habit." Kahn chuckled, though this time because of his unintentional pun.

The girls all sighed in exasperation.

"But, to answer your insinuated question, yes, I've had prior training." Kahn said casually.

The girls were a bit shocked to here him say this, mostly because they weren't expecting him to openly admit it so easily. Kahn even sensed it even casted the smallest bit of doubt in Yagyū's mind that he could be an evil shinobi spy... which he couldn't help but smirk at.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking... who gave you shinobi-level training?" Katsuragi asked.

Yagyū then regained her focus, ready to analyze every slight movement Kahn made. In her mind, surely he wouldn't give up that information as easily.

Kahn then unclipped his weapon's hilt from his belt and stared at it, as if he were remembering something fondly.

"Your country has shinobi... mine has the Jedi." Kahn said.

"Jedi? What's a Jedi?" Asuka asked.

"The Jedi are an ancient order of warriors who act as the Republic's elite defenders. For over a hundred generations, the Jedi Knights have been the guardians of peace and justice in the Republic." Kahn explained, though lying about the timeframe.

Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, and Hibari all listened with great interest. Yagyū listened, but she had a hard time believing Kahn's story, as she had never heard of these Jedi before. That said, she didn't completely discredit it either, as there were aspects of the shinobi world that she was learning often.

"So, these Jedi are kinda like shinobi?" Hibari asked.

"Yes, I have noted some similarities between you shinobi and the Jedi... but, now that I think about it, they actually share a lot more similarities with your county's old samurai... at least, from what I've gathered." Kahn noted.

"How so?" Katsuragi asked.

"Well, Jedi aren't secretive like shinobi are. They're common knowledge, and have been since they were founded. In fact, many Jedi hold the rank of general in the Republic military." Kahn explained.

"So, these Jedi are part of the military?" Ikaruga asked with great interest.

"Not necessarily. The Jedi are their own organization. The Republic and military just work very closely with them because of how long the Jedi have been around." Kahn explained.

"I see. So, if the Jedi aren't just a military force, what else do they do?" Ikaruga asked.

"Well, the Jedi are warriors, yes. But they're also equal parts scholars and philosophers." Kahn explained.

"So, which one are you?" Yagyū asked.

"Well, many of the younger Padawans have called me a great warrior. But I have had some Jedi Masters say that I was more on the scholar side of things when they found me asleep in the middle of study." Kahn said with a sheepish grin as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Padawans?" Hibari asked.

"It's one of the ranks of the Jedi Order." Kahn replied.

"Oh! Kinda like the shinobi ranks!" Hibari exclaimed.

"Shinobi ranks?" Kahn asked.

"Yes. There are 18 shinobi ranks in total. Hibari here is a Genin, the lowest of the shinobi ranks. Asuka and Yagyū are Chūnin, the next rank up from Genin. Above that are Jōnin, such as Katsuragi and myself. Daidouji-sensei is a Tokujōnin, two ranks above Jōnin. The highest shinobi rank is Kagura, though it's incredibly rare for anyone to achieve that rank." Ikaruga explained.

"Rare, huh? Have any of you known a Kagura, out of curiosity?" Kahn asked.

"My grandmother managed to become a Kagura before she retired." Asuka replied.

"Really? Well, I gotta say, you shinobi have a lot more ranks than the Jedi do." Kahn said.

"How many ranks do Jedi have?" Katsuragi asked.

"Only four. There are the Jedi Initiates, who are recently accepted into the Jedi Order and spend most of their time training in combat and attending both academic and spiritual studies under a Jedi instructor. Jedi Initiates are then granted the title of Padawan, upon which the Jedi Council will assign them to a Jedi Knight or Master to act as their teacher. When said teacher feels that their Padawan is ready, Padawans will be given the rank of Jedi Knight, which usually means that the Council will assign them a Padawan to teach. And should the Council deem a Knight worthy enough, they grant the Knight the rank of Jedi Master, the highest rank in the Order." Kahn explained.

"Only four ranks? I imagine it can take years to move up." Ikaruga speculated.

"Many years. In fact, there are quite a few Jedi who never make it to the rank of Master." Kahn said.

"Really? They put in all that dedication and effort in for their whole life, and they don't get to be at the top of the chain? Well, I guess they are in it for protecting people instead of gaining renown. And besides, it's not like shinobi who try to become Kagura don't go through the same thing." Katsuragi stated.

Despite her casual demeanor when saying that, Kahn noted the brief twinge of sadness and fear that emanated from her.

"Kahn-sama? Do the Jedi have specific roles within its Order? I ask because, with the exception of Kagura, the all the ranks above Gokujōnin are more role based, and I'm just curious if the Jedi have something similar." Ikaruga asked/explained.

"They do, actually. The Jedi Guardians specialize in combat, while Jedi Consulars are the more scholarly individuals who often specialize in science and diplomacy. The Jedi Sentinels are individuals who are somewhere in between. There's also the Jedi Grandmaster, who is the head of the entire Jedi Order. The color of a Jedi's lightsaber blade is also a good way to tell what kind of Jedi a person is." Kahn explained.

"Lightsaber blade?" Asuka asked.

Kahn then tossed his hilt to the girls, which Asuka caught.

"The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, and is a good way to spot one." Kahn explained.

The girls all stared at the hilt. It was a bit of an odd design, but the Hanzō girls have seen some of their friends use stranger weapons.

Asuka the pressed the button on the hilt, and the yellow blade shot out. The girls, even Yagyū, stared at it in a bit of awe. They had seen it before, yes, but they hadn't really gotten a good look at it until now.

It was incredibly simple. Just a straight beam of plasma. Yet there was an air of elegance to it. And now that the girls were looking at the blade, they began to realize that its simplistic design was ingenious. Because it was a straight beam of plasma with no flat edge, one could switch between all manner of sword fighting styles at the drop of a hat.

Four of the five girls then looked to Kahn, with Asuka still mesmerized by the blade's golden glow.

"You said that the color of a Jedi's lightsaber is telling of what role they have in the Order?" Ikaruga asked.

Now Asuka looked to Kahn so that she could pay attention.

"It can be. Blue signifies a proficiency in combat, often used by expert duelists. So you can imagine that there are many Guardians who wield blue sabers. Green is generally used by the scholars in the Order, so naturally a lot of Consulars have green blades." Kahn explained.

"What about yellow lightsabers, like yours?" Asuka asked.

"Yellow... I'm not actually sure what exactly yellow signifies. Then again, given that Sentinels are the only Jedi I've seen that wield yellow sabers, I suppose yellow doesn't signify one single thing... but that's merely speculation on my part." Kahn replied.

"Are there any pink ones?" Hibari asked innocently.

"I've never seen a pink lightsaber, but I wouldn't be surprised if one existed." Kahn said with a chuckle.

"Are there any that come in red?" Yagyū asked.

Upon asking this, Kahn's eyes widened and he visibly stiffened, a reaction the girls weren't expecting. It made them think that they brought up a sore subject.

"O-Our apologies, Kahn-sama! We didn't mean to-" Ikaruga began as she bowed apologetically.

"It's fine." Kahn assured.

The girls, however, noted the seriousness that crept into his voice.

"Kahn-sama?" Hibari asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Hibari. I didn't mean to concern you girls. I just wasn't expecting red lightsabers to be brought up." Kahn said, his body relaxing a bit.

"Are red lightsabers a bad thing?" Katsuragi asked.

"... Well... another similarity between Jedi and Shinobi is that the Jedi have their own version of Evil Shinobi as well." Kahn said.

Now it was the girls' eyes that widened upon hearing this.

"The Sith Order. The ancient enemy of the Jedi. As a matter of fact, they're the ones that lead the Empire I told Asuka and Ikaruga about." Kahn explained.

The girls' eyes widened even further when they heard this.

"You mean the one who won that war you told them about?" Katsuragi asked.

Kahn nodded, glad that the two already explained that to their friends so that he wouldn't have to explain a second time.

"But... why are they enemies with the Jedi? What drives them to fight against the Republic?" Asuka asked.

Kahn's face lowered.

"They were once Jedi themselves, hundreds of years ago." Kahn said, once again lying about the timeframe.

The girls' eyes widened even further when they heard this.

"Then, what caused them to split from the Jedi and fight against the people they fought beside?" Yagyū asked, her mind racing about what could have driven the original Sith to turn on their own comrades.

A shadow lowered over Kahn's face when she asked.

"Well... there is something you should know about the Jedi..." Kahn said melancholically.

This caused the girls to look at him curiously, ready to listen to everything he was going to say.

"While the Jedi are stalwart defenders of the Republic and its ideals... they aren't perfect..." Kahn said.

"What do you mean?" Asuka asked.

"To understand the Sith, there's some things about the Jedi's history and philosophy that you need to know." Kahn said.

The girls all listened intently.

"Noble as the Jedi are, they're also... rigid in their beliefs... and they expressly forbid any knowledge or practice that the Council deems dangerous... including emotional attachments."  Kahn explained.

"What?! Why?!" Yagyū exclaimed, much to her friends' surprise.

"They believe that emotional attachments only end in pain and suffering, and that such suffering will lead someone to become like the Sith, if not become Sith themselves." Kahn explained.

Kahn then sensed a growing storm brewing in Yagyū. Sadness, loss, anger, and denial all at once. Clearly she had lost somebody close to her, and because of that, she was none too happy to hear something like this.

"What kind of sense does that make?! Can't they see that attachments like that are what make a person strong?! That it's what gives them a reason to fight?!" Yagyū demanded.

The rest of the girls were a bit shocked at what they were witnessing. They had always known Yagyū as the quieter, more stoic one of the group. It was unusual for them to see her get so passionate about something out of seemingly nowhere.

"My point exactly." Kahn said calmly.

This caused the girls to look at him curiously.

"My master and I have told the Council such things more times than I can count. But... as I said, the Jedi aren't exactly the most flexible when it comes to their traditions and philosophy... and it's because of this reason, among others, that I left the Order a few years ago." Kahn explained.

Once again, the girls' eyes widened upon hearing this. It started to make Kahn wonder how many times that would happen.

"Yes. I'm no longer a Jedi. As I said, the Jedi's rigidity in their way of thinking meant I could never see eye to eye with a majority of the Order. And I never could see myself living such a life, no matter how hard some Jedi tried to help." Kahn explained.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't understand your decision, Kahn-sama... but I am curious about something. You left the Jedi, but you seem to speak highly of them." Asuka noted.

"That's because, despite all their flaws, I still believe that the Jedi are the only reason there is any safety and peace in the Republic. And though I am no longer among the Jedi's ranks, nor can I see myself living my life according to their rigidity, I help them if I can if they ever call for aid." Kahn explained.

"That's good to hear... but I'm guessing that these Sith were less rational in their secession from the Jedi?" Ikaruga asked.

"... Yeah... that's one way to put it." Kahn said.

"Well... I guess I understand why they'd be unhappy with the Jedi's way of thinking." Yagyū said.

"Yeah... where the Jedi believe that emotional attachments and and practices that draw upon such passion are dangerous, the Sith believe that drawing upon such passion will lead them to the power they believe will allow them to establish order... as my master always said, they're blind to the fact that passion tempered by serenity will lead to the peace and order that both sides seek." Kahn explained.

"Well, that explains the differences in philosophy. But I'm curious about the events that lead to the Sith turning on the Jedi." Katsuragi said.

"Well... it started with a Jedi by the name of Xendor.He became discontent with the close minded mentality of the Jedi, and eventually broke from the Jedi and formed his own Order in the land of Lettow, eventually forming an army known as the Legions of Lettow. This army's discontent and frustration with the Jedi eventually boiled over and led them to war with the Order. In the end, Xendor died in battle at the hands of Jedi Master Awdrysta Pina, and the Legions of Lettow were defeated." Kahn explained.

"So, what was left of the defeated Legions of Lettow became the Sith!" Hibari said.

"Not exactly." Kahn replied.

"What do you mean?" Yagyū asked.

"I think he means that these Legions of Lettow didn't become the Sith, but that they simply laid the foundations for the Sith to rise." Ikaruga deduced.

"Yes. Though Xendor was killed and the Legions of Lettow were defeated, their teachings lived on. It was these teachings that inspired another group of Jedi to revolt against the Order. This second group of rebels became the Jen'jidai, led by a Jedi named Ajunta Pall. At his side, helping him lead the Jen'jidai, was Marchioness XoXann, Baron Dreypa, Karness Muur, and Sorzus Syn. They were all defeated... but..." Kahn explained, trailing off at the end as a shadow grew over his face.

The girls took notice of his shift in demeanor.

"Kahn-sama?" Asuka said.

"... The Jedi have been renowned for their mercy towards their enemies. By no means is that a bad thing... but there have been times where it's come back to bite them... the Jen'Jidai are the most prime example of this." Kahn said.

Needless to say, the girls were a bit shocked to hear Kahn say something like this. In the time they had known him, they didn't think he was the type of person to think of any kindness as a mistake.

"So you're saying the Jedi should have just killed them all?" Yagyū asked.

"Well, no, I don't think they should've been that extreme. But I do believe that the Jedi should have imprisoned them for the rest of their days... instead, the Jedi council at that time believed that banishment from the Republic was a more fitting sentence." Kahn said.

"And I'm guessing that they used their banishment to conceal their movements." Yagyū deduced.

"Yeah. While the Jedi and Republic rebuilt, the Jen'Jidai exiles found a place called Korriban. There, they met a warmongering people known as the Sith. It's because of these warmongering ways that the Jen'Jidai had some respect for the Sith people. Whereas the Sith people could feel the power and authority radiating from the Jen'Jidai and bowed to them, allowing them to take the mantle of Lords of the Sith. Overtime, the Sith Empire grew with Ajunta Pall sitting as its emperor, and the Sith themselves transformed from a people to an order, one that anyone can join if they are deemed strong enough." Kahn explained.

"And what would people like the Sith deem 'strong enough'? What kind of twisted morals would such a ruthless group of people follow?" Katsuragi asked, who was displeased, to say the least, with what she was hearing.

Kahn then got up and moved to a blackboard that was sitting next to the TV.

"They follow the Sith Code, which they made to be the antithesis of the Jedi Code." Kahn said.

"And... what exactly is this Sith Code?" Asuka asked.

Kahn then picked up a piece of chalk and started drawing on the board.

"Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion, I gain power. Through power, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain victory. And through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free." Kahn recited as he drew.

When he finished reciting the Sith Code, he stepped away from the board, allowing the girls to see what he drew.

The girls weren't sure what it was, but they had a pretty good guess. They deduced that it must have been the emblem of the Sith. Or at least the Empire that the Sith ruled.

Yagyū then noted what Kahn had in the last line of the Sith Code. She was going to ask, but then Hibari spoke before she could.

"You said that the Sith Code was the opposite of the Jedi's. So then, what's the Jedi Code?" Hibari asked.

Kahn gave a small smile as he erased the symbol he drew and started drawing again.

"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; there is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force." Kahn recited.

He stepped away from the board, having drawn another emblem. The girls had a pretty good feeling that this one belonged to the Jedi.

Asuka couldn't help but think about both codes. There were points in both that agreed and disagreed with. Yes, passion can make one strong and shouldn't be denied, but peace is just as important. In fact, in Asuka's experience, peace is  often what brought about passion.

But in their pursuit of peace, the Jedi denied the passion needed to truly know peace. It irked Asuka a bit, and she imagined that this was the part that bothered Kahn enough that he left the Jedi.

"What is this 'Force' you keep bringing up? You were muttering about it during meditation, too." Yagyū asked bluntly.

"Yagyū!" Asuka and Hibari scolded.

"Do I really still do that?" Kahn asked in what seemed like exasperation.

"Huh? 'Still'?" Katsuragi asked.

"Meditation is part of Jedi training. And according to my master and some other Jedi I've met, I have a tendency to mutter when I meditate." Kahn explains.

"Oh." Katsuragi replied.

"But, to answer your question, Yagyū... I suppose you could say that it's the basis of the Jedi and Sith religion." Kahn explained.

"I see. So the Jedi and Sith are religious orders?" Ikaruga asked.

"Well, not exactly. That's just the best I can describe it as." Kahn elaborated.

"Ah. I think I understand." Ikaruga replied.

"So, what exactly is the Force?" Asuka asked.

"The Force is what gives a Jedi and Sith their power. It's like an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us; it binds the universe together." Kahn explained.

The girls listened intently as Kahn spoke. Yagyū had a hard time believing it, but she said nothing. She has no issue with people believing what they do... at least, as far as religion is concerned.

"They believe that the Force is separated in two halves: the Light Side and the Dark Side. The Jedi follow the Light Side, believing that it can only be felt through inner peace and clarity. Whereas the Sith follow the Dark Side, believing that it can be felt through rampant passion, fury, hate, and fear." Kahn explained.

"You said earlier that you think a mix of the two is the way to the power the Sith want and the peace that the Jedi want. So, does that mean you follow some kinda grey side or something?" Katsuragi asked.

Kahn chuckled at the logic.

"The correct term to describe me is Grey Jedi. Individuals who either don't see eye to eye with the Council or have broken off from the Jedi completely. As for my belief in the Force, I, and my master for that matter, don't believe in a Dark or Light Side. We believe that there's only the Force and that it's a neutral power, and that what the Jedi and Sith perceive as the Dark in Light Sides is relative. That the Light and Darkness is how an individual perceives another's actions and the intent behind those actions." Kahn explained.

"Does that mean you have your own code that you live by?" Asuka asked.

"Sort of. I live by the code my master lives by." Kahn replied.

"And what code is that?" Yagyū asked.

Kahn then closed his eyes and started smiling, again looking as though he was recalling a fond memory.

"The Force is neither dark nor light. It is balance itself. And that Balance flows through everything. There is no peace without the passion to create.
There is no passion without peace to guide.
Knowledge fades without the strength and power to act. Power and strength blinds without serenity to see. There is purpose in life. There is freedom in death. For the Force is all things, and I am one with the Force." Kahn recited.

The girls noted how calm and serene Kahn was as he recited those words. But they also noted how fond he sounded when he spoke. The girls figured that this fondness was directed towards his teacher.

"Your teacher sounds like a very wise person." Asuka said.

"But with how you described the Jedi, something tells me that they don't like them very much." Katsuragi added.

"He's one of the wisest Jedi I've ever known... but, you are right, Katsuragi. The rest of the Jedi aren't the biggest fans of his. But he lives as a hermit in my desert homeland of Tatooine and doesn't interact with other Jedi all that often, so they let him stay in the Order." Kahn said.

He then noticed that Ikaruga had her finger on her chin, the way someone does when they're thinking about something.

"Is everything alright, Ikaruga?" Kahn asked.

"Hm? Oh, yes, Kahn-sama, I'm fine. I was just thinking... this Force sounds a lot like Taoism." Ikaruga stated.

"Taoism?" Kahn asked.

"It's a religion that's heavily based on balance." Ikaruga said as she pulled a book on Taoism out of nowhere and handed it to Kahn.

Before anyone could say anything, Daidouji suddenly walked in the room.

"Killian. Kiriya-senpai made you a part time janitor here at Hanzō, correct?" Daidouji asked.

"Yeah. Let me guess, someone made a mess in one of the classrooms?" Kahn asked, already knowing what happened by reading Daidouji's mind.

"Some students got into a fight in the chemistry room. Luckily nothing dangerous was damaged or spilled, but it left quite a mess." Daidouji explained.

Kahn simply sighed as he cracked his neck and began walking out of the ninja room with Daidouji following.

Meanwhile, the girls all stayed behind in the ninja room, four of them looking at Yagyū.

"So, is he trustworthy yet?" Katsuragi asked.

"I still don't trust him completely... but I do believe his story about the Jedi and Sith." Yagyū stated.

And she meant it. She found the whole thing to be too well thought out to be a lie. And if it was, it had to be the most elaborate lie she had ever heard.

The others just sighed, but said nothing else, as they figured that was as good as they were going to get.

Meanwhile, standing up in the rafters of the ninja room was a white haired girl who was looking down at the Hanzō girls and had listened to their conversation with Kahn.

"Hmmm..." She hummed to herself.

Unbeknownst to her, however, Kahn was smirking as he cleaned the chemistry room, as he knew that Miyabi was listening in the whole time.

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