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Castiel pov
We were running to the no mercy hospital because it was being attacked by someone who remained unknown however i was expecting the attacker to be Lucifer.

Katsuragi:"so. Do we know who is attacking this time?"

Michael:"no. But we're about to find out"

Castiel:"We're here!"

Then we stopped because the hospital was blocked by barricades

A/n: just imagine its a clear weather

Yagyu:"yeah. Something is defidently going on in there"

Juan:"i don't know about you guys but i'm just waiting for a zombie to pop out"

Gabriel:"still. we have to get in there"

Then we all jumped the barricades and went in.

Katsuragi:"yeah its defidently being attacked"

Raphael:"there are police and military vehicles but where are they?"

Uriel:"the only thing i can hear is that siren going crazy"

Castiel:" raphael is rigth There's no one here only vehicles and that siren"

Metatron:"the lights on the rooftop mean they're asking for help but i don't see anyone"

Hibari:"hey look!"

She said pointing at the roof

Helicopter:"attention. We're here to help. please send all pacients to us we're on the rooftop"

Then a lot of doctors came and helped the pacients and injured people into the helicopter

Helicopter:"helicopter 1 is full but we'll come back with help"

It said leaving

Castiel:"we need to help come on!"


Then we got to the entrance of the hospital

But before we could enter


Yagyu:"what was that?"

Sandalphon:"it came from over there let's go see"

When we got to the origin of the explosion we saw some soldiers shooting at the smoke of the explosion. As of something was inside the smoke.

Soldier1:"keep shooting. don't let her get to the hospital!"

All soldiers:"SIR YES SIR!"

They shouted as they kept shooting. But then whatever was in the smoke blasted them and caused a huge explosion that killed all the soldiers.

Helicopter:"helicopter 2 reporting for help"

A helicopter arrived at the roof of the hospital however whatever was in the smoke blasted the helicopter and it fell.

Then it also blew up some police cars who were arriving at the scene.

Katsuragi:"so many unnecesary explosions. Who the fuck is inside that smoke. Michael bay?"

Then the figure started walking towards us and we got in position. Then the figure revealed itself to be a woman

Michael:"who are you?"

Sariel:"and why are you attacking the hospital?"

Katsuragi:"and would you let me grope you?"


Gabriel:"hey that's not right. That's immoral!"

Michael:"enough! Who are you?"

???:"i'm honestly surprised you don't know me. After all i am way on top of archangels"


???:"my name is enigma"

Castiel:"enigma? You're a prime?!"

Enigma:"one of the originals dear"

Michael:"you're enigmática prime!?"

Enigma:"yes. But you can just call me enigma"

She said smiling

Sariel:"why are you here?"

Enigma:"because i want power"

Castiel:"From who?"

Enigma:"you my dear. All of you"

Gabriel:"you're going to drain our powers?"

Enigma:"yes. You see you're not using them right you're using them to protect humans and in my eyes that's wrong"


Enigma:"me on the other hand i will use them to conquer humanity so.....i WILL have all of your powers"

Castiel:"come and get them then"

I said getting ready for a Battle

Enigma:"fufufu this is going to be fun"

Then we ran at her and tried to hit her but she just dodged and blocked until some kind of light started emerging from her and then it exploded sending us all away and hitting our bodies against walls and vehicles.

Juan:"i'm going in"

Benny:"but they told us to stay back"

Juan:"they're our friends and we need to help while she is distracted"


Juan:"watch out bitch!"

Then juan ran at enigma and tried to punch her but she simply moved out of the way.

A/n:something like this just ignore the girl and imagine he fell on his face

Juan:"that...wasn't supposed to happen"

He said getting up

Enigma:"*chuckle* humans are as weak as ever i see"

Castiel:"ignore him and focus on your surroundings"

I said as i got up

Enigma:"my. I can see why you're the leader. You're the only one who got back up"

Juan:"hey i'm here too you bi-

He was cut off by enigma snapping her fingers sending him to sleep

Enigma:"now that they're out of the way. Show me what you got cutie~"

I ran at her and tried to slash her but she kept dodging until i used my free hand and blasted her which took her by surprise and the explosión of the blast separated us.

Enigma:"well you took me by surprise but it won't happen again"

She then opened some portals behind her which started shooting infinite swords at me but i kept dodging. It continued like this for 5 hours and i was getting tired until one of the swords stabbed my arm.


Then another sword went through my left leg and i fell to the floor. Then enigma stopped the swords and closed the portals. The she approached me and grabbed my chin to make me look at her.

Enigma:"i must admit you're good but if you want to defeat a prime you're in for a long time Training. And now your powers belong to me"

Then she kissed me and she explored the inside of my mouth. I could feel myself become weaker because i knew she was stealing my power and it kept going like that útil she had all of it and she let me fall into the ground as i lost consciousness.

Enigma:"thanks for your power~"

Michael:"w-what did........did...did you do to him"

Enigma:"i just took his power like i'm going to do with all of you"

Michael:"YOU BITCH!"

Michael shouted as she grabbed her katana and ran at enigma and i woke up in a dark place

Castiel:"Where am i......am i dead?"

???:"no you're not. You're just inside your mind"

A female voice said making me turn and i saw a girl in a black dress that reminded me of something

Castiel:"who are you?"

???:"you can just call me venom"

Castiel:"Why am i here?"

Venom:"because i want to help you......help you Become stronger"


Venom:"you're fighting against a prime. You can't defeat her on your own so i want to help you. After all you don't want Michael to get hurt or kissed by someone who isn't you right?"


Venom:"oh yeah. Remember what enigma said? She is going to take all of your team's power and you just experienced how she does that. So what will you do?"

Castiel:"No....I need to protect them"

Venom:"then let me help you. Bond with me. Become one with me.......become stronger"


Venom:"fufufu good"

She then kissed me and a black substance wrapped around us.

Back in reality

Enigma was holding Michael by her throat

Michael:"no......i.....have to.....keep fighting"

Enigma:"fufufu its over. Your power is mine"

She said as her face came closer to Michael's and were close to kiss until.



Enigma asked turnig towards the direction Castiel once was however he was replaced by a monster

Venom:"stay away from MY girls"

Enigma:"a klyntar? I tought they were gone"

Venom:"well guess what.....WE ARE BACK. AND WE ARE VENOM!"

It shouted

Enigma:"we'll see how stronger you have become. I will have you"

She said as she was about to blast him but some tendrils came out of his chest and pulled her closer to him

Venom:"no. WE WILL HAVE YOU!"

A/n: imagine spidey is enigma

But enigma blasted him and jumped back

Enigma:"well let's leave it here. After all I have your powers. But i'll be back and i will have you and that klyntar"

Venom:"oh? Well we'll be waiting"

Enigma just cuckled and then dissappeared


Venom:"no. No Castiel. WE ARE VENOM!"

he said turning towards her

Somewhere else

Enigma:"so the actual prime has a klyntar on his side huh?"

Enigma:"fufufufu that makes me want him more~"

A/n:that's it for today's chapter see you in the next one

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