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Lucifer pov
It has been 3 days since the battle i had with Michael and i honestly i tought that taking all my hate on her would help me forget about didn't. I could only feel worse. And its not my fault. Its the fault of all humans if only my father never created them i would still be in the heaven...the place i once called home. I don't see why Castiel and father love humans so much after all they have done wars,racism they're full of hate and they think they can solve everything with violence always fighting like little children. Pathetic. Simply pathetic. And to try to forget everything i started singing it seems to always help me because i can take all my feelings and put them into the songs. so this time i'm going to sing about me and castiel. About our past.

A/n:please imagine its a girl's voice

After i was done singing i just layed down on my bed. thinking after all its true. You can try to start over but the past will ALWAYS be there and i will never leave. And to make things worse i kept having flashbacks of me and castiel before humanity existed. When we were young,happy,stupid thinking everything was perfect.


Young Castiel:"hey lucy look"

He said as he started flying in circles and as for me....I was amazed

Young Lucifer:"i can do that too"

I said as i tried to fly but failed because my wings were too short and i was falling but Castiel catched me

Young Castiel:"hey you should be more careful lucy. But don't worry i'll teach you how to fly"

He said with that smile that i loved. I just smiled back at him

Young Lucifer:"thank you big bro!"

Flashback end

Without noticing tears were falling down my cheeks. No surprise after all i was remebering those times i wish could come back but sadly it will never happen. After all everybody hates me, just ni hearing my name they feel disgusted but i didn't want it to be like this. I got cast out just because i refused to love humans unlike all the other angels who just protect humanity because dad said to love them more than him and i refused and for that i was cast out no matter what the bible or anyone believes i'm the real victim here. I still remember back when i would pictured myself and castiel getting ready for our wedding him dressed in a nice tuxedo and me in a bride dress.

What castiel would look like:

What Lucifer would look like:

Unfortunaly that will stay as it is. A dream. My toughts were interrupted by leviathan coming inside the room.


Lucifer:"what do you want?"

Leviathan:"you might want to see this"

Lucifer:"if you're wasting my time i will beat the ever living hell out of you"

Leviathan just looked at me in fear. Then i walked out of the room and saw barricade and biowulf knocked out.

Lucifer:"what happened to them?"

Belphegor:"no idea. When de got to where they were all we could see was biowulf in the floor knocked out and barricade was fighting a woman"


Belphegor pov

Asmodeus:"what's going on here?!"

Barricade:"stay back this woman kissed biowulf and stole his power so don't get in the way and ru-

He was cut off because the woman appeared in front of him at the speed of light and then she kissed him

A/n:imagine its barricade

Astaroth:"the hell!?"

Then barricade's body started lithing up in a blue light and it transmitted into the woman's body. she then lets go of barricade and he falls on floor.

Asmodeus:"who are you?"

Belphegor:"what did you do to them?"

???:"well my name is enigma and as for your friends i just stole their abilities"

Barricade:"......r-run........" then he passed out

We all got in position

Enigma:"fufufufufu. I'm not going to take your powers. At least not yet"

Astaroth:"like hell we're letting you leave when you attacked our friends"

Enigma:"that's too bad dear. I'm already gone" she said smiling


She then took out 6 pairs of wings 2 were demon and the others were angel. she then flyed away at an icredible speed.

Flashback end

Belphegor:"and that's what happened"


Asmodeus:"you know her?"

Lucifer:"yes. She was a memeber of the 13 original primes"

Belphegor:"wait so they're real?"

Leviathan:"yup. And she was the second one to fall"

Astaroth:"so Lucifer-sama wasn't the first fallen angel?"

Lucifer:"no the first one was megatronus prime then enigma fell too and now me"

Leviathan:"it means we need to be careful if she has angel wings it means she is going around stealing powers"

Lucifer:"leviathan. I want you to warn all the demons on earth that someone is hunting them"

Leviathan:"yes master"

Beelzebub:"so what will you do Lucifer-sama?"

Beelzebub asked while she was eating

Lucifer:"i'm going to think of a way to stop her

Somewhere else

Enigma was walking on the streets

Enigma:"so there's a descedent of primus here huh?"

Enigma:"fufu. I can't wait to meet him. I get so excited just by thinking of taking his powers"

A/n:that's it see you guys next time

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