Episode 20

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Kouta and Akeno are returned to them and Kouta back to normal

Kouta:Hey guys.

Akeno:We're back~

Asahina:Oh Kouta where have you been?

Akeno:Well we hangout just for the 2 of us~*she's lied to them*

Rias:Really? You dated him are you!?*she is jealous*

Akeno:Nope not a date Rias.

Rias:Ok then...

Chizuru:Right the next match is started now guys.


- intro -


- at Kagura Festival -

Ryouna:Ah~ My ass feels so good~

Haruka:*giggles*Yes you did Ryouna~

Ryoubi:Alright enough that sis.

Imu:Yeah,the next match is started.


- back to the Kouta and the others -

Sirzechs:Alright time for the 3rd match,Millacas start the roulette.

Millicas pressed the button to start roulette and then he press it again to stop the roulette and it was Chizuru vs Rias

Venelana:The next match is Chizuru vs Rias!

Rias:Well i gonna beat you Chizuru.

Chizuru:You're on Rias.

Asia:Rias you can do it!

Rias:I will Asia.

Kouta:Go Chizuru!

Chizuru:Alright Kouta~

Rias enter the arena while Tamamo went closer to Kouta and Chizuru saw it

Chizuru:Mother don't you dare to touch him,his mine!

Tamamo:Alright Chizuru~

Chizuru went closer to the arena then turn around to her mother

Chizuru:AND NO SEDUCING MY KOUTA MOTHER!!!!!!*she enter the arena*

Tamamo:Fufufu~*pounce her breasts to his back and hug him*

Kouta:*blushes*W-w-what are you doing Tamamo!?

Tamamo:Fufufu~ Because you're so soft and warm~

Kouta blush madly

Yuki:King of eros.

Kouta:Shut up Yuki!

Rias and Chizuru arrived in the arena

Chizuru:Alright Rias bring it on!

Rias:Well if you insist Chizuru.


Chizuru release her nail clawas and run at her then attack her but Rias parried her attack and attack her by using demonic fist to her gut then Rias start attacking her multiple times and deliver a demonic beam attack her and she crash to the wall

Asuka:Chizuru come on don't lose to us!

Chizuru:*groans*You pay for that!*summon a firefox plasma ball and start fire at her multiple times then Rias try dodge the attack but she got hit*

Chizuru transformed into a fox form and runs at her and deliver tail swipe attack to her then ignite her tail and delivered a fire tail spin attack and Rias got hurt and send flying and crash on the ground

Homura:Wow she has fire powers.

Kumada:Basically Chizuru is a fire fox spirit.

Tayura:Same as me.

Rias:*stand up slowly*Not bad Chizuru...can you survived this attack!*charge her breasts energy*

Kouta:What the heck?

Asahina:What is she's doing!?

Rias:Take this! Oppai Beam!*fire her demonic beam from her breasts*

Chizuru got hurt and scream painfully


Chizuru fall down and try to get up

- at Kagura Festival -

Aimu:Oh no she's done for...

Sakyou and Ukyou:Chizuru don't give up now!

Kumi:Come on Chizuru focus at her opponent!

- back to the arena -

Chizuru panting

Rias:What's the matter Chizuru? Giving up already well i'm not done.*released her devil wings grab her and she flying to the sky*It's time to go to hell Chizuru.*she let go and deliver a hammer slam but Chizuru caught her fists by her extended tail and wrapped it around*What the!?

Chizuru:You should go to hell Rias.*start spinning her tail with her then toss her hard and crash to the ground and she landing on the ground*

Rias:*cough**cough*You make me mad Chizuru AND I MAKE YOU FINISHED!!!!*the sky turned dark and then she summoned a magic circle and charge her aura*

Kiriyama:What the hell is she doing!?!

Kumada:Rias is gonna unleashing a ultumate powerful attack,there's no way she survived that attack.

Miyabi:Oh god...

Kouta:I can't watch...

Tamamo hug his face to her breasts

Tamamo:There,there Kouta,she will dodge that attack!

Sirzechs:Rias using her ultimate attack,can Chizuru dodge her attack?

Chizuru:Oh no what should i do? Come on think...think...*gasp*i got it!

Yumi:We gonna lose this match...

Homura:Oh no...

Ren and Ai:Mama...

Mio shivers herself

Rias:TAKE THIS POWER OF DESTRUCTION!!!!!*released her demonic energy blast at her*

Chizuru close her eyes then explodes impact then Rias panting and the crowd shocking gasp

Asuka:It's over now...guys?

Miyabi:*noticed*Wait! Look!*point at her*

Clear the dust away and saw Chizuru didn't get hurt because she summoned a barrier shield herself and she smirk and Rias shocked

Everyone huge pop cheer

Yuki:She's ok!

Rias:What!? But how!?

Chizuru:Hehehe...*remove her barrier shield*Cause i have my barrier shield to block an ultimate attack!

Kouta:Wow Chizuru...

Rias:This can't be...

Chizuru:And you time to end this!*raise her hand up and summoned large firefox plasma*This is the power of love! Take this! FIREFOX BLAST  ATTACK!!!*fire her attack at her then she scream and got hurt and then explodes her  then torn her clothes little and then she defeated and knocked out*


The bell rings

Venelana:And the winner is Chizuru Minamoto! That's means Team Kouta is advancing to the quarter finals!!

Everyone cheer and Kouta and the others celebrate

Asuka:She did it!

Miyabi:Good job Chizuru...

- at Kagura Gestival -

All SK girls are celebrate

Ranmura:She did it!

Kasumi:*whew*I thought she done for...

Kanon:So do i...

Leo:*smile*Congrats Chizuru.

- back at the arena -

Rias painfully move slowly then Chizuru held her hand to her and Rias  grab her hand and Chizuru help her stand up

Rias:That was amazing match Chizuru,you really a great job.

Chizuru:Why thank you Rias.

Rias:And tell Kouta to win the tournament for me and my friends.

Chizuru:I will Rias.

Rias:Good luck at the quarter final Chizuru.

Chizuru nod and then hug Rias

Tamamo claps her hands

Kouta:Umm...Tamamo can you let me go now?

Tamamo:Fufufu nope~

Kouta:Huh!? But Chizuru-

Tamamo:*pounce her breasts to his face and make him blush madly*Ssh...there,there Kouta dear,someday you will marry me~

Kouta shocked

Miki:Ara ara~

Hyouki:Wow Tamamo,maybe i should marry him to.

Reki:Me too.

SK Yuki:Me three!

Maki:And me...

Tamamo:*giggles*Now,now girls let's save it just now~

Senki Shu:Yes ma'am.

Chizuru and Rias went out the arena

Chizuru:Kouta i'm ba-*she shocked saw her mother seducing Kouta*

Rias:Oh no...


Tamamo:Aww...come on Chizuru just a little while please~?


Kouta let go off her

Kouta:*panting*I'm almost die now...*whew*

Chizuru:Kouta! Are you ok darling?

Kouta:Yeah...i'm fine Chizuru.


Rias:Anyway,we gonna cheer you guys and even you Kouta.

Akeno:So you beat us and we want to help you out to the tournament.


Kouta:Ok girls.


Rias:And good luck Kouta,i'm counting on you~*wink at him*

Kouta:*blushes*Thanks Rias...

Akeno:How cute~ I want him to make babies with me~

Rias jealously stare at her

Akeno:What i'm just joking Rias teehee~

Kumada:Anyway let's watch the other team matches.


Everyone watches the other peerages membet battle to advancing the quarter finals

- credits -


See you at the next episode bye

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