Episode 21

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- after finished the 1st round -

Sirzechs:And that's end of the 1st round.

Venelana:Alright let's see the tournament brackets advancing the quarter finals.

Titantron shows the tournament

Sirzechs:It seems Kouta Peerage,Sairaorg Peerage,Sona Peerage,Riser Peerage,Issei Peerage,Seekvaira Peerage,Diodara Peerage and Magdaran Peerage are now advancing to the Quarter Finals.

Venelana:Look likes the current champion Issei Peerage is in the tournament.

Sirzechs:Now time for start the quarter final round!!!

All the crowd cheers

- intro -


Kouta:Ok my peerage it's time to win this tournament.


SK girls:We are ready!


Mittelt:Let's kick some butt!

Saku:Let's do this.

Sairorg came in

Sairaorg:Hey kid,good luck on your match.

Kouta:Ehehe...thanks sir.

Rias:Be careful guys you can win this.

Sairaorg:Oh you cheering them?

Akeno:Yes we are!


Venelana:Now the quarter final match will be Team Kouta vs Team Sairaorg.

Sirzechs:Now start the roulette son.

Millicas pressed the button to the start the roulette slots at the titantron then he pressed it again to the stop the roulette and it was Kouta vs Coriana

Venelana:The 1st match will be Kouta vs Coriana.

Kouta:Who's Coriana?

Sairorg:She's blonde and beautiful girl and she heard about you because she's your type now.


Sairaorg:*smirk*Or you're gonna lose by her sexyness kid.


Rias:Ok enough teasing Sairaorg.

Sairaorg:I was joking Rias,sorry.

Kouta:Right here goes nothing.

Kouta went in the arena along with Coriana

Chizuru:Who is she?

Akeno:She's one of Sairaorg Peerage Chizuru.

- at Kagura Festival -

Daidouji:It's time to summoned one of us.

All SK girls nod

- back to the arena -

Kouta tilt his head

Coriana:*her thoughts*Oh my he's so cute,fufufu i shown him of my naked body and i win the match~ and curse you Issei for attacking me while taking off my panties for him...and now i hate him and that little boy is my love for now~

Venelana:Ready? 3,2,1 fight!

Asahina:This is gonna be interested...

The background change into pink background without the crowd just leave Kouta and Coriana alone

Kouta:What's happening?

Rias:*shocked*I know this...

Kumada:Something wrong ma'am.

Rias:Well because Coriana gonna striptease to him.


Rias:It's true...

Coriana:Hey cutie wanna show you something important~

Kouta:Umm...what does it mean?

Coriana taking off her business suit then proceed taking off her skirt

Kouta:*blushes*W-w-what are you doing!?


Asahina:Wait a minute...WHAT IS SHE DOING!?!?!


Kirigaya:Oh god...

Kumada:Wear this Kiriyama.*give the blindfold to him*

Kumada,Tayura,Saku,Kiriyama and Kiriko wearing blindfold

Kirigaya:*cover Mio eyes*Don't look Mio.

Issei came in

Issei:Hey guys.

Akeno,Rias and Chizuru are jealous triggered at her

Issei:What happened to them?

Koneko:Coriana gonna stripping for Kouta.

Issei:Really!?*drools himself*

Koneko:*blank space*None of your business pervert...


Coriana unbuttoned her school jacket while lick her lips and Kouta can't move his body and he gulp

- at Kagura Festival -


Ryoubi:Kouta focus yourself and summoned one of us now!

Katsuragi:*drooling herself*Yes...YES! YES!!! GIVE ME THOSE BOOBIES TO ME~!!!!

Ikaruga knock her out by hand chopping on her head

- at the arena -

Coriana:You like that darling~*massage her breasts and wink at him*

Kouta blushes madly

Chizuru:GGGRRRRR.....I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!*grab the phone and call him*KOUTA YOU MUST SUMMONED ONE OF SK GIRLS NOW!!!!

Kouta:I can't Chizuru my body is not responding!

Chizuru:JUST FOCUS YOURSELF NOT HER! Please...only me can touch my breasts Kouta please do it for me.

Rias:Me too!

Akeno:Me three!

Kouta:I-i-i-*slowly move his hand and grab one of the SK card*

- At the Kagura Festival -

Ryoubi:*saw Ryouna was not here*Eh? Where's Ryouna?

Imu:She taking a bath...

Kouta pull a Ryouna card and Ryoubi noticed it


Coriana turn around and then start take off her panties

Asuka:KOUTA DO IT!!!

Kouta:I-i-i-i-I DON'T KNOW!!!*close his eyes and insert it in the summoner watch then it glows and summoned Ryouna was already naked*

Ryouna:Yay my master summoned me again~

The crowd offscreen gasps

Venelana:Oh my~

Sirzechs and Millicas was already wear a blindfold then Chizuru,Asahina,SK and DXD girls are jaw dropped

Tamamo:Ara ara~

Yuki:Oh wow...

And Issei was doing this


Asahina punch his head hard and knock him down


Kouta nosebleed himself

Ryouna:Master do you like my body~?

Ryoubi:Ugh...Ryouna you idiot!!!!

- back to the arena -

Coriana:*saw her*You,you're ruined my moment with him! And i will make you pay!

Coriana use ice magic attack at her while Kouta dizzy his eyes and walk slowly and he trip and pounced his face to Ryouna breasts

Ryouna:KYAH~!!!😍😍😍*dodge her attack of her ballerina dance*Master touch me more~



Coriana attack her using ice powers attacks

Ryouna:Hold on master~*dodge her attack*Ninja art~! Skater's Waltz~!

Ryouna skates forward as she begins twirling around in her faulty ballerina style while kicking in unison. Her kicks follow a steady waltz pattern as they land devastating blows to her and all that come into contact with it. It finishes with a powerful kick directly to the ground, causing a small stalagmite shard to shoot up from her heel to her and Coriana got hurt

Coriana:Argh! You pay for this!*charge at her*

Ryouna:Super Ninja Art~! Beautiful Blue Gunslinger~!

Ryouna run at her and use her special attack preps herself before gracefully leaping into the air and fliping upside down. She then points her guns downward, and spins in a pirouette-like fashion while firing several shots at her below. It ends with her explosively landing down, creating stalagmite shards that shot up from the ground and she got freeze her body

Coriana:I can't moved...

Ryouna:Time for the big finale master~ Ultimate ninja art~ Rebellion Concerto~!

Ryouna skates around like a figure skater,lunging,jumping,and twirling as she fires her guns wildly in all directions. For the finale,she leaps into a spinning pirouette and lands on the ground causing a geyser of ice shards rise up at her and Coriana scream in pain and she defeated and the background change back to normal with the crowd and the bell ring

Venelana:And the winner is Kouta.

Kouta let go her breasts and he passed out

Ryouna:I won master~

Kouta slowly thumbs up to her and and his arm fall down


Coriana:*stand up*I lost again...*saw Kouta was passed out*oh i'm sorry cutie here i make you heal up a CPR kiss~

Coriana try to kiss him but then Rias and Chizuru stop her

Rias and Chizuru:WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!

Coriana:I was kissing him to wake him up~

Rias:Why do you like him Coriana?

Coriana:Well he is my type of boy i like and now my heart is pounding fast and i love him so much~

Rias:*sigh*Well atleast you're lost the match.

Coriana:Of course i forgot what his cute name?

Chizuru:Kouta Oyamada.

Coriana:That's a cute name~

Rias:Right...i take Asia to heal him up.

Coriana:Ok and tell my lovely Kouta say sorry~


- at Kagura festival -

Ryoubi:Ryouna...you're in big trouble...

Imu:You ok Ryoubi?

Ryoubi:I'm fine...

- back to the arena -

Chizuru and Rias while carry Kouta went out the arena

Asuka:That was an embarrassing match.

Nozomu:Yes it is...

Sairaorg:*laugh*Sorry kid for making you fainted by her.

Rias:It's fine Sairaorg at least he won the match,later he will wake up soon.

Coriana:*put on her clothes*I failed you Sairaorg...

Sairaorg:Nah...it's alright Coriana you did a great job and for now you can visit him anytime.



Coriana:Yay~ I can be my lovely Kouta~

Yuki:*smug smile*King of eros.


Rias:Ssh...there,there Kouta.*pat his head*

Ren and Ai:Is dad will be ok?

Chizuru:He will be ok.

Then they off the blindfold

Kumada:So that's done let's moved on the next match.


Then Asia use healing magic to Kouta and slowly wake him up

Kouta:Where am i?

Chizuru:Kouta you ok!!!*hug him*

Kouta:Ah Chizuru...wait did i win?

Rias:Yes you did Kouta and Coriana said sorry to you Kouta.

Kouta:Well it's fine.

Chizuru:Good now let's go to the next match.


- credits -


See you at the next episode bye

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