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Because damn, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on.

When I opened my eyes, someone had carefully laid my on the comfortable couch in the room I just fainted in. I groaned lightly as I touched my head – why? I didn't hurt my head now did I? – everything was hurting and I couldn't see properly. However, even with my blurry vision, I saw how two brightly blue eyes hovered above my face. Sure, I only saw these eyes up close once, but I would recognize them anywhere. They were his, he was here.
"What happened? How long was I out?" I asked groggily as my vision slowly started to clear and the characteristics of my Aericon's face became more visible. Strong jawline, a slight stubble and an extremely worried expression he managed to mask right after I opened my mouth to speak.
"You fainted. Half a minute." He spoke in short sentences, and I had to try really hard to understand what he meant. I'm sure I must have looked puzzled, because he felt the need to clarify what he just said.
"You just fainted only a minute after you came into my study. My personal study. The study you had no permission to enter. You fell over, I caught you to avoid having stains on my carpet and I laid you down on the couch. You were only out for half a minute before you started asking stuff you should know." If I wasn't sure I saw his expression only a few seconds ago, I would have thought he hated me. But I saw that he was worried, and in some way, that was a victory for me. In others: it only caused him to see me as a weak girl with no true backbone.
"I'll go now," I whispered, trying to get up.
"No, you're not. I called for our doctor, she should be here any minute now. Just stay here and for once listen to what I've just told you."
With these words he stood up from his crouched position and turned around towards the door. With big steps he walked out of the room, and I whimpered slightly as I felt his presence become less.
"Oh, alpha Aericon, you called for me?" The voice of an older woman sounded through the hallways.
"Yes, it's my mate. She fainted and is in my study now." He sounded cold, but secretly desperate to know what was wrong with me. The old woman seemed to pick up on it.
"Dear boy, how could you even leave your soulmate alone for more than two seconds after she fell? Go sit next to the damn girl and comfort her with all your might while I investigate her." She sounded firm, and without even seeing her, I could already tell that I would like her a lot.
I heard a deep sigh and a grumble that sounded like a 'sure, as you wish Ma'am.'
Just a few seconds later, a grey haired woman with a white doctors jacket and a brown leather bag came in. She hurried to my side as my mate just kept standing awkwardly at the doorstep.
"What's wrong with you dear? You look so pale," she gushed, clearly worried for my wellbeing. With a quick movement of her hand, she checked my temperature. "Oh dearie, you're burning up awfully," she said while she softly touched my cheek. Her hand felt cold on my skin, so I sighed in relief.
After a quick examination, she turned over to my mate, who was still standing near the door, his posture stiff, his eyes cold. "When was the last time you saw her before the accident?" She asked.
Aericon shrugged. "Couple of days ago, I presume."
"When was the last time you touched her? Hugged her? Gave her attention?"
This time I answered. "I'm not even sure if we actually touched before." 
She sighed and turned over to my mate once more."It couldn't be any clearer, actually," the woman said, obviously scolding him."She suffers from the mate-loss syndrome."

I gasped out loud, and so did he. "B-b-but how is that possible?" I stuttered, and I could hear that my words sounded slurred, as if I was drunk beyond measure.
"I'm not dead, am I?" His voice sounded harsh, irritated. "She didn't lose her mate, I'm still here, so that cannot be it."
As soon as these words left his mouth, the doctor put one hand on her hip, while she pointed closely to my mates face with her other. "Now listen to me well, pup, I may not be the alpha, but I am a doctor and I have been for a very, very long time. I sure as hell know what I am talking about. She is suffering because of you. I have seen it before, when two mates ignore each other, independent of how long they have known each other, independent of how strong their bond is, the physically weaker one starts to suffer. They'll grow weaker by the minute, they'll get ill, until finally they die. And if I'm correct, which I often am, it is not her fault that she got sick. It's yours. So it is your job to make sure she gets well again, or else you don't want to know what I'll do to you."
I knew I would like her.
Although, she did say that I would die if he kept ignoring me.
Okay so maybe, just maybe, I didn't like her that much.
"And how am I supposed to do that?" He asked. His voice didn't sound as if he was worried about me. It sounded as if I was just a thing, an object, he needed to care for because it was obligatory. It was more than obvious he was bored out of his mind.
And to be honest, that kind of hurt. It made my heart ache for someone, it made my head hurt to the point I thought it would burst. Trying to make sure no one would hear me, I groaned softly.
Unfortunately, werewolves have an amazing sense of hearing, so I don't even know why I thought that no one would hear me. Both the heads of the doctor and the alpha snapped towards me, my mate's a little slower.
"What's wrong honey?" the woman asked.
I doubted if I should answer. My mate would only think more lowly of me. He would think I was even weaker than he had already expected. But somehow, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.
"My head hurts," I whimpered, quite pathetically if I may add.
The doctor sighed. "Oh dear," she exclaimed loudly, clearly pitying me. "It is getting worse by the second." Then she just seemed to transform into the most terrifying woman the alpha ever met.
"I will only say this once more." She threatened loudly, her voice holding so much power I almost started whimpering again, even though her threat wasn't directed at me.
"You will care for your soulmate, be affectionate, and make her get well. And you will do this right now or I swear, I will kill you, alpha or not."
Aericon grunted, and walked over to me, dragging his feet with him.
"A little more enthusiasm would be appreciated," I tried to say, but it came out more like a pained whine.
The woman smiled softly at us when my mate finally sat by my side. "I will check on you tomorrow, dearie." With these words, she quietly left the room, leaving us as I experienced for the first time how it feels when your soulmate touches your skin. 

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