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She made his heart beat out of his chest, his blood rush through his veins and he felt as if she was the only thing keeping him firmly on the ground. She was his gravity.

Sparks, they were everywhere. Tiny, little, electrical shocks sizzled between us as he softly touched my forehead. Only then he seemed to realize how bad I looked.
How bad I must have been feeling all the time.
"Shit, you really are running a very high fever," he cursed softly. His eyes had softened into a tranquil blue instead of the icy kind I always saw in my imagination. I could only sigh in relief, as his touch made the very strong headache evaporate as snow does on a sunny day. Now that I could think a little more clearly, I noticed that I felt exhausted. And with him so close to me, pressed against my side as his couch wasn't that big, and his cool fingers trailing on the hot skin of my forehead, I couldn't feel anything but safe and sound. My eyelids started drooping, and I could hardly keep them open, even though I tried my hardest.
I had been waiting for this for so long! Finally my soulmate, my other half, started opening up to me – well, not really, but it's a start right? – and I was just going to fall asleep.
"It's okay, go to sleep, I won't go away," he whispered.
"Okay," I breathed. Was I dreaming already? I guess I wasn't, because as my eyes stayed closed this time, I still felt how he pressed my limp body against him and carried me somewhere else. I didn't get to know where, because by then, I really had fallen asleep. And damn, that sleep felt good.

When I woke up, all I felt was a lot of confusion. I didn't know where I was, I had no clue how long I had been sleeping, I wondered where my mate had gone and I really wanted to know if there was a toilet close by. First I took a look around the room. It wasn't the same where I had been the four days prior to my sickness, nor was it one of the guest rooms in the castle, and it wasn't my home in the Amor quarters either. Not knowing how I knew, I was sure I was in someone's room. Not just any room. Really the room a person lived in, called it home. It just had this atmosphere of... something. While I was thinking about it, I didn't know why I knew this. I just, knew.
The room was neutral at first sight, with white and light grey walls, a neutral black couch without any cosy looking pillows, this scarily soft bed with thick, dark coloured comforters and a wooden floor. But when I looked more carefully, I saw little scratches on the floor, finger prints on the mirror on the door, a shirt that was carelessly thrown over the edge of a seat. Oh and maybe the sound of a running shower might have given away that I was in someone's room. And I had a gut feeling that he brought me to his room. Wait did that mean that he was actually in there showering?
Just thinking of it already caused me to feel flustered.
By now I really, really had to pee. So I tried to stand op, my movements sloppy, my knees wobbly and my balance not as good as it used to be. I didn't care. I was done being all weak, this way my dearest mate would never see me in the right light. I needed to be strong, because that is what an alpha would want, right? A strong, loving mate? I was sure of it. I just needed to suck it up, be a big girl and show some love to my man.
Well, soon to be my man.
If he kept acting the way he did yesterday, softly touching my forehead, giving me worried glances, carrying me to his bed... It wouldn't take long for me to absolutely fall in deep deep love with him. And it surely wouldn't take long for him to start falling for me.
Oh who was I kidding.
I was already in love with him, I just couldn't help it. I was officially an Amor after all, it was in my genes to adore my mate long before I even met him. Long before he actually introduced himself to me.
Then it hit me. He didn't even know my name yet! He had probably been so busy he had forgotten to ask me. Yhea. That must've been it.
I was about to limp my way to one of the three doors in his bedroom, when one of them opened.
"What are you doing out of bed? You are supposed to still be in bed."
Oh my dearest God. He was droolworthy. All he wore was a creamy white towel around his waist, hiding his you-know, but that was it. I knew his arm muscles were defined but damn so were his chest, legs and stomach. Oh holy hell his stomach... Almost eadible. I could already feel myself licking those abs over and o-
What the hell was I thinking?
I swear my entire face had the colour of very ripe cherries.
"Why are you still standing there?" I snapped out of my thoughts immediately as I heard how cold his voice sounded again. It was the same tone as when he adressed a maid to get me a room away from his. My face dropped, the red colour on my cheeks vanishing immediately.
"Hello? You..."
"M-m-micara," I stuttered, trying to be helpful.
"Well, M-m-micara," he repeated mockingly. "Why are you out of bed, you are ill."
"I had to use the bathroom," I whispered softly, fighting my tears.
He silently pointed towards the room he just came out of, but didn't move out of the way.
My head casted downwards, knowing that he followed my every movement with a mean smirk on his face, I shuffled towards the door, barely keeping my balance. I felt humiliated, embarrassed, weak and useful as I closed the bathroomdoor behind me, finally letting a few of those tears go. That is what he did to me.
He made me awful. However, I would win him over. It would just take a tad bit longer than I had expected. After all, I was an Amor. This was my talent, my gift, my destiny. Maybe I was supposed to make him feel again. I would do it, for him, because I loved my mate with my whole heart already.

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