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But why did she have to make it so difficult for him? He worried for her when she was not around, and when she was close he wanted to touch her all the time.

The dining room was posh, extravagant and over the top. Everywhere I looked I saw signs of how rich this Alpha Ethan was. I wasn't sure if he had a mate already, because if he had, she didn't show. The man, who I believed had an age of 25, looked like a Viking, a wildling of long forgotten times. He was buff, tall and extremely muscular, had curly red hair and a beard that was as wild as mine after I just got out of bed. He looked oddly misplaced in this environment of nobility, royalty even.  
Then I saw my target of this evening, Alpha Yves, Alpha of Change. He had agreed to the plan, and would flirt with me all night. Subtly at first, but as the night progressed, he would be more and more insistent. That was how we had planned it.
Well, that was how Varya, Lottie and Livia had planned it.
Alpha Yves was, how do you say it, handsome. Not just handsome, because all of the Alpha's were. He had an aura of boyishness, with a mischievous smirk, charming eyes and a whole attire that screamed 'player'. It fitted him, he looked good with it.
I gulped. Even though he was handsome, my Aericon was ten times hotter. I mean, Yves was nice to look at, but I wasn't in love with him, I would never be in love with him. My heart already belonged to my mate.
But his heart didn't belong to me yet. After this night, he would just give it to me, and then everything would be fine. I just had to make him a little jealous.
I pushed my boobs up a little, as I had seen the girls at my high school do every so often a cute guy walked past. I was disgusted by it, but for true love you have to pay a price, right?
As the appetizer was served, I started completely ignoring Aericon and focused all my attention to Alpha Yves, who sat on my right.
"So," he said, "I haven't seen you here before, what's your name?" With a flashy smile, he already made me blush.
"I'm Micara," I quietly answered, my cheeks red as the tomatoes on my plate. "You can call me Cara, though." It seemed smart to me to allow him that, as it would make Aericon jealous that another Alpha could call me Cara, while he couldn't.
"You look absolutely gorgeous, my dear, truly stunning."
"Thank you," I purred in the most seductive voice I could master. "You look very handsome yourself, Alpha Yves," I was polite to some extent, I couldn't completely ruin Aericon's reputation.
Next to me, I already felt my mate stiffen, and I inwardly smiled at this first reward. I was winning this game. It felt good, actually, so I took it up a notch, smiling sweetly at the man while touching his arm as the maids and butlers cleared the table for the second course of the evening.
Alpha Yves started telling jokes, he winked every once in a while and I laughed and blushed each time. The other Alpha's talked about business, their mates talking amongst themselves, smiling reassuringly at me at every chance they got.
As main course was served, Varya even gave me a thumbs up. I was doing well, I was doing extremely well. Alpha Aericon's knuckles were white as he gripped his knife so tight I thought it was going to break.
At some point during the evening, I think I saw Alpha Vir silently ask Livia what was going on, after which she whispered a few words in his ear. He started grinning, and shook his head. I just shrugged my shoulders, and listened to Yves – he gave me permission to call him by his first name – the rest of the night. He told me about his pack, his beliefs, his likes and dislikes, while throwing a joke here and there.
"It sounds wonderful," I mused, "I should definitely visit sometime, you can show me everything."
That last thing I probably shouldn't have said. With a loud noise, Aericon shove his seat to the side and pulled me up with him.
"Now you're done. Excuse us, Alpha Ethan, my mate refuses to behave." He roughly grabbed me by my arm and started walking out of the room.
"Ow, you're hurting me!" I yelled as he ran up the stairs, his fingers slowly making prints on my arm.
He kept silent, obviously fuming with anger.
Maybe I really took it too far... Even though I did it for him to realise his love for me. After tonight, he would realise I loved him with all of my heart, like I loved everything in the world. After tonight, he would realise that all I need was for him to feel the same.
I let him drag me up to our quarters, knowing that tomorrow, you could see blue fingerprints all over my arm.
He harmed me.
My prince in shining armour harmed me. He was harming me at that exact moment. I whimpered pathetically.
"Keep silent," Aericon said, deathly calm. "You have done enough for today, I don't want to hear another word from you this entire trip."
"Seducing another Alpha? A mated Alpha at that! In front of everyone, while I was sitting next to you. You thought it was alright to ignore me throughout the entire evening?" He let out a frustrated sigh and put his hands in his hair after he threw me on the bed. "How could you ever disrespect me this much?"
"I did it for you..." I muttered.
He exploded then and there. "How could you ruin my reputation for everyone in that dining room for me? For what? What was your purpose? Explain to me why the hell that was best for me?" 
I still felt glad he gave me a chance to explain. After this he would surely understand and agree with my actions. So I sat up straight and started explaining everything to him.
"Right after I met you I was already deeply in love with you. You probably are deeply in love with me as well, but you didn't realise yet. You just needed a little push to see that you care for me as much as I care for you. Knowing that now, don't you think it was a good idea?" I told him all that with a smile. "I'm sorry I hurt you, but I don't regret it as you now recognize me as the mate you are supposed to love."
He didn't react immediately after I ended my short monologue. He just kept to himself, slowly shaking his head and laughing silently. I already felt weight fall of my shoulders. He understood and was now laughing at his own stupidity for not realizing everything. "It doesn't matter now," I said, smiling broadly. "I forgive you."
He looked up at me as if I was insane. "You don't get it, do you?"
"What exactly?"
"This is exactly why I didn't want a mate from the Sensus pack. Hell, this is exactly why I didn't want a mate from the Amor quarters of the pack. But no, the Gods assigned me the most Amor person my seer had ever met!"
The weight that was lifted from my shoulders felt on my heart with a tremendous impact, letting tears spring to my eyes. I didn't even understand what he meant. What was wrong with me?

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