The Glass

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How would you define your life?

If you ask me,
this is what I'm going to say

My life is like a glass.
It's full to the brink with emotions.
Emotions with different densities.
Where happiness - the densest.

I don't know how to swim.

I can't get to the bottom.

I'm stuck in the middle.

Struggling to reach happiness.

In this situation, what do I do?

I'll try to swim up and float.

Wait for the W a V e S to calm down.

I'll stay there 'til I'm able to dive again.

You see ...

I tried to make this glass half- empty.

I did try hard --- really hard.

But the externals,... they fill it up.


Is that what life is?
I don't want to think it's true.
'Cause if it does, I might drown.
Cramps are evident in this.

Sometimes I think "What if?"

What if I break this glass?

All these emotions will spill.

And the pool of happiness - more attainable.

Could a mallet a good starting point?

A sledgehammer might be better.

Will you help me out?

Will you help me break this glass?


A year ago, I was struggling with the idea of performing at my best that I've put a lot of pressure on myself. I found myself no longer happy and just living for the happiness of another.

I was able to find resolve.

I hope you, guys, if ever you're also at the brink of a breakdown, will find something that can make you feel better. Also remember, that you have a support system to run to. We'll all have one. Believe in that.

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