The LAME Game

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Have you ever felt stuck?
Like you've been missing on a lot?

Fear not, my friend
I've shared the sentiment
But now, I'm on the mend
Let me show you the armament


In this day and age,
Technology is everywhere.
The fast paced of life meant
Pressure and expectations

You'll question yourself,
"Have I done enough?"

The feeling of emptiness -
Cuts deep through the bones
Limits your breathing
Blurs your thinking

I realized
And should tell myself,
"I am a human being."
A being capable of anything.

So, for some time
Let yourself breathe
Turn off the PC and start living.

Living is being.
Being is living.

Being lost in time.
Being kind to oneself and others.
Being yourself and enjoying your existence.

I should tell myself

To stop thinking too much.
Dance and be crazy
Now that I still can.

Love your life.
Everyday is a blessing.
Make it worth while.
Nothing is impossible through Christ.

Live your life
to your true potential.

Accept yourself
with all its flaws.

Make a difference
no matter how small.

Enjoy it.
You only got one.

Don't just play
Live the LAME game.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro