Forward to the Castle

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Back at the Lord's castle, the 3 survivors of the surprising battle are fully clothed, devoid of armor as they drunk small ounces of Impa-brewed Ale telling the Lord everything they witnessed.

"And then what happened?..." Asked the lord on the other side of the desk.

"We fled to find you. Only to be slowed down by the traps sprung by the knife ears and the humans.First spikes covered in shit...then more of them at fast speeds and finally the wolves mauled what's left of our mates..."He finished as he shuddered of what he had witnessed.

The lord soon was rehashing some of the things told by the three. Knife ears and strange humans with tactics so unfamiliar and so uncanny along with the supposed strangers wearing strange clothes and weapons no one can produce all while destroying a huge garrison in one night all while planning ahead of this moment...

Before he can think any further the door open to reveal a soldier who commenced the firm stance

"My lord, the troops are ready to deploy upon your orders sir!" Said the soldier

"Thank you, I'll be there" He Said as he raised up from his chair before looking at the trio in his office

"I'll be right back, get comfortable if you wish.."

"Yes sir, thank you sir" they all said with a small bow before drinking their Ales.


The Lord walk through the long corridors of the castle built by the hands of the enslaved.The Impa has great power and rule with the lord being in the forest making it easier to go to the elven villages or hidden settlements in the forest the races are taking refuge to.

Before long he was at the courtyard as the garrison of 200 more elite soldiers and horsemen to boot, stood in place along with 2 large knights known as juggernauts as they begin talking to one another wondering what's there task may be.

"Wonder what's going on." A soldier asked to another.

"Must be important to have us gathered like this."

"We must be here to crush someone for the glory of the Impa Empire!"A young soldier said only be whacked in the back of the head by an older soldier.

"Shut up.You may have passed the test to get into the elites but you're still as green as ever."

"Come on!Give me a break!"The young soldier whined.

Various noises of laughter and drinks clinking where in the nearby tower followed by the very faint sounds of soldiers having "intimate" times with the taken Elven women.

"They're so lucky they don't have to go..."A soldier sighed.

"Seriously,how can someone get down and dirty with one of those things?"A soldier questioned.

"You know my wife is an Elf right?" An experienced soldier butted in catching the other soldier off guard.

Before they can continue further, a firm hand raised up by the lord himself signaling they need to be silent which is common courtesy when it comes to higher ups.

"Today is a grim day for our garrison as the brave 197 men lead by their commander have perished..."

An uproar from the Impa men sparked with the alarming news. They never have lost a single man in battle before which begs the question, who could've have done it?

"How were they wiped out?!"

"Those damn knife-ears!!"

"Damnit.Those good men..."

The soldiers were silenced by the hand not wanting to disrespect the lord.

"It is the elves but, among them are humans."


A couple hushed whispers flowed through the garrison as the lord continued.

"That's right.Our own kind betrayed us. For the sake of saving the elves from the righteous genocide of our empire!"

"Today. I'm sending the 200 of you fine young men to destroy them..take no prisoner alive to keep them in line and make an example out the rebels that the empire isn't the ones to be pushed over.....FOR IMPA!!!"

"For IMPA!!!" They raised their weapons in the air.

"Now prepare to move immediately!The quicker we are the faster we can stop these rebels!!"

They all cheered as the lord was thinking in his head.

"With the elite regiment morale and high training there's no way the knife ears and rebel humans stand a chance...." Still,if this lot is able to kill our men,I'll need to have a word with the higher-ups."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The night quickly returned to day as most Sentinels are sleeping like Stryker who held his gun sleeping, Infinity, Mikhail and Calvin and majority of the elves in the carriages while most of them are wide awake completely deprived of sleep like Malcolm, Heibei, Valakit, Zera, Nora who was busy writing down some information, and the Wild Duo who are driving the carriages of the horse as they got more than 8 horses and 12 more carriages enough of each purpose of transportation, supplies and whatever they can find with Alistair taking peeks at Nora's writing.

"Say Nora, whatcha writing there?" Asked Alistair who partially turned his head away from the road.

"I'm writing my report of what has transpired to my superiors."Nora said as she began to roll up the piece of parchment as she raised it above her head.When she did, her bird Malachi swooped in and snatched the parchment and flew off.

A gunshot rang out seconds later with a pissed off Malcolm aiming at it.Some of the folks around him laughed or chuckled as a white spot was now visible on his helmet.

"Fucking hate birds!"He snapped as he took his helmet off to clean the dung off it.

"Such rudeness."Nora said to herself as she looked back at Alistair.

"You are from a different time than here or better yet, you are from perhaps another dimension."Nora said as Alistair shrugged.

"Beats me.I have no goddamn clue how I got here or where I am. Still, being an outlaw means I was able to do things I never thought,like reading. I read a book that's has faint similarities to this place. I believed the genre was called....fantasy."

"I see.You said you were an outlaw, mind telling me what is that?I'm quite intrigued." Nora said leaning closer to Alistair.

"Well,for starters, I'm a criminal. An outlaw was someone who broke the law rather than obeyed them.Where I'm from, there wasn't much order unless you were in them city states. You were able to live free and how you want. Of course,it does come with it's downsides.The big one is that you're constantly on the run and can never really sleep in town either.Then there's the lack of trust. You don't who would help you or reach for that iron their hip." Alistair explained leaning back in his seat and rubbing his eyes.

"Did you ever plan on settling down?"Nora asked.

"What do you mean?"He replied with another question.

"Adventurers usually travel the world but eventually they might end up finding someone or something that makes them stay in one spot."

"Oh, well....the thought crossed my mind but haven't found that something or someone." Alistair said.


The would-be caravan stopped at Stryker's outburst.

"I gotta go piss right now.I'll be back!"Stryker said as he dashed off into the forest.

"Fucking loser..."The Russian mumbled trying to go back to sleep.

"Louder than my whole crew back in the day..."Infinity said tipping his hat down.

Stryker continued into the forest as he thought he found a nice spot to do his business but a faint snap was heard and the ground broke out from under him.


In the forest, Stryker was having trouble finding his way back to the to his group after falling off a small cliff when looking for a secure place to pee. Sure, he's already done peeing but he now needs to look for a way to get around the little cliff he had fallen off.

"I was just looking for a place to pee and I fell from this little cliff. Am I really this unfortunate?"

He sighed as he remembered his unfortunate moments in his life, but his unfortunate moments brings luck, like when his father's car was stolen but he found an easily repairable car in the junk yard, got beaten up in school by bullies but made a lot of friends with the bullies' victims getting his money stolen but getting free delicious food from his neighbours, etc.

His unfortunate moments will always give him some good luck.

"Heh. That huge bush looks like a tank."

Stryker remarked at the huge bush in the distance. The fact that it looks exactly like a tank made Stryker to look at it closer, and when he reached the huge tank shape bush, he noticed something.

"This... this ain't a bush..."

He took his knife and slashed the bush. The leaves fell off and revealed a star inside a circle painted in some thick iron.

"Hehe. Welcome back Kalina."

He kept slashing the bush...

Minutes passed waiting for the American soldier who been away for 20 minutes as some patience gone thin to the point of wanting to ditch him.

"Where is he?"

"He said he was going to piss but its already been 20 minutes."

"Come on, lets look for him, in case he's in trouble or simply lost."

"Fuck that shit!It's a huge fucking waste of time! That fucking cracker will lag us behind!!!" Said Malcolm who finally finished cleaning his helmet.

"I believe that we need to be halted. We got Trouble..." Said Dom Who was using a spyglass to inspect

"What?"Alistair said as Dom threw him the spyglass.There Alistair saw a large force heading for them and fast.

"Oh shit.....FORM A BARRICADE! WE GOT INCOMING HOSTILES!!!" Alistair shouted as the Elves and sentinels began to form a barricade.

"These guys look-" The elf was suddenly cut off by an arrow piercing his head.

"Shit. They've brought out the elites!"An Elf shouted looking with a spyglass as they continued to form the barricade.Fast hooves were approaching the rebels as Alistair cocked his repeater and fired at the calvary man scoring a clean shot on his head as he fell off his horse.The other elite calvary men noticed this and ducked down and continued to charge.

"LOOK OUT!" Dom shouted as multiple elves were sliced by the fast moving and armored calvary men.

"Damnit!Elites have steel plated armor,our arrows will barely pierce it!"Another elf shouted.

Dom raised his rifle and killed a passing calvary man as a thunderous roar was heard across the way. There stood the juggernaut in heavy enchanted armor wielding a greatsword.

"KILL THEM!FOR THE GLORY OF THE IMPA EMPIRE!!!KILL!THEM!ALL!" He shouted pointing his blade towards the rebels as they charged towards them in a heavily fortified formation."
Before long, Mikhail laid down his machine gun and cocked it with freshly made ammo and other Sentinels with Guns aimed at them before long Mikhail commenced the carnage

"Eat the lead of Mother Russia!!!"He shouted before his machine gun sang blasting through the growing Calvary men's horses easily shredding those that hid behind their stead believing to protect them from arrows.

Calvin with his MP-08 for support blast any threat that goes near the perimeter. One of the Calvary men was close to Calvin and before the Impa horsemen could make the attack however, A quick slash from an axe has made the Impa man head roll off its body. Which Calvin turn to reveal Valakit who has a trance of Berserker juice on his mouth and eyes like a beast

"T-thanks?" Said Calvin who was ignored by Valakit who raised his axe to the sky

"RRRRAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" He scream to the heavens as the volume was so loud that shook the trees

The soldiers froze in place at the sound of the thunderous roar from the enemies side as the Juggernaut stepped forward towards the yell and faced his troops.

"Get ahold of yourself men!Focus on the little ones,this one is mine."The juggernaut said as the soldiers quickly nodded.The berserker leapt from the barricade and let out another war cry and charged towards the juggernaut.The juggernaut let out a hearty war cry himself and charged towards the berserker.

Valakit POV
This man is cowering behind heavy armor but, is charging towards me. I felt my legs picking up speed and my adrenaline surging through my body.We finally reached each other as I slammed my axe down on him as he blocked it and shoulder bashed me back.He swung his greatsword as I slid under and tried to go for his legs only for him to side step out of the way.I charged at him again in a full battle rage. The man held a stalwart defense as he laughed.

"Finally,a worthy opponent!"He shouted making me grin from ear to ear.

The other Sentinels were currently holding the incoming Impa men with Hebei and Infinity using a mix of ranged and close ranged combat, Dom, Calvin, and Mikhail were waiting for the Impa men to get close so they can make sure every bullet hit, and Conor and Malcolm were throwing grenades and dynamite.

"Fuck....there's too many!!" Dom shouted as he loaded his rifle with whatever was left of his ammo followed by Malcolm who load another round of his grenade launcher

"Give em hell! Give em whatever we got!!!" Said Malcolm who aimed his grenade launcher at the closest Impa men around who in turn try to deflect the grenade but failed to when he and others close to him blown to bits.

"I'm running low on everything here!"Yelled Connor who placed his last two sticks of dynamite back into his pack and blasted two soldier with his double barreled shotgun.

"Hold them off!Just hold them off!" Yelled Alistair firing at the soldiers with his Winchester.

More elves were slain by the elite Impa men as Zera was pushed down by an elite soldier as he raised his hand with his sword. Zera gritted his teeth and awaited for the end but the soldier was struck down by the spiked club from Calvin as he kept hitting the soldier in the head until he saw crimson coming from the helmet.Calvin outstretched his arm and helped Zera up.

"This is no place to die, my friend."

"Thanks."Zera said quickly before the two went back to the fight.As they continued to fight, they began to hear strange sounds of heavy metal clacking in the ground and the sound of an engine which were familiar to those in the 20th century.

"What that sound?" One of the Impa men noticed a loud rumbling sound coming from the right side of the forest. They see trees being cut out one by one and approaching toward them. Before long, a big box type of a metal beast with a mechanical plate on the front appears in front of them. The top has a two small pipe attracted to the round head. This surprised a lot of the Impa men, including the elves and Sentinels who are now behind the tread of a vehicle.

"WHAT MANNER OF SORCERY IS THIS?!" One of the Impa men commented surprised to see this 'beast'

The golem knocks off one of them into the ground. Before he can recover, the golem's right side crushed his feet.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH. HELP ME!" As he screams in agonized pain and torment.

The elite tried his best to push away from the beast, but an unwieldy weight of the beast won't let the elite body even a single movement which advance while crushing the poor soldier's body flat causing his insides to spree out of him creating a grotesque sight for those closer to them m.

The group turns pale once their fellow men died in the worst way. Some of them puke out their lunch content while others peed themselves without even realized while others try to put up a brave face but are scared in the inside. They had never seen so much brutality killing during their careers.

"Form up!"One of the more experienced shouted as they formed into a more defensible position at the unknown.
They heard metal cranking on top of the beast and a man pop out. He is wearing a strange uniform and helmet on top of his head.

"The hell is that?"Alistair asked followed by a nod from Connor.

"Beats me." Infinity added lost by the machine as well.

"Quite interesting." Hebei said quietly.

"I-Is this thing friendly?" Zera asked a little scared.

Before long the hatch open to reveal Stryker with a smile on his face.

"Hey guys, meet Kalina, and she'll be helping us bring some heavy firepower!"

"The fuck?You named a tank?That's fucking weird.But at this point, I don't even care." Malcolm said annoyed.

"Well that's something about giving us damn support!!!" Said Dom Who continued to fire at a Impa man.

Immediately, Stryker began cocking his M2HB .50 Cal Machine Gun, squeeze the trigger and let it loose all the bullets to the body of the Impa men who's armor is weak against the bullets.The Impa Men began to back up from the tank while others tried to mount it only to be shot by the Sentinels providing overwatch.

Some of the Impa tried striking the armor only for nothing to happen.

"Our swords are ineffective!"One shouted being completely at a lost.

"What do we do?!"

"Idiots! Take out the one controlling the summon!" One Impa soldier shouted pointing at Stryker.

The two men clashed until Valakit kicked the Juggernaut back as the two stopped for a moment.Valakit met eye to eye with the juggernaut who eyed the crazed strange man

As the Juggernaut pointed his greatsword at Valakit...

"An excellent display of strength! But, you lack discipline!You lack resolve!" The Juggernaut said gesturing Valakit to come at him.

Valakit grins taking a few steps forward to tower over the large knight while raising his axe above his head with one hand with a crazed grin on his face.

"Very well" The bulky knight said as fight recommenced as the axe and sword clashed creating the a tune of metal against metal sparks fly from various directions as the battle continued between the fully trained and fully armored knight and the battle-hungry Berserker filled with mere boost of carnal savagery

Valakit began to unleash a barrage of heavy attacks as the Juggernaut blocked and dodged the attacks. As Valakit swung his axe the Juggernaut side stepped and sliced Valakit across his arm as Valakit retorted by slamming his axe into the Juggernaut's side his armor taking the brunt of the hit as the Juggernaut grunted but managed to shake off the hit as Valakit charged towards the Juggernaut once again letting out another battle cry. The Juggernaut unaffected by the hulking man, waited for Valakit who stomped towards the knight and flailed his axe towards the knight as the knight continued to block the attacks until Valakit dipped his shoulder and slammed said shoulder into the knight breaking his defense.Valakit followed up on this opportunity by wrapping his arms around the juggernaut and lifting him into the air and slamming him against the dirt road with a loud thud of heavy metal hitting the floor.Valakit brought his axe down onto the chest of the juggernaut,the sheer force of the viking caused his axe to slightly pierce the knight's armor as the juggernaut kicked Valakit away and quickly got up.The juggernaut shoulder bashed Valakit knocking him off-balance and landing two quick slashes with his greatsword across Valakit's chest.Valakit took the hits head on and slammed his axe into the leg of the Juggernaut dropping him to one knee.Valakit raised his axe slammed it onto the knight's head making him go limp immediately as Valakit pulled his axe out and stared at the dripping crimson from his blade as the juggernaut fell over onto his back.

"Retreat!!!" A soldier yelled as the soldiers began to fall back before they take any other losses.

The Sentinels and Elves began to watch as the Soldiers began to go into full retreat.

"Should we follow them?"Dom asked followed by a groan from Alistair.

"It's whatever.Were going to eventually run into their boss. Zera! How are you guys?"

"Ok but,we lost ten men." Zera said in sadness.

Alistair walked over to the dead Elven men on the ground and sighed.

"Pay your respects quickly.Were practically starting a war going toe-to-toe with this Empire.Losing people is inevitable."Alistair said walking back towards the cart.

Fast footsteps approached the group of Sentinels as Valakit leapt towards the tank and tried to hit it but to no avail.

"Whoa whoa!Calm down!It's on our side!Stryker is controlling it."Malcolm said running over and stopping Valakit's attacks.

Valakit gazed at the tank and stared at the sky.

"Could this've been a gift...from the gods?" He pondered.

"I don't believe that's the case."Nora said strutting over."If I may,this machine is related to Stryker's time period.If he can find that kind of utility here then it's not out of the realm of possibility that utilities from everyone else's time periods are here as well."

"If that's the case,then we'll need to be on the lookout for them."Calvin said.

"Hey guys,I found a map."Dom said walking over.He unfolded the map as everyone began to huddle around him."Found this one of the dead lots.It seems to be a map back to their's boss's keep.

"Then we should move and get the drop on him."Heibei chimed in dropping off a tree.

"Aye, sounds good but,how do we get in the first place?Infinity questioned followed by a Stryker jumping down from his tank.

"I think I got an idea."

The lord castle

"Damn it,it's been hours with no word!!" Said the lord who slam his fist down on the table to show his anger after hours waiting his patience grew thin as a result of the elite men who didn't return at all.

"Sir I think the elit-"

"These men have never failed me!"

"But isn't it prudent to take what's left of the elites?"

"Nonsense,it's the most logical strategy using our huge numbers against them.The best thing we can do is to contain any rebellion and deception with our daggers to the neck of anyone who opposes us....and if all else fails, I have no qualms to put every woman and children to the sword....."

"Pardon My lord!..The soldiers, they've just returned from their mission!"

"Ahh Finally they're back!!"The lord said with a brightened spirit.

The 'elites'

The flags waved in the name of Impa waved by polearms, and axes.

"I feel like immovable boulder.And that's not my style."

"Just endure it for now."

"Easier said than done."

"Can we hurry this up please?"

"Shh!He's here."

"We have a mission report for the expedition!We request entry into the keep!"

Before long,the gate slowly opened with the loud creaks of aged wood as the elite soldiers walked in followed by the soldiers closing the gate.

"Tell me men, were you all successful of defeating the rebellion?" Asksd The Lord but the commander of the elites said nothing but simply tossed his helmet off with several clings followed by the others who took off their helmet to reveal Elven ears and revealed Dom with his cap on with a smile and a small salute.

"Hmph, you could call it that" he said smiling before the Lord eyes widened

"Those men...are elves!And your one of the rebels!" He Said eyes widened and point in shock.

Some of the elves tossed their helmet before pointing their polearms at the advisor who raised his arm in shock and scared shitless since never have he been in a situation like this

The Sentinels took off their armor with them being relieved of being able to move freely

"Finally it was hard to move in that damn thing...." Malcolm said as he walked up to the lord grabbed him by the shirt lifting him off the ground

"Where are the women and children...?" growled the Vietnam soldier to which the lord glared at him.

"They are locked in the tower." he said as he motioned his head to the side.Malcolm dropped the lord who sat on the floor with a dark grin.

"Follow me!" Said Malcolm who advanced on the tower followed by Connor, Calvin, Alistair, Valakit and a couple of elves followed after.

"So...might I ask where my men are?"

"Ah yes, those cowards...well as you already know, most are slain by our might while the stragglers are currently being hunted down by slippery man as we speak....." Valakit explained while chuckling.

"But try not to worry, you'll be with them soon enough.With all of then covered in dirt, shit and their decomposition makes excellent trophies and even more than that" chuckled the Berserker darkly.

Dom pointed his pistol at the advisor.

"Where's the intel you got?"Dom demanded.

"I-In the lord's safe!"He stuttered.

"What's the combination?"Dom asked the lord who stared at Dom.

"I'm dead anyways.You'll get nothing from me."

Dom raised his pistol to the sky and shot a round which boomed like thunder before long a metallic creaks soon was heard growing louder and louder of each second before long the gate soon was crashed and destroyed by the tank that Stryker been riding who he popped out

"What did a miss?"

The other Sentinels
Valakit went to go and kill any oppressors but had to begrudgingly spare any soldiers who surrendered by Alistair's advice.

The others breached the tower and shot any oppressors who tried to attack.

"From what I can gather,there's two separate holding areas. One for the children and one for the women.I say we split up.Connor,Calvin, you go find the kids. Malcolm and I will go find the women."Alistair said as Connor and Calvin nodded and proceeded down another corridor. Malcolm and Alistair proceeded as well staying silent but aware ready to ambush any enemies.

"Alistair,why didn't we bring those long ear guys?

"Because,last thing we need is them seeing a site they rather not see.I used to run in a gang and the Marshal killed one of my boys to get a reaction out of me.We need to make sure they keep a level head."

Eventually, Malcolm spotted a door and the two stacked up.Malcolm glanced behind him and Alistair nodded. Malcolm gave a mighty kick busting the door wide open.

"Hello?"Alistair asked into the dark room.

"Can't see shit."Malcolm said trying to peek around.

"Hold on.."Alistair said as he lit a match and pulled out a lantern.The lantern lit up as the room became more visible.

The elven women were chained up to the wall and the floor wearing torn rags with bruises on their wrists and feet from excessive banging against the floor and wall in a hopeless attempt to try and break the chains.Their eyes were devoid of any light,faces were sunken and deprived. Dried tears were still evident on their faces traces of sexual activity near their lady assets.The room was deafeningly quiet with the only thing audible were the small drips of ale on the floor and the soft creaking footsteps of Malcolm and Alistair. Alistair knelt down in front of one of the girls.

"Jesus...."He quietly said.

Malcolm growled and glared in pure anger.

"These....bastards...These fucking bastards!For anyone to do something this inhumane doesn't deserve mercy!And that's okay,They won't get any mercy from me.I'll kill them all....I swear...."

Malcolm pumped his shotgun a bright fire burning in his eyes.

"I'm gonna send them all to hell."

"Good on you,boyo."Alistair said before turning back to the elven girl he previously was looking at.

"Hey,can you hear me?"Alistair asked waving his hand in the girl's face.

No response.

Alistair gently touched the girl's arm as the girl broke into a violent scream and began thrashing about.Malcolm quickly turned around to see what the sudden commotion was about as Alistair continued to speak in a quiet voice.

"Calm down.It's alright,I'm gonna take you to your people again,okay?"

The girl slightly calmed down,her breathing became ragged as she stared at Alistair as he unlocked the chains restraining the girl.The girls stared at her arms and back up at Alistair.

"A-Are.....y-you...t-telling...t-the truth?"The girl stuttered.

"Yes.I hope you-"

"THANK YOU!THANK YOU!" The girl leapt on Alistair whimpering tears of joy as Alistair gave her a reassuring hug and a pat on the back. Alistair glanced at Malcolm and nodded as the two began to unshackle the rest of the girls.

To Be continued

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All thanks to Maverick the one who helped me make it happen as We both agreeed to make the Impa more of a challenge than just a simply

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