Time to Strike!!

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snakeinmypants625453 Tokawa734 computerboy64 Cybertron343
war_gamer Z-Warrior bielby3847

In the elven village,evening began to creep over the sky making the blue skies turn to orange hues as a slight breeze could be felt. 200 Impa Men, led by their commander,were in the process of going from door-to-door looking for any elves or the strange humans to kill. Recently there's no one there.

One of the Impa Spearmen kicked the door, breaking off the hinges to reveal another empty hut.

"It's empty..." Said a common footsoldier

"There's no one in here either!" Proclaimed another one

"The elves and the strange people are gone!"

"That's not all the wheat fields are burned down" another exclaimed

"The elves are up to something but,what is it?" The Commander contemplated.

"Commander you should see this!"

"What is it?" Ask the commander who turned towards the footman and approached him.When he arrived,he saw a huge hole where the Well would be but noticed it was completely gone.

"The elves destroyed their own wells and that's not all, The shipment crates and supplies are empty of any food that could supply us.Most of what we have is about to be gone in a few hours,sir."

Silence envelop the commander who glared "Those long ears and the elf loving bastards are trying to make a fool out of us. No matter. the end result is still the same where we have their heads on pikes."

The Commander looked up and faced the footman once again."Listen up!We shall form camp here at the village and move out in the morning to the other elven village! We will find the rebellious long ears and elf loving bastards am I CLEAR?!" Scream the commander

"Sir Yes SIR!!!" All the Impa Men raised their polearms, axes, swords, crossbows and bows in the air.

"Get to work!!" He Said before the Impa Axemen got to work by chopping any weak trees to build fortifications such as blockades along with small huts for soldiers and small watch towers.

The Impa Footman continued to work frivolously unbeknownst of the Shinobi who was currently by the large trees overlooking the village scouting with a spyglass accompanied by a small party of elves.

"Seems to have some formations around the village... we make our moves and they'll perish by nightfall....bodies will form by day..." Said the Shinobi as he lowered his spy glass.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Many Hours before....

The camp now was enlarged by the elven men who were busy making bows or inspecting bows from deceased Impa Men.They were eager and happy to practice using bows again since it's been many years since they got their hands on one.Dom,Infinity,and Calvin were inquiring with the elven men while Malcolm, Alistair, Connor, Stryker, and Heibei where busy discussing strategies.

"20 swords, 50 polearms consisting of spears and halberds,and 70 sets of armor from the dead.An adequate enough load out....also,we have two horses. The elves may have the ability to ride them but,I'll have use for them.."

"Not much manpower but, it'll do for now since these elves are trigger happy with them bows they've got." Stryker pointed out.

"Swords are out of the picture since spears are more preferable in combat as a peasant is able to take down a fully trained soldier in a few stabs and jabs by the looks of it" Heibei said busy in his meditation stance with his eyes closed barely showing any emotion.

"Malcolm, mind telling me what's the purpose of destroying most of the food back in that village? Wouldn't it be better to keep most of it for full bellies rather than the small portions ya asked for?" Alistair asked looking at the soldier while twirling his revolver out of boredom as Malcolm simply chuckled

"Well,it's quite simple really.You see,most soldiers always go on rations thinking they can have more spoils to feed them.But,if you get rid of food and water,the soldiers will go hungry and will be very inadequate to fight off oppressors while they are fighting their stomachs.Thankfully,I picked up on what most soldiers do back in the Nam of most Vietcong, NVA bastards go crazy and be starving to the bone" Malcolm chuckled a bit.

"What'd you call that tactic?" Stryker asked.

"It's called Scorched Earth tactic."

"Nice tactic." Alistair looked his partner
"Connor you got them dynamites ready to go?"

"Of course,Allie-boy.They're all on top of the houses so the elves should have a good target to know they should hit" said Connor who tipped his hat.

"With all that said and done,what ever happened to the bodies? When I first came to the village I could've sworn they were bodies littered...."  Nora questioned while busily writing.

A chuckle came from the ninja who looked and stared at her.

"If anyone who wishes to see,be my guest. Follow me." Heibei said getting up from his place and walked further down the forest with Nora following leaving them to watch.

"Imma follow Heeebee or whatever his name to see what's he's going to show her....." as Alistair got up and walked into the forest.

"I'm bored I'll follow to see what's up" Said Malcolm following along while Srkyer scrambled a bit and followed along lagging behind

"Hey Darky...Wait for me!!!" Said the WWII soldier.

"You guys do whatever....imma take a nap.."Connor yawned as he lowered his hat and propped himself up against a tree.

The Deep Forest
The forest,the darkest area as a result from the high trees blocking most of the sunlight perfect for shading but worse if you get lost.

The Sentinels and the Mage walked with feet thumping the ground as they were going closer flies mostly swarm near the area who Malcolm try to swat away manage to hit one near his neck a bit.

"Man I Hate Bugs....reminds me of that fucking insect filled valley" Said Malcolm with a annoyed look "How the hell close are we?" Said the impatient soldier

"Patience my friend we are close ..... sniff the air.." Said Heibei who they sniff before most gagged and close their nose.

"Jesus Christ almighty! What In god's name is that foul smell?!"

"It smell like the cook's rotten eggs!" Followed by Stryker who plugged his nose with his uniform shirt trying to smell the odor on his body than the air.Alistair quickly pulled out his bandana from his suit jacket and wrapped it around his nose and mouth to try and suppress the smell.

Heibei stopped "We are here.Look around." The others moved forward to see a very large sunken pit filled with the dead soldiers stripped naked of their armor and weapons leaving their body exposed to the elements.Their bodies began to rot as they notice how maggots and other insects began to invade them.

"What.....the....actual FUCK?!" Screamed Malcolm spooking most of the birds.

"Hey now! Don't be all yelling in my ear!"Said the American soldier as he turned towards the Shinobi."I know Japs are crazy and all,but I never expected to see something crazy as this." The annoying soldier admitted.

"What in the hell are you planning?Some sort of witchcraft?"Alistair asked through his bandana as he occasionally peaked at the dead bodies.

"Not exactly my friend, In order to make gunpowder from Japan when you don't have much saltpeter or any other resources,corpses are rather useful for creating these firearms.As you can see,we aren't going to run out of bodies anytime soon." Heibei said referencing what the monks used during the Sengoku Period to formulate it.

"Well that's fucked up.But useful."Malcolm said scrunching his nose from the smell.

"This is....unethical."Nora said covering her nose with her arm.

"It is.But,we need the resources.Come now,let's make haste back to the camp."Hebei said walking away followed by the others as Nora continued to stare at the pit of dead soldiers.A hand landed on her shoulder making her slightly jump as she saw Alistair.

"You coming? I'd rather not smell anymore of this."

"Yeah.Right behind you." Nora said as she took one last glance at the corpses and walk backed to the group with Alistair.


"No no.You got it all wrong!" Dom said."Calvin?"

Calvin nodded and got into a stance and held Dom's rifle slightly higher than shoulder height and began doing thrust motions while running in place.

"You're not holding the spears high enough. You're aiming for the chest!" Dom instructed as he helped the elven men hold their spears in bayonetting position."Try it again."

The Elves let out a warcry and charged towards the dummies piercing them and knocking them over."Excellent job mates!"Dom praised the men as they patted each other and eagerly watched and followed Dom's teachings while Calvin watched in the distance.

"Wanna try Archery?"

Calvin turned his attention towards the rebellious Elven man from before named Zera.

"Uh,sure."Calvin said taking the bow from Zera's hands as they approached the dummy target.

"Okay,place your hand near the middle of the bow and put your fingers towards the back of the arrow.Pull the bowstring back with the arrow and aim at your target.When ready,release the arrow and bowstring simultaneously." Zera instructed. Calvin did as he was told and fired the arrow as it went wide and zoom past the target.

"Ah,damn."Calvin said dissatisfied with the result.

"That was pretty good for your first time."Zera said taking the bow back and firing the arrow as it flew through the air and hit the target dead center of the face.

"Impressive." Calvin said as Zera smiled

"Elves always had a natural affinity towards Archery. Our elders are quite skilled and our Ancestors were amazing!" Zera explained excitedly. Zera placed his hand on Calvin's shoulder and his expression became serious."You don't how much it means to have bows back in our hands.This is one of the defining traits of my people.I can't thank you people enough."

Calvin chuckled and smiled at Zera."Happy to help."

"Come on laddies!That all ya got?!"Infinity antagonized the Elven men as they kept trying to strike him.Infinity dodged and parried with excellence as he kicked one onto their back and caught the wrist of another and threw him into the third one as they all groaned on the ground.

"This is hopeless!We can't even beat one person!"One of the Elven men exclaimed in annoyance.

"Oi,you giving up?That not be a wise choice.You lot have a lot of potential.One that I don't want to see squandered."Infinity said helping the three men up."How bout I teach you all some moves?" The men quickly nodded as Infinity continued to work with the Elven men's fighting skills.

The small party of Sentinels came back to the camp accompanied by Nora.They all sat down in the same position as before.

"With all that said and done, whatever happened to Mikhail and Valakit?"Stryker wondered.

They got their answer when they saw Valakit and Milkhail carrying logs of wood which they dropped to the ground roughly.

"Got your stupid wood you wanted...." muttered the Russian.

"What is the purpose of bringing logs here?What purpose do they serve in the face of battle?" Ask the berserker who is a bit intrigued.

Heibei looked up "They have a strategic purpose in battle.As they bring a huge chunk of their forces together,we use these trees to separate them and take them out in spread out groups as their man power will dwindle to none making them perform careless mistakes as a result.We will use small forces like we have here with the elven men so we'll have to go defensive as a result.It was used during the Sengoku Period."

Many nod at the idea before Heibei got up from his place and climbed up on the tree and looked back.

"In the meantime, I'll bring a portion of the elven men to follow me to see if the Impa Men are here and find any thing useful to be taken out."

"Okay.....be careful" Said Valakit and some soldiers also did ways of saying Good luck before long Heibei begin to leap from tree to tree with efficiency and some elves followed along with him.

"Man who knew Japs can hang from trees and I thought only monkeys can" Said Stryker not knowing he made a innoncent racist comment cause the soldier of Nam to get up and cracked his knuckles

"The fuck you say Hunky?!"


And that was the biggest mistake the boy made.

After the scuffle of Henry getting small bruises and parts of his uniform being torn as a result of when Malcolm jumped him.Luckily, Valakit manage to push them back roughly almost breaking their bones a bit.Noon was upon them as most of the elves seemed battle ready after a few rounds with the strange men who taught them some advanced tactics that put most armies to shame. The Sentinels were rather surprised of the elves quick knowledge.

It was hours before long Heibei came back with strategic information on where the Impa Men are positioned at and their intentions which they listened well and soon rounded up the elves for an announcement.

"After dark....we strike and take down the Impa men and take the commander's head." said Heibei

"No shit..." Said Malcolm with a raised helmet and leaning against a tree.

"And soon we will-"A huge battle shout was heard interrupting Heibei as Valakit stomped up to a stump of a tree before all of the elves, his wolf cape on with the skull of the monster wolf as a hood. Raising his axe above his head with two hands he lets out a mighty battle cry up into the sky. Looking back down at the elves, he only wore his cape, boots and his leather pants. With a lions roar he yelled out looking at every single elf before him.

Which startled them to the core since they never seen a human bellow before.

Valakit chuckles loudly with glee, a thirst of blood in his eyes along with a spark of fire in his soul for battle. "FINALLY!!! YOU HAVE ALL COME TO TAKE YOUR VENGEANCE ON THOSE WHO HAVE DRAGGED YOUR HERITAGE THROUGH THE BLOODSTAINED MUD!!" Valakit yells out yet again swinging his axe into the sky. "TODAY, WE HAVE ASSEMBLED TOGETHER TO TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS!"

Valakit had to take a deep breath, remembering that these were not his men from his timeline....but elves who have no really seen war or ever fight in one. Taking a deep breath he puts on a serious face one that a parent would put on when telling their child a lesson.

"We're going to war, against a tough and determined enemy....We are marching into the valley of the shadow of death where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours." Valakit growled quietly looking behind him at their soon to be battleground before turning back to them. "I can't promise you I'll bring you all back alive. But, before you and all mighty Thor, this I swear: I will be the first to step on the field, and I will be the last to step off, and I will leave NO ONE behind, dead or alive we will all come back home together. And if you do die..."

Valakit raises his axe to the sky.


The camp erupted in war cries and cheers as if they are reincarnations of Valakit's men.

The Sentinels sigh as they managed to get Valakit as their speaker but kinda rudely interrupted Heibei's speech which kinda got him upset. While others kinda approved of Valakit as a speech maker.

Malcolm simply leaned back on the tree with a deadpan look

"I could've done better..."

"Da...." Said the Russian agreeing with the American.

"It don't matter as long as we got some morale going up everything's fine and dandy" said Alistair

"Let's get ready to battle!"Stryker said.

"Aye! Let's the tides ever be in our favor!"Infinity said pulling his cutlass

Hebei nodded and went to prep his gear for the battle ahead followed by Dom and Calvin.

"Let's show them who they're messing with!" Connor said getting pumped.

Nora watched a few feet away a bit astonished of how determined the Sentinels with their combat skills, tactics, their somewhat advance technologies and their morales boost the elven men to fight.She continued to watch them as they prepped their gear and conversed with one another.

"These boys are quite unique.I'll keep my distance in battle.See how well they fight against the Impa Men....I should record the battle and send it to my superiors."She thought to herself.

Heibei dropped a scroll containing the crude layout of the village and some important details portraying the battle that will be in their favor.

"Alright gather around here's the the plan.."

Night of the Elven Village

Soon night was upon the Impa occupied Village  where they made camp at certain corners of the village where the archers and crossbow men being told to look for any intruders easily and dispatch them easily while some melee combatants are either in the tents for some rest, trying to cook whatever's left of their measles rations, guarding or whatever the commander wanted.

At one of the corners of the village a lowly spearmen simply patrolling around as one of them spit at the ground before turning to his comrade.

"Where the elves and the strange people ran off to I wonder?"

"I don't know.But we're going to search the nearby village tomorrow."

"If they are hiding maybe we can kill them too." he chuckled darkly.

"Hope so..."

A faint glimmer was seen as the soldier was met with an unknown force slicing his head clean off. Before the first can react, a strange knife hit him through the mouth and eyes as his vision faded.The two soldiers dropped to the ground dead as fast footsteps proceeded past them.

Back at the unknown corridors, a newspaper article that the man is reading is completely blank of any visuals only letters before a strange energy began wrapping around the picture forming the events that will occur in the long run.

"So it begins....."

In another site of the Impa Camp is several archers and crossbow men

"Ugh, my mouth is dry as the desert and my stomach is growling like a beast."

"No point in complaining.The knife ears and elf lovers destroyed or took most of what they produced."

"This sucks.Remind the commander to bring more rations so this doesn't happen." growl the crossbow man.

"I say we cut them up and claim their heads as trophies!" Said the youngest who is rather irritated of not having a full belly. The older soldiers ignored him more focused on important tasks.

Before they can complain further they heard massive steps coming from behind.They quickly approach the noise and see Infinity with his cutlass as he charged forward brought his cutlass down onto the marksman leaving a deep and fatal cut in his body as he dropped to the floor.

The Impa men fail to react being ambushed as Calvin,with his trench club, slammed it into an Impa Archer skull denting the helmet as he fell to the ground where Calvin double-tapped the archer to confirm the kill.Heibei who was behind Calvin, leapt into the air and soon put both hands on his katana and slammed down at another crossbowman which found a dent in his head partially splitting it into two.The soldier's corpse near a tent where a soldier devoid of armor decided to open the tent to wondering what's going on with the sudden noise.

"What the hell?! What's happe-" before he was cut off by a knife jabbed into his neck to reveal Alistair cutting him off.The soldier gurgled blood as Alistair kicked the new corpse away from him. quickly dodging a spear about to stab him as he did a quick jab of his knife to the eye holes of the Impa helmet made a hit which he scream in pain. Alistair drew one of his revolvers to shoot him in the head making the soldier drop to the floor devoid of life.The four turn to see several Impa Men who's face turn from shock to anger.



"You want us?" Taunted Infinity.

"Than come and get us!!!" As the four split into different directions as Alistair took another shot at an Impa Swordsman landing right between the eyes before running off as well.

"What are we waiting for?! Let's kill the bastards!!!"The soldiers began to give chase in different directions after the four and all made battlecries at them.

"No matter what it takes cut them down!!!" Not knowing they are falling to a trap.A small party of the Sentinels and elves heard the war cries as Dom watched the soldiers chasing after their companions.

"Good. They've taken the bait. Everyone ready?" Dom asked gaining nods and signals of knowing what role they will play in battle as they memorized the scroll many hours before that. They brought the two horses from before and behind them is a carriage containing the essentials on everything needed in battle as Connor was riding one of them.

"In battle, speed is everything. Stick to the plan and you'll be fine."

"Let's get this show on the road!" As Connor whipped the reins of the horse with the carriage gaining speed while carrying the Sentinels easily along with another carriage carrying the necessary supplies.The 70 eleven men carrying large piles of logs with a sharpened ends keep up with the carriages.

"Keep Running!" Said Henry as he held his helmet on his head to keep it from falling off his head as he look behind at some lagging behind as he slowed down and helped the laggers. Connor held his hat with one hand while maintaining the reins.

Mikhail pondered 'not much manpower but their determination makes them greater....I wonder how much these elves can do in battle for the first time.'

Back to Alistair
The gunslinger managed to attract more Impa Men with his revolvers making loud noises as the bullets found on both Impa Men.

"Their he is!!!"One shouted in the distance.

"Fuck."Alistair muttered under his breath as he began running further into the forest.While he was sticking to the plan,he was at a slight disadvantage since he wasn't to fond of sleeping in the woods back when he was an outlaw. Alistair found a thick brush of vegetation and hid in there as his pursuers slowed down and looked around.

"He's here.Keep searching until we find him!" One of the soldiers shouted as they began looking around with lanterns.Alistair slowly pulled his Winchester Repeater off his shoulder checked to make sure it was loaded. The rifle was made with black steel and adorned with gold fill engravings.Alistairs began counting the soldiers before taking a deep breath as he jumped up making all the soldiers turn to him.

"THERE!" One shouted as Alistair began analyzing them one by one before firing fast consecutive shot with his repeater as they pierced their chests and heads.The soldiers fell to the ground as Alistair sighed followed by more footsteps approaching him.He turned around and saw another party of soldiers coming towards him as he raised his repeater.


At the village the soldiers were quickly fastening their armor and bustling about as the commander was issuing orders.

"That's the last search party! The rest of you,stay here and bolster our defenses!The enemy might come back and we need to be ready for that."He said followed by an acknowledgement from his troops. He grabbed his greatsword and looked out into the distance.

"I don't know what their planning but I will fight to the last breath."


Infinity stabbed a soldier and ripped his blade out as a swordsmen was about to hit him,he shot him with his flintlock. A shield knocked Infinity to the ground making him drop his pistol as the towered over him bringing his arm back.

"DIE BASTARD!!"He yelled as a katana blade suddenly protruded from his chest. As it disappeared, the soldier fell to the ground as Hebei held his hand out to Infinity.Infinity took it and got back to his feet as he grabbed his pistol.

"Thanks for that,friend." Infinity thanked as Hebei nodded.

"Come.We must move and regroup with the other two."

"Lead the way."Infinity said as Heibei dashed off with him following.


Alistair backed up dodging a spear thrusts until one clipped his side cutting through his jacket and opening a wound.Alistair gritted through the pain as he drove his knife into the throat of the spearman. The spearman gurgled as Alistair ripped his knife out followed by an archer getting ready to shoot at Alistair. Alistair quickly held up the corpse as the arrow shot into the corpse. Alistair pulled his revolver out and shot the archer twice in the chest.The archer fell to the ground as Alistair dropped the corpse and held his side.He raised his gloved hand and saw it covered in blood.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!"A swordsman shouted. Alistair turned around and faced the swordsman as a blade pierced the soldier from behind as the figure kicked the soldier off his blade.


"No problem.Are you hurt?" Calvin asked noticing Alistair holding his side.

"Yeah but I'll live. After this fight,I can get patched up.For now,let's go regroup with Hebei and Infinity."Alistair said.

"Alright,I'll take point.You watch our six."Calvin suggested as Alistair nodded.The two began following the distant noises of the forest until they reached a clearing where they saw Infinity and Hebei fending off soldiers. Calvin quickly took notice of a small group of archers as he raised his MP18 and opened fire swiftly putting the archers out of commission.

"Guys!" Calvin said jogging over to Infinity and Hebei."You guys all good?"

"We're good,thanks." Hebei nodded.

"Are you alright there?" Infinity asked towards Alistair who nodded.

"Took a hit. I've managed to stop the bleeding on my way here but I'm more concerned about the battle."Alistair reassured.

"I FOUND THEM! GET THEM!"A soldier shouted in the distance.

"We gotta holdout for that barricade laddies!" Infinity said aiming his flintlocks at the approaching soldiers.

"They better hurry up,or we're not gonna last." Hebei said.

"Looks like the party never ends eh?"Alistair said pulling both revolvers out.

"We will break through this!" Calvin said checking his MP18 and holding his position with everyone else.


"C'mon!Don't pussyfoot around!We need this barricade built now!"Dom shouted as the elven men were quickly fastening logs together slamming the stakes to the ground. Slamming down some stone on the way as fast as they could.

"Bah,at this rate,our comrades will be killed."Mikhail muttered as he looked over to Malcolm who was watching as well.

"Comrade American, you need to find our distractions."

"Okay,get this done already."Malcolm said getting up as he sprinted off.


The four were now engaged in an overwhelming battle as Infinity ducked and dodged blade strikes trying to find opening of his own. Hebei was in same boat as Infinity.Calvin was quick bursting his MP18 conserving as much ammo as he could.Alistair was firing off shots left and right barely keeping attackers at bay. A sword grazed Infinity's arm as he drove his cutlass into a soldier and knocked him into another as Hebei threw a few kunai into a soldier's joints and finished him off with his katana. Calvin point-blanked killed the soldiers near him with his gun as Alistair pinned the last soldier to the ground and used his strength to drive his hunting knife into the soldier.The four fell over exhausted as they saw a large group of even more soldiers coming.

"Fucking hell man."Alistair said slowing reloading his revolvers.

The soldiers suddenly erupted in a large explosion sending wind towards the four as they heard the sound of reloading near them.Then footsteps began to draw near revealing Malcolm holding his Thumper grenade launcher.

"That felt......good."He said.

"Ahoy sir!Glad to see ya!" Infinity said as everyone began to stand up besides Alistair.

"What's the situation?"Malcolm asked.

"We're holding out but Alistair is injured."Hebei explained pointing to Alistair.Malcolm walked over and knelt down in front of Alistair.

"Hanging in there?"

"Just about."Alistair replied.

"I got ya,come on cowboy."Malcolm said as he helped Alistair up as Alistair growled in pain. Malcolm slung one of Alistair's arms over him to assist his movement as he pulled out his M1911.

"Thanks feller."Alistair said followed by Malcolm nodding.

'Hope the defenses are up......'


"Archers ready?" Asked Dom as they finished the crude yet reliant barricade composed of wood boards, logs, stakes, and many stones from ruined castles all staked up and well prepared.

The elves got out their bows and arrows as they narrowed their eyes.

"Your village meets it's end tonight. Destroyed by your hands, this home is where the Impa striped everything from you. Burn it to ashes and reclaim your destiny!" As many used the torches or lanterns to ignite their arrows with a purpose.

"Burn it and send it to HELL!!!"

All fired in unison creating a stream of fire flying in the air as the arrows struck the elven houses' foundations as they quickly where engulfed in flames igniting the dynamite placed on the roof.

"The Village! It's all ablaze!!" Before long a series of explosions formed around them namely the roofs of the homes as the explosion wasn't the problem it was the debris like small fast rocks, stakes of wood at fast speed hitting some of the soldiers with shrapnel on the chest, arms,legs, or in some cases, in the throat.The commander managed to deflect some of it with the shield granted to him as he looked at the destruction.

"I knew the elves couldn't do it without assistance." he said as he soon began his orders while pointing at them with his sword.

"Men! Rally up and take them down! Stay as a unit and we will survive this!"

"Yes Sir!!!!" Before a huge sum of soldier began to charge ahead of combat with their polearms, swords or axes.


"They're too many!" Proclaimed the American soldier as he notice how many troops are heading their way.

"Don't whine Cowardly American that is nothing!"

Before Dom gave an order with his hand upwards. With the elves posted up behind the crude barriacade

"Lock Arrows!!!" The elven men did as they were told and pulled their bows back with triple arrows aimed at the incoming enemies.

"Fire! Skewer the wankers!!!" He shouted as he slammed his hand in a downward chop motion before they began to fire away a multi-barrage of arrows at the enemy as the first wave where obliterated by arrows landing major hits contain of the face, chest, neck and throats all fell like flies. As the second wave come as soon as the first,they grouped up into a shield formation blocking the arrows but couldn't hold back the firepower of Sentinels Dom, Stryker, and Connor.

Soon the third followed suit of mostly composed of shield men form up a wall in hopes of defending against any arrows.

"Stupid трахается! That won't save you!!!" Before he use the hand-stick grenade and launched it as it landed against the shields as
the grenade exploded seconds later sending most of the shield-men into a mangled mess, some died as other grime in pain as they mess their limbs or in most cases the half of their body as they were put out of their misery when the archer launch another barrage of arrows killing them through the face, mouth and neck.

"The Impa Empire seem to have high morale with their past victories and high manpower....yet they lack any advantage of a enemy unknown to them. We have the advantage of elves and their knack of archery, with weaponry out of this world, and many tactics which will be enough to break the Impa Control on these lands...." He said to himself before noticing how many of them fall and died to be worthless cannon fodder before he heard grunts from behind caused him to look back to see Infinity, Calvin, Heibei all seem with some cuts, blood, and look of somewhat exhaustion on them and he turn to notice Alistair on Malcolm who he gently put down.

"Ahhh seem like your back! You almost missed the carnage...."

Which attracted the attention of Connor who rushed to his friends side and notice the gash.

"Alistair buddy! You okay?!" Asked the worried gunslinger

"Not gonna lie, I've been better.." he said.

"Took you long enough..." Said Mikhail who delivered more grenades at the Shieldmen

"Okay!! Now lock on to the 'special' arrows!!" They did as told and soon many dip the tips of the arrows in a somewhat large pots of collected elven night soil coating the tip with the soil.

"That's fucking disgusting....." Said Malcolm as the smell kinda get to him.

"But it'll be effective in the long run.." correcting the Shinobi.

Before the elven men soon locked on their arrows awaiting the order looking at another wave of soldier of mixed classes.

"Fire away!!!!" Before long another huge barrage of flying fecal covered arrows landing major hits on some of them as others dodged behind the trees and other pieces of cover.


"Damnit! They're dug in too well...Where the hell are my archers?!" He demanded before one behind him spoke.

"Sir, our archers left to find the enemies remember?!"

"And most I saw dead!!!" Said another.

Before long another stream of arrows destroyed another wave one of them who been shot in the chest luckily his armor protect some of the damage but it still hit his chest as he walked back in shock at the arrow in horror and disgust not of the wound but what's on the arrow that made him gag.

"Commander they've covered the arrows with shit!!"

"Oh god!!" Said Another as he was kneeling when the feces covered arrow lodged into his leg as he was mortified.

"WHAT?!" he turned back to face the soldier mentioned what's on the arrow.

"Wash it out!! Bathe the wound before it get's infected!"

Which the one from behind gave him more bad news

"Sir, we have no water!"

"The wells are destroyed remember?"

"and what little we brought with us is almost gone!!" Proclaimed the other as he hold his shoulder of the arrow also covered in the excrement.

The commander growled and slammed his sword into the dirt.

"We played right into their hands...they destroy their supplies in anticipation for this moment....we fell right into their trap to flush us out...." before long another whiz of arrows manage to destroyed another wave which broke most of the morale of the Impa soldiers which some to dropped their weapons and tried to flee away which most fail as a result of being very vulnerable.

"Hey! Where the hell are you going?!" Yelled the Commander who's commands wasn't heard as a result of the fleeing soldiers.

The flames of the village dance before a thundering roar erupted from it.

The force of the roar cause the fire moving at the opposite direction as the Impa who barely flee stop and felt the force as their blood froze before turning to the side where the scream was to reveal Valakit who's several feet away coated in head to toe in blood wearing the wolf hide coated in blood. As he face eyes widened and a vicious blood thirsty smirk on his face and on the side of his mouth is something dark bluish color as he licked his lips a bit hungry for battle.

The Sentinels
"The fuck kind of battlecry was that? It sounded like a strange orgasm." Said Malcolm who heard the cry along with other Sentinels who kinda agreed a bit as most of the elves eyes closed and clenched at the bellowed sound.

Valakit eyes grow more crazed and smiled with his teeth clenched and he drop blood coated axe on the ground that made thud which flinch most Impa men.

"I'll take the commander head! I'm pretty sure you can make a decent fight!" He Said as he hold back his axe with a twisted smirk of a beast.

Before long he made a full on sprint with his axe in hand. Before long most moved out of the way making a passage way for Valakit to to pass completely scared and some that are brave receive a flurry of strikes that kill them instantly.

"Shit." The Commander faced three of his men next to him with faces of fear.He threw his canteen of water at the middle one and a small weathered dagger."Go!Inform command what has happened!"



The soldiers nodded and ran off as the commander picked his sword up from the ground and raised his shield.

"HRAAAAAHHH!" The commander yelled bolting towards Valakit.

Valakit brought his axe down on the commander who blocked it with
his shield went for a swing with his sword as Valakit blocked it with his axe and swung his axe up breaking the commander's guard as Valakit quickly reeled back and slammed his axe into the commander's shoulder making him yell in pain as he fell to his knees as Valakit towered over him.

"The....Impa Empire...shall crush you all...." He coughed out spitting blood in Valakit's face before the axe came down on the Commander's neck letting his head fly from his body.

"CHARGE!!" Before long the remaining Impa men noticed the elves no longer behind the crude barricade charging as they let out battle cries with spears in hand stabbing some in the chest as they failed to react quickly .

The fall of their commander and the brutal efficiency the elves had crumbled them to stay as they fled in utter terror screaming their lungs out as many drop their weapons as a way to not be weighted down when running.

"FUCKING COWARDS!!! FACE ME!!!!" Scream the Berkserker in a booming wild voice completely disappointed of how the commander barely put up a fight.

The elven men stopped their charge to see the enemy flee from a distance which as silence began to fill the area only sound is the wind and the flames crackle a bit.

" We w-won d-d-didn't we?"

"We Won!!!"

"We Did It!!"

"They ran away!! With their tails between their legs!!"

They raised their bows and spears as Zera one of the archers looked at his handmade bow with a smile on his face as finally the first time in many years they reclaim what has fallen to them.

Before a massive thud stop their first victory to see Valakit looking angry.

"Sir? Are you alright have you been harmed?" Ask the elf which Valakit growled.

"No.....This Battle was PATHETIC!!!! These soldier and the damn commander of this pathetic army didn't put up a Damn Fight! It was a let down!!"

"Ahh Suck it Up you big ass baby!!!" Said Malcolm Who hop over the barricade to him with his grenade launcher on his shoulders walking up to him before Valakit growled.

Before Connor decide to break up.

"Alright alright....no need to be at each other's throat let's cherish our first battle!We were victorious!"

"Yeah!!" Stryker Said who pumped up his fist.

"Those land lubbers didn't know what hit them!!" Infinity Said with a raised cutlass sword.


"That battle is quite impressive..." Said a voice behind them which Malcolm aimed his shotgun out of instinct before noticing Nora who walked over the deceased corpses of Impa footmen as she was looking at them.

"Don't you sneak up behind me so suddenly you'll find a slug in you." Said Malcolm sternly as Nora ignored the threat.

"Speaking of which,what where you doing in battle?" Ask Dom with a confused look on his face.

"Let's say...I analyzed the battle as requested from my superiors......I gotta say, your plan and the battle was in your favor"


"But aren't you worried of the soldiers who fled?" Ask Nora who Heibei decided to speak.

"No need to worry the soldier who ran for it aren't about to going anyway...."

"What make you sure?"

"You'll see soon enough...." Said Heibei.

Impa Men

In the forest where a ton of Impa soldiers running away from the carnage of the village completely forgetting most of their sense.

"That was chaos!!!"

"Oh great one!Divines!Holy hell!!"


"Quickly we need to go to the lords cast-!!" Before 5 of the Impa men fell in a pit and instead of a thud where most Impa men skid to not fall victim to the pit are massive sounds of blood, men scream of pain, griming and moans of pain as the other look fearful and was horrorfied to see a pit with wooden stakes covered in feces and blood that pierced most of the men which killed 2 of them by the head of the throat while the other 3 still living all stabbed in the joints, stomach or even the neck all groaning and whimper in pain.

"Oh god!!"

"The elves they've sprung another trap"

"The spikes are covered in shit too!!"

"We gotta go-"a soldier said as he land on a trip wire which activate a fast barrage of stakes.Some of the soldiers were barely alive as a result of the enduring pain which cause more to panic and flee which another trap sprunged instead of anything dangerous they are covered in red stuff soaking them head to toe which cause more to look at their hands and body all slathered in blood.

"This is madness!"

Before many could question they heard growls before many turn to reveal wolves all look at them coming closer to them with red eyes and teeth barred.

"Oh SHIT!!!"
And so a blood bath unfolded of the wolves tearing through the defenseless Impa men.

"Even if they strike again our tactics will destroy them again" Said Dom while the elf agreed

"Is everyone alright?" Ask Nora looking around at them

"We're fine but, Alistair, he's got a huge cut on his side.." Calvin pointed out

"I'm fine really.A quick bandage and i'll be right as rain."

"I don't think that will be necessary...." she said walking up to Alistair putting a hand on the wound cause him to wince slightly as she closed her eyes concentrate on her spell.

"What are y-" before a faint glow enveloped on the hand to the wound before she stop and removed the hand and to see the wound is no longer there only healthy skin.


"That's so COOL!!!"

"Much obliged,Nora " Alistair thanked looking at his now ripped coat.

"No need.It's something you'll learn as a basic class scribe mage"

"With this all said and done, let's get moving.After this, we need to tear down the imperialist pig in his castle built by the hands of others!!" Said Mikhail

"And Free the elves' Women from their bondage!"


"Let's move out!!!"

And so the growing Militia and Sentinels soon go forth into the night with high morale and high determination to win the upcoming battles foreseen in their future.

Lords castle

In the middle of the large forest stood the large tower and a big building home to the lord and his large garrison. The lord is a portly man with red tunic and black pants and high metal boots as he has insignia of precious wars from before look out of the window.

"It's been hours and I hadn't got word from the commander,or a messenger."

While to his side is the advisor/alchemist of the lord by his side.

"My lord is it really necessary to leave a chunk of our forces just for searching a village?"

"You don't know if the elves rebelled or do anything that pose a threat to our empire as our father put blood, sweat and tears through to make this empire thrive and we don't want it to crumble down...."

He said looking at the window before long a soldier entered the door and did a firm stance which is regulation when it comes to higher authority.

"My lord.....something important...."


"The forces meant for expedition...."

"Yes what about it?"

"Only 3 remained...."

"What?!Bring them in."The lord ordered as the guard nodded and left coming back with three soldiers all covered in blood with weary and exhausted faces. Clothes and armor were in tatters and their weapons were covered in blood as well.

"My lord....our forces were wiped out by the elven people and a small group of humans accompanying them." The one in the middle said approaching the lord and handing him the commander's dagger.

"He.....didn't make it." The soldier said looking down.

The lord ran his fingers across the dull blade and faced the soldier.

"You three,get washed up and get some food.After that,join me in my office,we have much to discuss."

"Thank you,my lord." The soldiers said doing a salute and leaving as the lord faced this advisor.

"Get my elite troops ready for deployment and send word to the capital that those knife ears are rebelling. Tell them to make an example of the women and children.

"It shall be done.My lord." The advisor said doing a small bow and leaving.The lord looked back out the window and clutched the dagger tightly in his hand.

"Those bastards.I will kill them with own hands.If have to.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All thanks to my Pal KazumaItsuka for helping me

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