Chapter 1

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<Maki's pov>

The sound of papers being flipped filled the air. A couple of doctors are discussing about the upcoming surgery that is going to be performed afterwards. I stood next to them, listening to every word they said.

"So, the patient is an idol who is experiencing some heart disease and she needs a transplant. We're assigning you to perform that surgery. Could you do it, Nishikino-san?" My colleague turned his head towards me.

"Yeah sure. No problem." I took a glimpse of the paperwork. "An idol, eh?"

"Yeah. You used to be one back in highschool, right?"

Memories of the school idol, μ's, rushed back into my mind. All the time I had spent practicing on the rooftop and performing live at the festival was recalled. The members' voices rang in my head. From Rin's cat-like way of speaking to Eli's constant 'harasho's.

"Maki, before I graduate, I want to tell you something. I... actually love you..."

Wait. What!? How could I remember that confession? I mean... I did turn her down and all. We even had promised to forget all about it and carry on with our lives. But.... How could I still remember it?

"Uhh... Nishikino-san? Are you okay? You seemed kinda pale." My colleague asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh. On second thought, I couldn't perform that surgery today. I'm... having a slight headache. Do you mind if I take the rest of the day off?" I lied as I need to take my mind off things.

"Sure. I'll cover for you." He replied, not feeling the least suspicious about it.

I threw on my jacket and took my handbag. I quickly signed off before leaving the hospital.

Once I had reached at my apartment, I literally threw my handbag on my dining table and went straight to my large comfy couch. I switched on the television, hoping that the sound blaring from the television would ditract me from my current thoughts.


My phone started to buzz on the coffee table. I hesitated for a second, thinking that Papa tried to hook me up with another one of his clients.


I glanced at the screen of my phone, looking at the profile of the caller. 'Nozomi~'. I picked up my phone and heard Eli's voice on the other line. Weird. Why is Eli calling from Nozomi's cell?

"Hey, Maki."

"W-wait. Eli?"

"Yeah it's me. It has been a while. So... How's life?" Eli asked.

"Fine." I replied. "Why did you call me again?"

"Well, Nozomi and I had planned for a reunion dinner at our place and you are invited. Well, of course. You were part of μ's after all. It's held on this Saturday. Can you make it?"

"Yeah. I believe it's my day off."

Then I heard a small conversation at the other end of the line.

"Eli-chi, how long are you going to use my phone?"

"S-sorry. Could you wait for a bit."

"You have ten seconds or I'll washi-washi ya."

"Geez. Nozomi..."

"Uhh... Eli?"

"Oh yeah. Well, our dinner starts at six and-"

"You have five seconds left"

"Never mind. I'll just send you the details soon. Bye."

"Uh. Bye." I hung up my phone and slumped in deeper into my couch. Perfect. Now I get to see the person I'm trying to avoid.


I checked out my own reflection in the mirror, making sure that my makeup covers up every little flaws on my face. I ensured that my outfit looks great without exposing what's underneath. I was in the middle of adjusting my hair when my phone buzzed on my bed.

I strolled towards my cell and checked the new message from Rin.

"Lets meet up near the arcade and we'll walk to Nozomi-chan's house together, Nyaa~"

I replied a quick thumbs up before picking up my handbag and left my house.

We met up at the arcade where we used to hang out after school. We would be playing the dance game, trying to beat Nico-chan's high score. This brings back memories.

"Heeey! Maki-chaaan! Over here!"

I looked up from my phone to see Rin flailing her arms around, getting my attention. Hanayo stood next to her, walking slowly. Their personalities still haven't change after six whole years.

"Lets go."

After walking aimlessly and getting lost along the way for thirty whole minutes (due to Rin's inability to read directions), we finally reached Eli's house.

"Ah. You're finally here." Nozomi said as soon as she opened the door. "Come in."

"Maki-chan! Rin-chan! Hanayo-chan! Hello!!" Honoka yelled from across the room.

"Honoka, just how much did you drink?" Umi asked her childhood friend.

"Umi-chan, she just have a low tolerance for alcohol. Just let her be." Kotori said, obviously taking Honoka's side.

Yep. Everyone still haven't change after six years.

"This party will never end!!" Honoka suddenly yelled as she raised her glass up high.

"This is a dinner... not a party, Honoka." Umi retorted.

"Yeah, but-"

"Guys, are we missing someone?" Kotori suddenly spoke up, causing us to look around.

"Is it...Nico-chan?" Rin guessed.

"Nico-chi couldn't be contacted." Nozomi appeared at the entrance of the kitchen with a couple of dishes in hand.

"Guys, didn't you hear the news?" Hanayo asked. "Nico-chan went missing right after releasing her second album."

After consuming our dinner, we decided to have a small chit-chat session. Everyone shared what they have accomplished so far.

"I'll be going overseas to start an international business." Kotori stated.

"I-Is that true, Kotori? Is your mom okay with this?" Umi asked, sounding really concerned.

"Well... yeah."

"Do you know how dangerous those countries are? What if you get robbed? Or even worse..."

For some reason, I can't stand their conversation. It reminded me of someone out there. She might've ran away from home. She might be even sleeping on the streets right now! I excused myself and headed towards the balcony, hoping that the cooling night air might clear my thoughts.

"Eli-chi... we can't.. not now..."

I stopped in front of the sliding door when I heard Nozomi's voice. Curiousity got better of me as I quickly hid myself behind a wall.

"How could I resist if you're giving me that face?"


Eli brought her face closer to Nozomi's before she locked their lips together into a deep and passionate kiss.

'N-no way! A-are they kissing!?' I thought to myself as I watched them eat each other up (Lol wut?). I could feel a faint blush creeping up my cheeks. Their act is, what Umi would call, shameless. As soon as moans escaped their lips, my face turned to a different shade of red. What the hell am I doing?

Their kiss lasted for a couple of minutes before Nozomi opened up her eyes and stared right at me. Great... I got caught red-handed.

"Ah, Maki-chan. I predicted that you would come here." Nozomi stated as she took a step forward.

I slowly crept out of my so-called hiding spot and straightened up my posture, as though I hadn't been spying on them a few seconds ago.

"W-wait... You predicted it?" Eli asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Nope. So, what brings you here."

"Umm... I just wanted some fresh air. But since you're here, I'll just give you your privacy and... get going." I said as I quickly turned around, hiding my tomato impression.

"Hm? Aren't you worried about Nico-chi's whereabouts?" Nozomi called out from behind, causing me to stop in my tracks. "Bulls eye?"

"You don't have to worry about her, Maki. She's twenty-four now. She could take care of herself." Eli consulted.

"Y-yeah.. I guess you're right." I mumbled softly.

"Enough of this, we're going for some karaoke afterwards. It's great if you cheer up for a bit and have fun." Nozomi stated and pointed towards Honoka and Rin who are obviously wasted at that time. "But don't go overboard like them."

"Uhh... Okay, Nozomi."

~A couple of hours later

This phrase 'time tend to fly when you're having fun' is actually quite true. I actually did enjoyed myself. I hate to admit it but it had been a while since I had this much fun.

"Maki-chan, have you chosen the last song for the day?" Honoka asked as she leaned towards me.

"Hold on... Honoka, you're too close!" I exclaimed when she suddenly collapsed on my lap.

"That's one down, Nya!"

"Shall we call it a day then?" Eli looked up from her phone and realized that it's already ten minutes to midnight. "Anyone need a ride home?"

"Clearly Honoka needs one." Umi said, facing the drunk member.

"No thanks... Tsu-Tsubasa-chan is picking me up." Honoka stated as her lines are all slurred up.

"Honoka-chan...." Kotori giggled as she carefully placed her sweater over Honoka's shoulders.

"Maki-chan, do you want a ride?" Nozomi asked.

"Uhh.. yeah sure."

The ride was extremely awkward since I had witnessed one of their make out session. Eli was focused on the road, driving safely with one hand on the steering wheel and another holding Nozomi's hand. Nozomi just leaned against the window, looking out at the scenery. Me? Well.. I'm seated at the back seat as if I'm their child. Their overgrown child.

I need to escape this situation. I looked around to find a way out when my eyes stopped at a small bar. Perfect. I can just say that I'm meeting a colleague there.

"Uhh.. You can drop me off there." I pointed towards the bar.

"Roger." Eli giggled as she slowly stopped the car in front of the bar.

"Have fun." Nozomi waved me off as I got off the car.

Geez. She's really made of mother material.

"Bye." I gave them a final wave before they sped off into the distance.

I walked into the unusually calm bar. Instead of blasting some metal song though the speakers, they played some idol songs. There's just one customer left sitting at the corner of the room. Considering how late the time is, it's completely normal to have less customers.

I plopped myself on a stool right by the bar and brought out my cellphone. I was swiping through my messages when the bartender cleared her throat.

"Ma'am, what would you like?"

"What would you recommend?" I asked, not looking up from my phone.

"Well, I highly recommend the 'Love Nico cocktail'. I created it myself."

'Love Nico cocktail.... Nico....' I analyzed the drink's name. Wait... Could it be?

I looked up at the bartender and noticed from her ruby red eyes to her petite figure, she seems utterly familiar.

"N-Nico-chan!?" I almost yelled and made a fool out of myself.

"Ueehh! Maki-chan!?!"


This is written for my upcoming birthday. Since I would not have Wi-Fi for four days straight (one of the days are on my birthday T~T), I had decided to update it two days before. So.... Um... Yeah...
Please tell me if they seemed a bit off character.
Have a good day ahead ^w^
YFG out~

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