Chapter 2

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<Nico's pov>

"N-Nico-chan!?" The customer suddenly yelled, causing me to jump.

Upon closer look, I realised that the customer looks a lot like Maki, a former member of μ's. From her amethyst purple eyes to her wavy velvet hair.

"Ueehh! Maki-chan!?!" I startled as I stared at her up and down. She still looks quite elegant and beautiful in the dim light. No. Stop thinking this, me. I promised to move on. I promised.

"S-so... what brings you here?" I asked as I leaned against the counter.

"The same thing I'd ask you." Maki replied. "I heard that you disappeared after releasing your second album. What are you doing here? Aren't you an idol? Isn't it your dream to become one?"

"Uhh... well... a lot of things happened." I said slowly.

"Hey, Yazawa. You're locking this place up." My coworker appeared from behind me and tossed the keys on the counter.

"Okay." I gave him a little salute and quickly returned my attention back to Maki.

"I was running away from a stalker. He knows where I live, the company I worked for, my family, and basically my entire life."

"I-I see..." Maki mumbled. "So... about that 'Love Nico cocktail'... is it good?"

I could see that she tried to change the subject. "Changing the topic, huh.. I like it."

"Sh-shut up..."

"Okay then. Love Nico cocktail coming right up."

I turned around and gathered the ingredients for my so-called special drink. I started mixing in the concoction for the perfect drink, feeling a lot like a scientist. I could almost imagine that the drink might produce a steam or cause a tiny explosion.

"Could you handle alcohol?"

"Yeah.. More or less."

I added a few drops of vodka into the cup and shook it well.

"Uhh... So, Maki-chan. Are you taking over that hospital of yours?"

"Not yet. I'm just working there." Maki sighed before she added, "I wish I could quit it."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I carefully added the final touches on my masterpiece.

"Papa had been trying to hook me up with his clients so that they could take over the hospital... And... well..."

"...And you prefer women over men?" I teased, leaning towards the counter.

"Wh-what!? What the hell are you saying! I-I don't know what you m-mean!" She stuttered, blushing as red as her hair.

"I'm just kidding." I giggled as I present her drink. "Here. A special beverage for a special women."

"N-Nico-chan!! Geez..." She slowly took a sip from the cup, hiding her burning face.

She's so cute....

I stared at her from head to toe. Her blouse doesn't seem revealing but it's tight enough to show the beautiful curves of her body. Her leather skirt seems really expensive. It has a cut up to her thigh, showing off her skin underneath.... Wait. What the hell am I thinking? We are both females. Plus, idols shouldn't be in love. It's against the contract.

"Hey, Nico-chan." Maki said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's good..." She mumbled as she handed me her empty cup.

"Going for seconds?" I giggled as I took the cup from her.

Maki just shook her head slowly before she rested her head on the counter.

"It's getting late. Aren't you going home?" I asked as I wiped the counter with an old rag.

"Nah... I'll wait for you..." She managed to mumble before she fell asleep on the counter.

Geez... She's a bit like a kid sometimes.. Even though I shouldn't be the one saying that.

~A few minutes later.

Finally, the bar seems to be in good shape for tomorrow's business. I put the cleaning supplies away before packing up my items. There are no one else left in the bar apart from me and Maki. I glanced down at the my wrist watch. 12.45am. There's no more trains operating at this late hour. How would Maki get back then?

"Hey, Maki-chan. Wake up." I shook her slender body slowly, trying to wake her up from her slumber. "Heeeyy.... wake up or I'll lock you in."

That seemed to do the trick as she woke up in a few seconds.

"Where am I?"

"In Nico-nii's private garden." I did my signature pose before she started to drift away. "Hey!!"

I ended up dragging her on my back and into my small car. I couldn't drive her back to her house at this hour so I decided to bring her to the closest place I could think of... My apartment.

The drive back went quite smoothly even if Maki laid at the back seat, almost rolling off the seats and onto the floor for almost three times.

I carried her (Actually failed for a couple of minutes before calling for help from a neighbor) into my apartment and onto my bed. I spread a piece of blanket onto Maki's body and placed a change of clothes for her on the edge of the bed.

"Goodnight, Maki-chan..." I flicked off the lights before I washed up and get ready for the night.

<Maki's pov>

Even though the sun is like a billion miles away, it's rays somehow could get past the slightly ajar curtains and straight into my eyes. I slowly opened up my eyes to find myself tucked into a stranger's bed. What happened last night?

I slowly got up from the frilly and princess-like bed. The room is completely pink... I could feel myself getting a slight headache. How much did I drink last night?

I was about to get out of bed when the door swung open.

"Good morning, Maki-chan." A familiar figure appeared at the doorstep with a western style breakfest in one hand and a cup of coffee in another. She had an apron, with the words 'kiss the cook' printed on it, tied around her waist.

"N-Nico-chan? What happened?"

"Well... Here's breakfast." She placed the breakfast onto the table next to the bed. It's obvious that she's trying to change the subject.

"How did I ended up in your room!? Did you do anything to me? C'mon. Spit it out!" I threatened her by grabbing her collar, adding more effect.

"Relax. You were really tired from yesterday so, I brought you here. Simple." Nico simply shrugged as a response.

"I see..." I released her collar and slipped my hands by my sides.

"Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast." Nico scooped a few pieces of eggs and brought it closer to my mouth. "Here. Say 'Aah'."

"Nico-chan, I'm not a kid. I can feed myself." I stated as I took the fork from her.

"Hey, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to have super idol Nico-nii to feed you. You should be grateful." She said with a smug look painted on her face.

"F-Fine..." I slowly opened up my mouth so that Nico could feed me. Little did I know, a faint blush appeared on my face.

"Are you blushing, Maki-chan? Is the cool and composed Maki-chan blushing?" Nico giggled sarcastically.

"Wh-what? N-no I'm not!" I denied profusely. Why am I denying it when it's clearly displayed on my face?

"Well, I'm going to wash up now." Nico spun around, getting ready to leave.

"Nico-chan, hold up."

She stopped in her tracks and turned back around. "Yes?"

What I did next actually surprised me more than it surprised her. I quickly got up and gave her a little peck on the cheek.

"Wh-What was that for?" Nico asked as her cheeks burned brighter.

"It says so on your apron..... and it's to thank you.."

She silently looked down at her apron as blush slowly crept up her cheeks.

"Oh... Umm... You're welcome." She turned around and headed out the door.

I stared at her until she fully left the room before I started consuming the mouth-watering breakfast.

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