Chapter 6

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"DAMN, THAT WAS BADASS!!" Mark yelled, giving her a high five.
"What the fuck is that thing?" Dan poked it with his foot and then kicked it.
"A mutant." I said.
"What?" Everyone said in unison.
"A mutant. Take another human for example, and it gets hit by something radioactive. It makes it more dangerous, different, and possibly have powers." I explained.
"Oh." Jack said.
"Do not leave this house." Signe said. "It's dangerous. I don't want to risk anyone dying."
"Hurry and board up the windows and doors. Make an entrance through the roof. Make sure they can't get in." Mark commanded.
Again, we all got to work.
In a matter of time, we finished.
It was close to 3 am so we went to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of someone hitting something.
I checked my watch.
It was almost noon.
I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs.
The gang was down there, people were chatting and the hitting sound I heard, was from Zoë hitting a punching bag.
"Morning, hon." Jack kissed me lightly on my forehead.
I smiled and flopped on the couch.
"Morning!" Zoë said.
"Hi you little nugget." I chuckled.
"Haha." She said sarcastically. "Funny." Then walked outside
It was cold outside, for Florida.
Probably rain coming in.
I looked at the gray clouds that loomed over the island.
I heard a rumble and bolted back inside.
Zoë was making a plan with the others, on how to get off this place.
"First of all," she said, "We are at least 140 miles from homeland, so we'd need a boat to get there in time."
"But there are no boats." Jack said.
"No shit, Sherlock." Mark flicked his forehead.
He yelped and narrowed his eyes at him.
"Pay attention, dorks." Zoë snapped her fingers.
"One of the only other ways to get off this island is a plane." Zoë explained.
"But we'd have to go to the main part of the island to get a boat or any important things to make a boat." I told her.
"But wouldn't we need a key?" Signe asked.
"Dammit, we would." Dan said under his breath.
"Couldn't we just break in?" Phil asked.
"Islands like these, no way. They're super high-tech, the alarms would go off and we'd have to get someone experienced to turn them off." Zoë placed both of her hands on the table and looked at Mark.
All of our gazes turned to Mark.
"What the hell are you looking at me for?!" He screamed.
"Yesterday when we were walking back from getting stuff I saw a bunch of uncommon animals. They looked pretty dangerous. They looked more like daytime animals." Signe told us.
"Our best chance is going out at night, when the mutants are out." Phil said.
Zoë sighed.
"Tonight, we are going to find and make weapons and then go out to find out ways to get off the island." She tossed Phil a walkie-talkie and he almost dropped it.
"I'm going with Mark, Signe, and Jack. Dan and Phil are too precious to get hurt and Y/N is staying with them." Zoë stated. "What you're holding is a walkie-talkie, we're going to communicate through that. Y/N will be our backup incase there are too many mutants."
"Yes Sir!" Mark saluted.
Dan facepalmed himself.
"We got a deal here people?" Jack clapped his hands.
"HELL YEAH!" We all responded and got to work.

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