{Anti x becomes child! reader}

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Request by: P4ttka 

Anti POV:

You would understand my pain when I woke up this morning to see a child right above my face, I definitely don't remember becoming a parent yet so it confused me even more so till I realised who this child was. I sat up picking them up and setting them in my lap looking at them.

"Y/N? Is that ye?"

I asked them curiously and super confused. They looked up at me and nodded, sniffing them a bit
confirmed my suspicions as their scent was the same. I moved them so I held them in my arms and held the now 3 year old close, it was exceptionally weird as Y/N is my partner and now just got turned into a kid which made me feel a bit gross.

I stood up, holding them on my hip as I walked to the kitchen to get them something to eat, as they appeared close to a toddler break down so I made them some toast and once it cooled down I passed it to them, sitting back down on the sofa with them sitting in my lap, eating their toast.

"How did this happen?"

I inquired but they just shrugged as they ate their toast causing me to let out a frustrated sigh

"Hopefully this'll wear off soon, maybe Marvin might know how to fix this"

I muttered to myself, knowing this was going to be a very long day.

Later on, I was trying to take a nap until I awoke to the sound of crying and grunted getting up and prowled over to Y/N to see what was the issue and saw the little one looking extremely clingy and grabbed my arm trying to pull me into the bed with them. So reluctantly I laid beside them, pulling them close to me and soon we drifted off to sleep together.

In the morning, when I woke up Y/N was back to their normal self which caused me to smile more, pulling them closer kissing their cheek, a chuckle coming out of them

"Guess you missed me?"

They smiled, turning to look at me, I briskly nodded

"Of course I did"

I responded, gently spooning them, just laying like that with them all morning.

((Sorry it's short but I hope you like it

Author x

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