Changing Times {Shy Male Reader x Damien}

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Request by: Septoxxic


-12 years ago-

Back then I wasn't much different to I am now. Most days I'd go into school and get bullied relentlessly by the other kids every time I even opened my mouth to speak, this fear of speaking slowly but surely developed into me being shy and scared to talk to people worried how they'll react.

However when I was 16 I met a guy called Damien who was turning 18 soon, I had been seeing him around school a lot for the past few years but obviously never tried to talk to him, his friendship circle was pretty tight with some guy they'd nicknamed the cornel, Mark and his sister Celine. Yet this time I actually tried to meet him formally and oh boy that was nerve racking trying to introduce myself without my entire voice being stutters, but it worked happily. We started to talk not often originally but slowly started to more as time progressed and I felt like a bit less shy around him, one of the things it took me a stupid amount of time to admit to him was that I am gay I was super worried that he'd blow up in my face about that but that never happened and he just said "I accept you for you Y/N" which I have to admit made my heart flutter somewhat.

It took around half the school year before I finally got enough confidence to ask him to be my boyfriend and shockingly to me, must of been by a miracle, he accepted the offer. At first people judged us because of the 2 year age gap and also being gay but Damien never cared which made me feel more secure in our relationship as he wasn't running away with everyone being like that to him.

I was incredibly sad when he graduated, and yeah sure I'm happy he got Valedictorian of our high school and got to do a speech at graduation but that meant I'd be alone in school again as him and his friends were leaving, he assured me we'd call and FaceTime everyday which made me slightly more optimistic but not much, understandably. However, he did what he said we would and still remained in contact and maybe even talked more then we did back in high school which was great.

-3 years ago-

We'd been a couple now for 9 years at that point and I'm beyond grateful for that, I was just as shy then as 12 years ago but Damien makes it easier to manage. His friends had been encouraging us to tie the knot for years which we originally brushed off but finally one day he brought me out to a quite place he knew none would disturb us and he got down on one knee and asked me "will you make me the happiest man alive and be my husband?" Obviously I accepted and for the time we were engaged it was the greatest time of my life even though I had to go to more social events in that time being the Mayor's fiancé and all...I was so very happy.

-present day-

The Cornel, who goes by Wilford now, is still convinced Damien's alive saying this guy called Dark is Damien but I don't believe it, Dark feels more like an amalgamation of Damien and Celine's personality. Since Damien mysteriously disappeared I've become 10 times more reserved and shy, people can barley get a word out of me even at work yet I always feel watched and I never know why, maybe Damien's soul is watching over me or something.

Dark POV:

Damien made me make sure Y/N was safe so I often, I wouldn't call it stalked but, followed him around to be extra careful. Hopefully one day he'll realise Damien is still here.

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