My Paradise {Antisepticeye x Male Reader}

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Request by: P4ttka


I slammed the front door shut in a fit of rage when I got home my blood boiling and grinding my teeth against one another, I'd just got into another argument with my parents and I was sick and tired of it why couldn't they just accept my decision and understand that I'm happy this way!

Static and faint giggles laced the air, the air grew colder like something was sucking all the life out of it replacing it with the putrid stench of death which would cause anyone to gag if they smelt the vile aroma. A faint green glow came from the kitchen eliminating the doorway and everything around it in a soft glow, the smell getting stronger as I walked closer to the door.

I looked inside to see a demon glitching with brown hair with green tips on it, he had a long slit across his throat gushing blood all down his full black clothing, he had black gauges in his ears and when he turned to face me I could see his black eyes with slit green pupils, on his wrist he also had a couple wrist bands one of it was spiky.

He grinned sickly at me showing his sharp dagger like demon teeth "ah laddie you're home!" He greeted me before I looked past him seeing the source of the smell which was a chicken that he had burnt though was clearly fleshly dead "Anti? Did you try to cook a chicken alive?" I asked him raising an eyebrow smirking at him, an embarrassed smile came onto Anti's pale face "maybe, I just wanted to give you fresh food though it didn't work" he chuckled glitching a bit. I laughed coming over putting my head on his shoulder "maybe try cooking one that's already dead next time and from the store, just to be on the safe side" I smiled giving Anti a peck on the cheek so he lightly blushed "alright will do, I just wanted to do something nice for my boyfriend" he stated turning to me. "You being here is enough for me Glitchy" I smiled.

Once I managed to clean up Anti's mess and actually cooked dinner, I sat in Anti's lap with my plate in my lap eating, my back into Anti's chest with his arms around my waist. I relaxed into him looking up at him once I finished my food and he looked down kissing my forehead "love you Laddie" he smiles "love you too Glitchy" I grinned. I didn't care if my family were angry about me liking other men and dating one and a demon, I loved Anti and it'd be me and him forever. Anti moved my plate to the side and laid back pulling me into his arms snuggling with me feeling safe and secure in his arms.

This was my paradise

Sorry it was short just wanted to get something out to properly get this book rolling

Author x

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