Chapter 12: Family

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There is a kind of beauty in imperfection. Conrad Hall


The traffic light hit red when he was almost at the end of the street. He halted immediately and hit the steering in frustration. He was running late for the family dinner. He knew how angry Mimi would be.

Who even had family dinner during summer. It was August and people often went on vacation, not sit down and dine. The yellow light shone, once the red had died down. Nonso looked to his side, the car parked beside him was a red camry 2016. He squinted his eyes to see who it was. The person seemed familiar.

It was a woman. She turned her head left and their eyes met. She smiled broadly, winding down her window, she screamed enthusiastically.

"Nonso Orji. Our Albino boyfriend"

He winced. He hated the word Albino. He didn't know any other way to tell people that he was not an Albino. He was only a melanin Lacker in the aspect of hair and eyes but his skin was extremely fair. His skin was not like full Albinos. Their skins were often moist in a way and almost like alabaster but his had very little melanin, he was certain of it. His skin was not as soft as people often thought, it was coarse in a way.

He was not an Albino. He was simply a melanin lacker - in the aspect of eye and hair - with a very fair skin.

"Hey. Lola, longest time"

"Yes oh!"

He really didn't want to talk to Lola, he was sure she'd bring up Derin. She often did anytime they crossed paths.

Thankfully, the green light blinked. Waving her a goodbye, he sped off.


The last time he'd seen her was the day she'd referred to him as a vomit. He'd felt her words deep in his chest. He thought they had a chance, he'd broken up with Mitchell so he could fight for her. He was still so much in love with her. He couldn't get over her. He'd tried everything, even the night before, he'd gone to the club, grabbed a random girl and spent the night in a cheap hotel. Just to get rid of her still, he'd not.

She didn't want him. She never did, she never will. Femi Okunnu Estate came into veiw, Nonso drove in as the security pulled the gate open. Parking by the corner, they walked up to him.

"Who are you here for?" The security man asked.

Nonso rolled his eyes. He was sure the security man recognized him, all he wanted was to prove he was doing his job.

"I was here yesterday, the day before, the day before and the day before. What is it in me that you don't recognise" he snapped.

"Sorry sir, we follow protocol"

"Just call my sister and tell her I'm here, I'm sure you know her or do I need to tell you my name. I told you that yesterday, and the day before, and-"

"It's alright, she called. You can go in." he smiled tightly.

Nonso wind up his window and drove in. The security measures were becoming annoying, although it was the right thing, they were taking it over the edge.

He turned his wheels right. Mimi's home was at the far end on the first street by the right. He parked outside her gate and alighted from his car. Locking the car, he walked towards the gate in quick strides.

Knocking at the big black iron gate, he tapped his feet impatiently against the ground. The peephole opened, seconds later. Yusuf, the gate man peeped through it. Sighting Nonso, he broke into a grin.

"Pine Pine Albino!"

Nonso groaned. The word Albino again. Yusuf's English was the typical reversed ones most northers used. Swapping 'p' with 'f'.

Fine fine.

Nonso shook his head and stepped in once the gate swung open.

"Kai. Ooga. You pine oh! See as your hair be. You be like dat chinese we dey come. Me I like por you."

Nonso cracked a smile and Left Yusuf to his ranting. He walked briskly to the front door and turned the knob. It opened immediately. He was greeted by two smiling faces. The twins before him jumped happily at the seeing him.

"Uncle Nonso!"

Zara and Ziterem, were the children of Ugo, Mimi's husband from his first marriage. His wife passed away seven years ago during child birth. And he remarried Mimi, on the condition that she accepted his children as hers and Mimi had no objection to that.

"The Z's." he smirked and scooped them both up. They were so identical, it was hard to tell who was who.

"How are my babies?"

"Fine." the one on the right smiled.

"Yes. We went to the pooh," the other one said.

"Its pool!" the one on the right objected.



They both turned sharply to him.

"Uncle which one is correct!"

"It's pool." He corrected.

The one on the right smirked. "Aha!"


"You failed it!"

"Nonso is that you?" Mimi popped her head from the door infront of them. Saving him from the girls. He replied happily and more excited than expected.


She rushed towards him, her long braids bouncing just above her hip.

"My Albino popping bro."

Nonso cringed and moved away from her as she was about to hug him.

"Seriously mimi?"

Ziterem and Zara giggled.

She smirked "somebody can not joke again abi?" She turned to the twin on his left arm. "Say Albino."


Nonso glared at the little girl. She giggled in response.

"I don't like being called an Albino."

Mimi raised a brow. "What's the difference between a melanin Lacker and an Albino?"

He creased his brows. Lost in thoughts, he closed his eyes. A soft quick peck landed on his cheek.

"Welcome, melanin lacker! And please check your dictionary because an Albino is a melanin lacker."

It was Mimi. He opened his eyes and groaned. "But seriously though, I'm not an Albino,"

She creased her brows and finally she let out a sincere smile. "I know."

He walked into the living room, after Mimi with the Z's still in his arms.

He sighted his father, sitted comfortably on the golden coloured couch. He smiled. "Mimi was torturing you again."

Nonso nodded. "You have no idea. Good evening sir."

Ikenna orji laughed lightly. "Get used to it. "

Nonso rolled his eyes and walked to the dining table. "Uncle Nonso where is our bishit!"

He let the two girls down. Retrieving a hundred Naira note from his pocket, he handed it to one of them.

His eyes finally took notice of the people in the room. Ugo, Mimi's husband sat on the dining table, typing away on his laptop. To his right was Francis and a certain dark woman who had a black braided cornrows on her hair. Half her stomach was on display as her crop to stopped just below her breast. Her jean short stopped just above mid thigh. Nonso shuddered in irritation. This was a family reunion dinner, not a night club. He wandered why Francis actually thought of bringing someone dressed too openly to the dinner.

He scrunched up his nose in disgust when the woman giggled at something Francis said then kissed him hungrily.

A loud knock on his head was delivered by Mimi. Francis sprang up immediately, holding his head and wincing in pain.

"Biko. Keep your nonsense for someother time, my girls are too young to see rubbish" Mimi glared at Francis. Not sparing the lady a glance, she walked back into the kitchen.

Nonso and Ugo snickered.

Francis stumped his leg in frustration.

"Its cool babe" The dark woman spoke up, smiling nontheless.

Upon seeing Nonso, Francis lit up with a smile. "If it isn't Nornor "

Nonso grinned and walked over to his brother. After sharing the 'bro hug' they pulled apart.

"San Francisco!" Nonso hailed. Calling him by a popular state in America. Francis laughed.

"Na you be boss na!"

They did the bro hug again.

"Didn't you guys see each other yesterday?" Ugo asked.

"Yeah. Why all the hailing?" Ikenna shouted from the living room.

Francis waved his hand in the air. "Forget that one. When bros meet. Anywhere, anytime..."

Nonso completed the statement alongside Francis smiling "you just gats hug it out. No matter the occasion"

"Nonso you are becoming a mad dog like Francis" Mimi called from the kitchen.

Their father snickered from the living room. Mimi soon came out of the kitchen with Abigail, the house help and Glory, Ugo's sister in tow. They were all carrying something in their hand. Mimi called out to the woman Francis brought with him to help her. With the woman being distracted, Nonso nudged Francis.

"Who is the new chic"

"Ah. Selena" Francis smiled goofily. His eyes shone brightly at the mention of her name. His smile deepened shyly. Francis was blushing.

Nonso coughed dramatically.

"Huh? Guy are you in love"

Francis bit his lower lip. "The babe is good...In some kind things"

Nonso held up his hand. "I don't want to hear if its bed matter"

Francis smirked. "I thought so"

Their father stood up from the living room couch and walked towards them. On seeing the variety of food set on the dining table, he screamed.

"Who's your daddy!"

Everyone turned to the old man in shock. Nonso and Francis snickered. Mimi groaned. "Daddy please act like your age today"

Glory smiled in amusement. "Your dad is cool"

All three children turned to her.

"You should have met him as a child. The man can beat ehn." Francis shook his head.

"Hmm. I remember when he beat Francis, his teacher caught him in the bathroom making out with one girl like that" Mimi said nonchalantly.

Everyone took their sits.

One of the twins tugged at Mimi's cloth. "Mumimi, what's making out?"

Mumimi was a name Mimi had suggested the girls call her since she was not their real mother. She insisted that they kept the name mummy for their mother who was now in heaven.

Nonso smirked. Mimi touched the girls hair affectionately. "Its an adult word. Don't say it okay?"


"Wait. Are you Zara or Ziterem?" Ugo asked.

The one beside Mimi glanced at the one beside Glory. After few seconds, they both pointed at each other.

Mimi smirked.

"Who drank my water?" Ugo said. "One of you drank it now. It was Zara. Who is Zara"

The two girls still pointed at each other. Ikenna smirked. "Ogbeni. Hold your water issue for another time. Lets eat the chicken now"

Ugo stood up and walked to the dispenser to fill up his cup while narrowing his gazes at the little girls.

He streched out his hands for the plate in the middle. Mimi smacked his hands lightly before he got to it.

"Mimi" the old man huffed.

"Daddy" Mimi mimicked him.

He folded his arms and smiled innocently. "Fine"

Mimi clapped her hands together. "Sit! Its time for the prayer. Francis lead us in prayer"

"Ehn!" Nonso and Selena let out at once.

"Ha! Why are you guys shouting?" Their father asked.

"Mimi really," Nonso laughed out loud. "Francis should lead us in prayer."

"I'll pray. Ignore Nonso" Francis gritted out.

Mimi smirked. Her eyes met with Nonso and they both smiled evilly. Thet both knew that Francis had not stepped into church since he was at the university. His reason still remained unknown to them.

"In jesus name" he began "thank you lord for the food. I pray that you'll... You'll give us grace to eat and bellefull "

"Amen!" everybody chorused.

The clatter of spoons against plate was heard in no time.

"So. Francis introduce the woman you brought home."Mimi spoke up.

Mimi had been a second mother to them since their mother died. She took in the role at a young age and she did well in it.

Before Francis could speak, the sound of something breakable landing on the tiled floor was heard. Everyone turned back to see Abigail the house maid, standing infront of a bottle of wine.

" please tell me that is not an Andres wine. "

Tears from no where slipped out of Abigail's eyes. "Aunty. I swear. Na my village people. Na them like to dey do this thing to me." she sobbed.


"Them no say my future bright. Na so dem dey do. Dem go dey cause trouble for me. As I dey tak so. Dem dey warri shrine they plan for my head-"

"My friend no one asked you for life story. Get a broom and clear this place then get another wine and make sure your village members don't attack you this time." Ugo spoke sharply.

The girls eyes widened immediately. She nodded twice and scurried off.

"That girl is weird," Glory spoke up after much silence.

"We'll call the agency to have her changed. I can't have her scaring my children" Ugo sighed.

Mimi waved her hands to wave the matter off. Then she turned back to Francis. "So... Where was I?"

"Hi. I'm Selena-"

"I was talking to my brother." Mimi replied sharply.

Ugo laughed lowly.

"Ogbefun," Glory snickered.

Selena was left embarrassed. Standing up quickly, she excused herself. Mimi sat up and turned to a fuming Francis.

"Francis how could you bring a club girl-"

Francis hit his palm on the table, making everyone jolt in shock.

"You could have at least done well to hide your irritation just the same way everyone is doing now" he shouted. Everyone shrank back guilty. "Why must you judge someone just by the way they are dressed. You don't know her, you don't know how she is, you don't know what it is she can do, how humble she is, how much she has to give, so you can't judge her"

"The wat you are dressed is the way you'll be addressed. You could have atleast told her to dress better, not waltz into my home looking like a first class striper." Mimi snapped.

Francis stood up angrily "You keep acting like you were virgin Mary before Ugo snatched you up-"

"Francis enough!" Ikenna stood up instantly. His glare was directed at Francis. "Don't talk to your sister any how"

"Well tell her not to go around judging people!"

Nonso was caught up in the middle of the argument. He was the glue that held them all together. Mimi and Francis rarely agreed on the same thing. Even their father didn't like Francis' way of life.

Mimi's mouth was left agape. Her head must probably be ringing, remembering the words Francis had thrown sharply at her face.

"Francis." she spoke up. "You dare question my cleanliness, just because of that girl you came here with."

Francis glared at her, moving menacingly closer to her.

Nonso stood up instantly and jerked francis back. "Guy behave. Calm yourself down"

"No. You speak up. Interfere in this issue. Do you think she should be judged just because of how she is dressed?"

All eyes now snapped to Nonso. He was left tongue tied. Unlike his siblings, he was never one to really say things bluntly. He liked people figuring things out on their own. He didn't like trouble, he liked to appease anyone and everyone. Sometimes his father often wondered how he even stood in court. He was often told that he was too nice.

He didn't want Francis to be angry anymore and he didn't want to betray Mimi by supporting Francis. He just wanted the matter to die. But still, Francis needed to know that he was wrong.

"Francis. I don't think so but like Mimi said, this is a family dinner, she should have dressed more appropriately."

"She was coming from somewhere when I picked her up!"

Mimi clapped her hands dramatically. "Night club."

Francis moved back angrily "what is wrong with her. Better warn her, because she is doing mummy role doea not mean she is a Mummy. Give birth to your own child then we'll see how well you'll train her!"

In one surprising motion, a hand collided with Francis' jaw, sending him staggering back. Ugo stood before Francis, daring him to speak again.

"How dare you talk to her like that"

One of the twins stood up from the table, in an attempt to reach for her father, she slipped and fell on the floor. Nonso rushed over to help her up.

He picked the girl up, only to see blood dripping from above her eyebrows, a deep cut slashed her head. Nonso stared down at where her head collided with. Just there were the broken glasses Abigail was asked to pack.

The girl let out a shrill scream and loud sobs escaped her lips.

"The cut is deep, she needs a doctor" Nonso said as he scooped her in his arms and rushed out of the living room. Blood from her injury drenched his shirt.

"Get out of here!" He heard his father scream.

"Where is that Abigail" another voice boomed "did I not ask you to sweep this place?!"

Heavy quick footsteps followed behind him. He didn't glance back to see who it was. He caught a shadow, bent beside the tree in front of the house, very close to the gate. Selena. She got up the moment she saw him.

"What happened?" She asked.

Before Nonso could reply, a voice snarled from behind him. "Ask your boyfriend!"

It was Mimi.

Yusuf opened the gate instantly.

"Nonso let me hold her" Mimi said.

"Ugo would be very furious right now. If not for Francis and that Selense girl"

He handed the crying child over to Mimi and they both got into the car after he unlocked it.


"Its their fault. If he hadn't brought her over, the dinner would have gone well"

She rocked the twin gently in her arm.

"You could have also talked to Francis quietly after the dinner and as Francis said, you should have pretended that you didn't notice her outfit, just like everyone else did. Mummy would have done the same"

Mimi's eyes moistened. "I don't have to be like mom to live up to you or Francis's expectations. I may not be mom, but I'm my own person"

Roaring the engine to life, he drove off.

"Mimi, I know... I didn't mean-"

"I know what you meant. You and Francis never appreciated my efforts. I had to fill in when mom left. The least you guys could do is appreciate. Do you think I don't miss mum too, we lost her at a very tender age and believe me, behind my strong façade, I really miss her. I had to learn so many things on my own, I had to discover, if anything I lost more because I spent my time trying to give out. Which left me with little or no time to take"

Nonso shrank in guilt. Mimi was only looking out for them. He felt guilty for comparing her abilities to mum.

"I'm sorry"

She shrugged. Pulling the child closer. "It's no use, your words don't hurt as much as the ones Francis said"


"What's her name?" The nurse asked.

"Chiziterem Osakwe" Mimi replied. The nurse scribbled down the information on a card.

"Go to that room. You'll be attended to" The nurse pointed to the room at the far end of the hall. Mimi nodded and stood up with Ziterem still in her arms.

Her phone rang out just as she stood up. She picked it up. "Hello Its eh... St Michael's hospital... No.... At the back of......"

The rest of the conversation drowned as she walked towards the room. Nonso sat down on the hospital bench and waited for his sister.

A woman in loose jeans and red tee shirt suddenly dashed past him. She went straight to the counter. A young Man about Nonso's age walked behind her with an elderly man in tow.

"Do yoy have the test results?" The woman spoke up.

The nurse looked up. "Oh. Good evening oh. You'll have to get it from the second to the last room. Meet the doctor there"

"Is the result ready?" The elderly man behind them asked.

"I'm not the doctor" The nurse snapped.

Turning away from the counter, the woman rushed towards the room.

The elderly man and the young man stood back.

"Are you sure the test will be ready by now?" The young man asked.

"They'd do anything once they hear her father's name" the elderly man shrugged.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired. I want to go home, I wonder what time we'll get home since Ikorodu is so far from here"

The young man shook his head. "Aren't you bothered about what happened to Derin"


"I am. It's still a surprise that we don't know who did it. Micheal, if her father finds out what got Derin in the hospital, you know he'll be furious"

"I know. But the worse part is the possibility of her being infected-"

"Nonso" Ugo's voice snapped him out of the conversation.

He looked up at his brother in-law. "Where is Mimi and Zara"

Nonso's brow creased. "Zara? I thought it was Ziterem"

"Its Zara" a tiny voice chipped in. The young girl beside Ugo spoke up. Her eyes were puffy and her fair nose was now red.

"Oh... They are in the last room" he pointed to the door. Ugo nodded and walked over with Zara.

It was then he saw his father and Glory. Snapping his gaze away from them, he turned to the look at the two men, but they were gone. He couldn't help but wonder if it was his Derin.

He stood up instantly and headed towards the counter. The nurse glanced up as he approached.

"Good evening, how may i help you"

"Eh... I'm here to see Aderinsola Adeyi-Nzube" He asked smoothly. He placed his hands on the counter and tapped away nonchalantly, as though he was uninterested.

"Are you kin to her?" The nurse asked after some minutes.

"Her fiancé" he replied, smiling innocently.

The nurse's eyes widened. "I'm sorry for what happened to her"

His ears perked up. His face turned solemn and he played along. "Yea. I... Its been hard"

She shook her head. "Rape is a serious case in the country but to drug and rape her? Thats cruel. I hope you don't leave her just because of this"

Nonso staggered back at her words.



The pumping of blood in his ears increased. The nurse waved at him, asking if he was alright. Nodding briefly, he steadied himself.

"What... What room?"

"Second floor, room 5" she replied.

He nodded. Just as he was about to turn, a scream at the end of the hall stopped him. It was the woman he saw earlier. Derins mother perhaps.

He rushed ovet there without thinking. "Madam, are you alright?"

She gripped his shirt. "Mogbe! They say my Derin might be pregnant!"

His world stopped.




He let go of the woman gradually, ignoring the inquisitive stare his family sent him, he dashed towards the stairs and headed for room 5, perharps a force had pulled him here for a reason.

Destiny or Serendipity, it didn't matter. He came here this night for a reason.


It only gets tougher. Stick around till the end to see where this is headed

Want to find out Derins fate?

You will.

Click dat star ❤

All my love, Chiziterem.

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