Chapter 29: Scolding you at your worst.

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Love is an open dooooooorr - Elsa. Frozen.

           Rita Dominic is Mimi Orji. ☝


Zara sighed dramatically as Derin talked to her about Nonso. They were seated in the backyard of Ikenna Orji's huge mansion in his home town at Agulu, Anambra state. Derin had a keg of palm wine in front of her and Zara, a pack of juice her mother gave her. Zara had been insisted on learning Yoruba. However their discussion had somehow diverted when the child mentioned that the only uncle Nonso's female friend she didn't like was one Dabere who often talked to their Mumimi anyhow but at that time, Mumimi was not yet Mumimi, she was Aunty Mimi.

Derin was interested in knowing what the girl meant. But she thought it wrong to question her like that.

Derin had travelled with Nonso three days before Christmas. They'd arrived at the big mansion and had picked a room, just as the other children had done. Mimi had come only with her two girls and Francis had come with Selena.

"Uncle Nonso knocked my head one Christmas." Zara said.

Derin creased her brows. "Why?"

The little girl shrugged. "I was telling Aunty Dabere some old stories."

Derin spat out the palm wine she had taken in. It sputtered all over the cemented ground. She coughed lightly.

"Sorry Aunty." Zara said a loud, her face laced with concern.

Derin nodded. "Thank you."

"Sorry," Zara muttered.

Derin turned to her as she set the cup down. "What did you mean by be old stories."

Zara shrugged. "I simply told her about another Aunty. Aunty Diana."

Derin nodded in understanding.

His ex girlfriends.

Derin cleared her throat. "So why did he knock you."

Zara pouted. "He said I was nosy and that I often say too much. Like I told Aunty Dabere how Uncle Nonso was running around one morning with Aunty Diana in the compound and that they looked happy. I asked Aunty Dabere if she was happy because she and uncle Nonso never laughed together. She was always boning."

Derin stifled her laughter. Nonso wasn't in a happy relationship at that time. The little girl only observed.

"Ziterem!" A tiny voice called from inside. It obviously belonged to one of the twins.

Derin creased her brows. "Wait, I thought you said you were Zara."

The twin before her nodded, smiling sheepishly. "I am. I think my sister got into trouble."

Derin creased her brows.

"We swap identity. Like if i do something bad and Mumimi finds out and I'm the one there, I'll just say I'm my sister. Saves us most of the time."

Derin chuckled at the little girl's eloquence. "That's...twiny."

Zara laughed. "Daddy and Mumimi never know."

Derin laughed. "How old are you again sef?"

"Seven." The girl smiled.

"You speak well."

"Thank you, Aunty." Zara smiled humbly.

Derin smiled at the little girl. She'd never been good with kids, but she wondered how she'd even managed to kick off a conversation with Zara.

"So how can one differentiate the both of you?" Derin inquired.

Zara smirked.

Heh? Seven year old smirking.

The cartoons these days must have upgraded.

"Well, there is a scar above my eye brow, it's not showing again, it's just showing small. I injured myself back in August."

Derin looked at where Zara had pointed, just above her right eyebrow was a faint scar.

Just then, the second twin walked out from the corner, her hand gripping her right eyebrow. Her flipflops slapped against the ground angrily. The fringes on her skirt danced as she walked. She looked the cutest if not for the pain itched on her face.

Derin stood up from the woven chair. "What is it?"

The little girl walked closer. Her face arched painfully. Zara stood up. "Zee, what happened? "

"I injured."

"How?" Derin stepped towards her.

The girl dropped her arm. "I was trying to take ice cream and mommy said we shouldn't take. The fridge hit me."

Blood dripped slowly from above her eyebrow. Derin stepped closely. The cut wasn't deep thankfully. But looking at it, she realized that it was the exact same place Zara had a faint scar.

Derin smiled as she took Ziterem to the tap to rinse the blood away before informing her mother.

Now there would be no way to differentiate between the girls.

"Zara, tell your mom your sister is hurt."


Nonso sat down on the woven seat, watching as Derin, Mimi and Selena placed chickens on the heating charcoal beneath the iron net. They said they were doing barbeque.

Mimi said something and Derin laughed out loud, her laughter was rich and happy. He smiled. He smiled because she was happy. He sat up, unable to sit and relax because he wanted her seated on his thigh, laughing.

"No," Selena smirked at something Derin said.

Derin laughed.

"Bro!" A voice called. It was Francis.

Nonso turned. Francis stood there in a short flowered knicker and a black vest. His complete set of abs were outlined through his vest.

He wondered why he never got a complete set.

"Fran." He smiled.

Francis walked over and took a seat beside Nonso. Nonso offered him a glass of wine. Francis rolled his eyes.

"It's the rustic life now. We are in the village. For now, it's palm wine."

Nonso chuckled. "That's you oh."

Francis chuckled.

They both watched in silence as the ladies laughed. The lights lit in the compound glowed through the night. It was Christmas day, and he hadn't been with Derin, they'd been called out for a meeting with the kinsmen concerning some typical nollywood drama come to life.

A woman had gone to the herbalist to get poison for her co-wife. Francis had been surprised.

"Now we know how nollywood generates their stories." Francis had said.

He had only returned late, the women had been doing the traditional barbeque when he arrived.

"I want to propose to Selena." Francis said.

Nonso turned sharply. "really?"

Francis Nodded. "Is it cool with you? "

Nonso grinned. "Man. It's terrific news. Why wouldn't I be thrilled?"

Francis shook his head. "You are the first son. You know traditionally, you have to get married before me."

Nonso rolled his eyes. "Bro, it's the twenty first century. Tradition no reach that side."

Francis cleared his throat. "Aren't you proposing to Derin?"

Nonso's smile died. He looked away from Francis. His gaze met with Derin. She waved at him then turned back to the chicken.

"I'm scared." Nonso blurted.


He hadn't brought up anything about Marriage because Derin was confusing at times. The first time he told her he loved her, he did it because he thought he saw signs, but that time, his signs had been wrong.

"I don't know." Nonso finally said.

Francis cocked his head. "Do you see her all fat or old or-"

"I see her still looking beautiful, I see her with a baby bump. I see us - her carrying our baby and me hovering over her in the hospital room. I see our little child running around the house and us sitting, watching. But that's as far as I see." Nonso whispered. "I never want us to grow old. I'm scared to think that one day, we may be dust."

Francis smiled. "It's inevitable."

"No doubt." Nonso agreed.

He caught Selena winking at Francis.

"We were seated on the couch of my apartment one day, watching TV when Selena made a joke about having twins. It was the first time any of us brought out anything that can be linked to children." He grinned, looking ahead. "I took that as my cue."

Nonso patted his brothers back. "Oya, let's start planning proposal. Do it tonight."

"You think so?"

Nonso nodded. "I know so."

The ladies were done heating the chickens. They served it in a plate, with juice and pepper soup then headed towards the men. Nonso and Francis stopped their discussion as Selena set a tray before them. She proceeded to take a sit beside Francis. Derin and Mimi made their way over to them with pepper sauce in hand.

They set it on the round table before them. Derin took a seat beside Nonso and Mimi sat at the far end. They hadn't spent the day together, but surely they couldn't not spend the night together.

"Ok. Ok." Mimi started. It was her thing to give a speech before meals. "It's so nice to see an extension."

Everyone smiled.

"I'm apologizing in place of Dad. He went for a checkup in India."

Nonso and Francis exchanged glances. His father had told him he was going for a business deal.

"And my husband volunteered to go with him." Mimi finished. "All in all, I'm glad we can all be here together."

She picked up a glass filled with wine and raised it in the air. "Merry Christmas guys."

"Merry Christmas," everyone responded.

Derin turned to Nonso with her glass of wine and hit their glass together slowly. Nonso curved his hands around hers and sipped his drink. She did the same. They stared at each other for a while.

"How was your day?" He asked softly as he withdrew his hand and set his glass on the table.

"Just talking, with Zara." Derin smiled mischievously.

Nonso raised a brow. "Why does it sound so evil then?"

Derin smirked. "Something about her asking if y'all are happy and you knocking her."

Nonso groaned. "Lord no. She told you."

Derin burst into laughter, pulling her head back, she laughed a loud. He watched her, laughing. He smiled. He wanted to be with her, to hold her in his arms and never let go. It was the only thing he thought of in that moment.

He swallowed hard as he watched her bite down a chicken lap and sipped her wine. He wanted to tell her he'd always be there for her.

"Hey." He called.

She turned to him, smiling.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

Derin rolled her eyes. "You know I did."

"OK! Let's share the presents!" Mimi shouted.

Before coming, Nonso had told Derin of their family tradition. Late at night, while they all dined outside in the cool evening air in a rustic town, they exchanged gifts. Derin had come prepared.

"Ok." Mimi called. "Let's start."

She called out to the twins. "Z's,"

The front door to the house opened. The girls came running out with gift packages in their hands. They ran back in and retrieved more until all the gifts everyone had bought was on another round table. The two girls took their sit beside their mother.

Earlier, everyone had wrapped up their gifts and written their names and that of the people they wanted to give it to.

Mimi picked the first package.

"This is from Francis to Me!" She said gleefully.

Everyone watched as she carefully unwrapped the gift. The package was stripped down till the only thing left was a little box. Mimi opened it to reveal a customized gold bracelet that had Mmesoma written on it.

"So that's your full name?" Derin questioned.

Mimi nodded, smiling. She turned to Francis. "I'd totally kish you now but you know, that would be yuk."

Everyone laughed.

The next one was from Mimi to Nonso.
It was an album frame that had a picture of he and Derin smiling at each other. She was dressed in a yellow gown and he in a tux. He recognized it to be at Mitchell's birthday. Derin was smiling at him, while he had somewhat of a scowl on his face.

He didn't remember their discussion, but the picture was beautiful.

"Wow. Mimi how?" He asked.

Mimi winked. "Well photographers lurk around events."

Nonso smiled solemnly. "Thank you Mmesoma."

Mimi blew him a kiss.

The next gift was from Selena to Francis. They unwrapped it. It was a perfume. After that was a gift from Nonso to the young girls. A fancy slipper to add to their collection.

Nonso anticipated what Derin got for him, and when it came he ripped the lack quickly. Derin was smiling shyly beside him. He opened it to see a shoe. It was the latest shoe people called clerk. It wasn't yet really out in the market. He turned to her.

"Thank you. " he pecked her cheek.

The next one was a gift from Francis to Nonso. Selena stifled her laughter as Nonso opened it. Francis played cool. Nonso eyed them suspiciously.

He finally ripped it only to see birth control pills. Everyone burst into laughter. Nonso threw the gift at Francis. Francis laughed. He then put his hand in his pocket and retrieved a huge rubber wrist watch that had a large clock head.

"Merry Christmas." He tossed it to Nonso.

The next gift was from Nonso to Derin. Derin held her breath as she anticipated. Nonso could feel her trying to be calm. He knew she was giddy inside. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she realized what was in the box.

Everyone watched calmly.

Derin finally opened the box. The white phone pack was the first thing everyone saw.

Nonso searched Derin's face for an expression as she  opened the pack.

"O.M.G." Selena gasped. "It's an iPhone seven."

Derin looked up at Nonso, and without warning she wrapped her arms around him.

"Awww." Zara and Ziterem grinned.

"Bia, how old are you girls again?" Mimi questioned, looking at them sternly.

The girls giggled.

"It's like Cinderella." Ziterem shrugged.

For the moment, they were able to differentiate them because Ziterem had a plaster over her eyebrow.

Mimi chuckled. "This children."

Derin didn't let go of Nonso. "I love you."

"Love you too pie." Nonso kissed her neck.

They finally let go.

The next one was from Mitchell to Derin.

"Huh? How?" Nonso asked, sitting up. "Mitchell isn't here."

"She asked me to give it to Derin." Mimi shrugged.

Derin unwrapped the package. A book, a familiar one stared back at her.

What we mistake for Destiny. - C.j Ejiofor.

A note fell out. Derin quickly folded the note and slid it into the book. She turned to Nonso and smiled.

Nonso saw that she was happy. He didn't know how Mitchell came into her life, but he was happy that there was no one to call her a third wheel.

"So. From Francis to Selena."

Everyone anticipated. Selena peeled of the wrapper gradually. Nonso could feel her giddiness from where he sat. She unwrapped it to reveal a similar gift.

"Birth control what?!" Mimi laughed.

Francis was an Idiot. Selena glared at him then chucked the gift at his face. Francis laughed hard. Suddenly, the laughter died. Selena had a playful grim expression on and Francis just went on one knee.

He looked back at Nonso. Nonso nodded to him, suddenly realizing what he was about to do.

Francis cleared his throat as he slipped something out of his pocket. "Selena. The first time I met you, you slapped me. It was love at first slap."

Everyone laughed. Selena smiled.

"Sely-na, I love you. I want to spend life and it's after math with you. Will you marry me?"

As they waited for Selena's reply, Nonso turned to look at Derin. Her tecno W4 was videoing the event. Nonso snorted.

"Mitchell has influenced you. Instagram?"

Derin giggled. "Yes."

There was so much cheering. Nonso turned to see Selena and Francis on their feet, embracing. Selena's eyes were red. She buried her face in the crook of Francis's neck. Her left arm flashed the gold ring in it.


Derin sat in their room, she opened the book Mitchell had sent to her as a Christmas present. The letter fell from it. Picking it up, she opened to read it's content.

D- no. It's Berin. Heyyy. Merry Christmas b. So i actually went to find this book. I realized it's dedicated to everyone going through a tough time. I know you said you've read it before, but I just wanted you to read it again. Maybe it can help you get a clearer veiw of your present life.

Ps. Like the good friend I am, I'll remind you to tell Nonso the secret. Like I do everyday. It's better you tell him before he finds out on his own.

Mitch. Xoxo

Derin folded the letter back and slipped it into her purse. Opening the book, she read the book content.

The door suddenly opened. Nonso stepped in with a roasted chicken in hand. He grinned at Derin. Once he had swallowed the last chicken, he headed to the bathroom to wash his hands. He came back seconds later.

"Babe." He walked over to where Derin sat and plopped down beside her.

Derin pretended not to hear him. Suddenly the book was snatched out of her hand. Derin looked up at Nonso reluctantly, placing a playful scowl on her face.

"Didn't you see me or hear me?" Nonso teased.

Derin grinned. "I did."

He moved close and placed a kiss on her lips. "I'm tired."

"How was the meeting?"

"Fine. Annoying people who don't know it's Christmas." He grumbled.

Derin laughed. "The issue was serious. They couldn't leave it unattended to."

She moved her legs to the bed and placed her head on his lap.

"Tomorrow, let's go for Masquerade run." Derin said.

Nonso's face changed. "I don't like that masquerade thing."


"Don't know."

Derin rolled her eyes. "Well i want us to go."

Nonso groaned. "Fine."

The next day at around four, they all headed to the village square which was popularly called Afor.

Nonso had insisted they go with the car. Derin later complied although she wanted to see what it felt like when Ify described running from masquerades.

The first masquerade they saw was dressed in blue and black attire with their faces covered. The material ran round their body, from head to toe and they were adorned with beads to make them look beautiful.

Derin  looked out the window of the car. Girls and boys ran away as masquerades neared their area. Derin grinned. A man bumped into a masquerade. The masquerade requested for something but the man shook his head. Suddenly the masquerade lashed out, lashing the man once on his leg. Smirking, the man bounced away.

Suddenly feeling adventurous, Derin opened the door and slipped out of the car.

She closed the door behind her but she didn't miss Nonso's loud cursing. She walked across the clay sanded street. The laughter and excitement on the lip of everyone made Derin giddy. She wanted to know what Masquerade runs were like.

She had been too engrossed in other people's laughter, the lovely smell of pepper soup, the toxic smell of beer and star that she'd forgotten to watch her back. A loud voice shouted towards her direction, calling out in igbo. Derin turned sharply to see a masquerade making it's way to her. All excitement drained from her face when it raised it's cane, with it's followers chanting in igbo. She made to run but tripped. Closing her eyes, she waited for two things. The impact of the cane and her body crushing the ground. Neither came.

She felt strong and firm hands grip her harshly at the same time a loud whoop was heard. The masquerade suddenly started singing in igbo.

"Nonso Orji son of Ezeora 1 of Agulu. What have you brought for the men?" The masquerade said in a sing song tone.

Derin looked up. Nonso hands his hands around her  forearm and held her firmly behind him. She couldn't see his face, but she could sense his anger.

She saw him slip his hands into his pocket and shove a thousand naira note at them. The masquerade bowed before Nonso and started dancing with it's followers, singing songs of praises for Nonso in igbo.

Nonso waved and pulled Derin with him. He held her firmly as they crossed the road. Opening the passengers seat, he gestured for her to go in. Derin slid in.

The drivers door opened and closed after Nonso sat comfortably.

He turned to her. "I told you not to get down!"

She turned to him. "I just wanted to know how it feels like running from masquerade. I'm igbo and yet I have no idea about most of our traditions and the fun. Well excuse you if i wanted to just know some."

Nonso glared at her. "There will be no fun if you're covered six feet under the ground! " he snapped.

Derin huffed, raising her shoulders. "You know what? Let's just go home."

"Derin." He groaned. "Listen to me. Some people die during this masquerade chase. As fun as it is, sometimes there is also danger. Some evil village men use it as a way to kill. Four years ago, Mimi was supposed to be married to someone else. Someone that isn't Ugo. He died, here in this place. A masquerade had whipped him twice for their so called fun and he fell, tripped and died. His family called Mimi a witch. Mimi was angry at me for even taking him to see Masquerade. He was Edo. Mimi warned me not to take him. I didn't listen. He died because i persuaded him to come. Imagine how i felt -" his voice rose, booming. "- when that masquerade raised his cane to whip you!"

Derin gulped hard. She hadn't known.

He went on. "This isn't about you raising your head and straightening your shoulders."

Her shoulder slackened.

"I'm sorry Nonso."

He turned away from her quietly. He roared the engine to life and drove out of Afor, heading straight for the mansion.

"Nonso I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you in such a position." Derin pleaded.

He horned at the mansion gate. The guards opened the gates and nodded in respect as Nonso drove in.

"Nonso." Derin groaned.

He got down from the car. She got down after him. Derin walked quickly towards Nonso as he headed towards the front door. He signalled one of the guards. The muscled man ran over to him. Nonso handed him his key and instructed him to wash the car.

Once the man turned away, Derin moved towards Nonso, holding his forearm. "Nonso, babe I'm sorry."

Nonso sighed and turned. His eyes softened on Derin. He pulled her close to him, engulfing her in an embrace.

"This is me, scolding you at your worst." He mumbled into her hair.

Derin smiled against his chest, inhaling the cool red diamond perfume. "And you love me too,"

He pulled her back to stare into her eyes, his gaze soft and loving. "I don't know anything that can make me stop loving you."

Even my secret? She asked herself. Nonso simply smiled at her.

The front door suddenly burst open. Mimi, Francis and Selena stared at them.

"Hey," Mimi smiled. "We've been looking for you guys. We have two weddings to attend today. We are late. Now we are just going for the igba nkwu. You guys ngwa, get ready."

Nonso turned to Derin. "There are more than two ways to catch fun in the rural area. The igbo traditional marriage is one of them my love."


Urgh! Now guys who is excited.

Crankychris baby girl thank u soooo much for pointing out silly mistakes i made. I've corrected them.

Nonso hates jean. He is inspired by Jidenna whom I've never seen on jeans. The cover is a picture of Jidenna. ✌

Thank u guys for reading.


Masquerade - some people don't understand the igbo masquerade tradition. Some of these masked people use charms. Some come clean and are all for the fun of it. They collect money from men and chase girls. Some are brutally wicked.

Igba Nkwu - is the name for igbo traditional wedding. Where the couple get to wear traditional clothings. This takes place after the man has fulfilled all traditional rites, paid the bride price and had been welcomed by the ladies kinsmen. As a sign of acceptance, the lady carries a cup of palm wine  given to her by her father, for her husband to drink.

Ngwa - means oya in Yoruba and also  come on, alright let's do this or let's go in english. It is said to show seriousness or eagerness as to which the speaker wants something done.

Igbo - an ethnic group in Nigeria and also a language.

Yoruba - an ethnic group in Nigeria and also a language.


That kiss is from me to everyone of y'all reading, thank you.


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