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Chapter One
I know you can't help it

Jaxs POV

This apartment was not messed up but sometimes it felt like it. My room was right across from my brothers and had 1 bathroom in my room and another near the kitchen.

Marcus liked knowing when I was home or in my room. He had been like that since our parents had ran away and left us this apartment. Our apartment is more of a little home, our kitchen has small details but they made sense to us.

My room had lilac walls with blue curtains and a window that looked across the street into my ex girlfriend who is also my best friends house.

We would flicker our lights to each other when it was late at night and we wanted to hang out together. Even though she was her , we would sneak out at night and hang out.

Marcus knew about me sneaking out most nights. He usually left the door unlocked if I forgot my key or he would open the window or make sure I had my key. His only concern was that I would come home safe and sound after I was out and about.

He knew what I was doing, he found out when I walked through the front door one time after getting into a fight and forgetting to go through my window. I was usually stopping street fights or causing them or cleaning up trash or just outside at the park listening to music.

That's where Allison watts comes in , she would listen to music with me or clean up trash with me . Alli was never around for the fights but she was around to clean me up.

tonight was one of those nights where i stopped a fight and got involved making them fight me and win sadly.

Here,  I and Allison are in my bathroom and she's wiping the blood off of my face

"So what happened this time?" She asked me and applied pressure

"These guys they were fighting and this girl was trying to stop them same as me. They hit her though I presume on accident , that's when I tried to stop it and it didn't work" I exclaimed

"You are always trying to save people you know that?" She stated and I smiled at her

"Yeah I know I can't help it" I stated and she put a bandaid on the cut

"I know you can't help it" she said and then stared at me but then there was a knock on the door

"Can i come in?" Marcus asked

"Hide, hide" I whispered to Allison and she hid in the shower

"Mm yeah you can come in" I said and Marcus opened the door

"What happened?" He asked looking at my fists and my face

" just a fight I'm fine Marcus really" I said and tried to get him out of the bathroom

"Jax you promised you would stop" he exclaimed and I looked down at my feet

"I know alright I know but it's just they were going to hurt this girl and I couldn't let it happen" I told him and he sighed

"This isn't the only time you've done this jax. Remember last week with Jason?" He explained and i stifled my laugh

"Okay I know but Jason said that being lesbian was a sin and that I was going to hell" I stated and he ran a hand through his hair

"Okay alright but you need to stop alright , DCS said that if you keep this up, they're taking you" he stated and I snapped my head up at him

"You talked to them?" I asked

"I had to , they showed up at the door looking for you" he explained

"Shit" I said and he nodded his head

"Yeah so just please stop this whole superhero thing, please?" He asked and I ran my hand through my hair

"Yeah alright fine I'll stop" I stated and leaned up against the wall as he started to walk out

"Oh by the way , hi Allison" he said and she popped her head out of the shower curtain shamefully

"Hi Marcus" she said awkwardly

"She can stay but only for tonight , be good I'm going to bed goodnight" he stated to both of us

"Night" I exclaimed

"Night" Allison said and he left the room making Allison laugh

"Okay stop it" I said laughing with her

"We are so not sneaky" she exclaimed and fell on the floor laughing

"Not at all" I chortled and leaned on the sink as I continued to laugh my ass off.

After about 5 minutes Allison stopped laughing and so did i.

"Hey I'm tired and we have school tomorrow, wanna go to bed?" I asked her

"Yeah that's probably the best idea" she told me and we walked out of the bathroom and into my room.

We got on the bed and laid down next to each other

"Night alli" I said and she smiled

"Night Jax" she exclaimed and there we fell asleep holding hands

Also we love the ex girlfriend/best friend trope

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