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Chapter Two
Truly Genius Idea, Miss Watts

Jaxs POV

I woke up with Allison's head on my chest as her arms were wrapped around my waist and cuddled into me. I turned to my phone and turned off the alarm

"Allison hey we gotta get up" I whispered and started to shake her awake

"Mmmm" she groaned and pushed her head farther into the pillow and then I heard a knocking on my bedroom door

"Jax , Allison are you guys awake?" Marcus asked us through the door

"I am but she's not, you can come in" I exclaimed and he walked in

"hey, are you okay?" He asked me as I went to my closet and found a shirt , I turned and walked into my bathroom thag was in my room once I was in. I changed my shirts and the I took my underwear and leggings.

I quickly put on my new pair of underwear and jeans.

"Yeah no I'm fine why?" I asked Marcus after I put my pants on and buttoned them

"Just wondering, you have 39 minutes before class so I suggest waking her up" he said pointing to Allison who was asleep

"Okay thank you" I said to him and he nodded

"You're welcome sis" he said and then walked out of my room closing the door behind him

I walked over to Allison and I shook her awake

"Hey Alli, you have to wake up" I said and she yawned sitting up

"Mmm what time is it?" She asked me rubbing the sleep out of her eyes

"Well school starts 8:30 today so we have to leave at 8:00" I said and she nodded at my words

"And right now it is 7:19 so about 30-40 minutes" i exclaimed and she sat nodded standing up out of my bed

"Do you know where I have my school clothes?" She asked me and I nodded my head

"Yeah top left drawer in my dresser, you put a specific outfit on top of the rest last night" I told her and she nodded going to the drawer and grabbing her clothes

"Alright well I'll be in your bathroom" Allison stated and I nodded at her words

"Don't take to long" I told her and she walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my socks and shoes. I sat on my bed and put my socks on and then my shoes. I then went to the mirror that I had in my room and put my hair up into a ponytail.

I then put eyeliner on and my mascara and chapstick. After that, I went and sat on my bed waiting for Allison to hurry out of the bathroom.

I did my streaks on Snapchat and then I went on TikTok was 5-10 minutes and then Allison came out

"Is this appropriate for school?" She asked me spinning around and showing me her outfit

"Of course it is and you look amazing as always , Alli" I said to her and she blushed at my words

"What time is it now?" She asked me and I looked at the time on my phone

"Umm it's 7:45 so we can either leave now and get to school early or we can hang out for another 20 minutes and then leave, your decision" I stated and she nodded at my words

"I say we can go get breakfast and then go to school early" she exclaimed and I smiled at her

"Truly genius idea , Miss watts" I stated and she blushed at my words

"Why thank you miss Santiago" she exclaimed as she sat on my bed and put her boots on zipping them up

"Ready to go?" I asked her as I grabbed my phone and my phone charger as well as my house keys that we also my car keys

"As ready as one can be" she said and I walked out of my room following after her. I closed my door and went to Marcus room knocking on his door

"Hey me and Allison are leaving early" I said as he opened the door

"Will you be back here tonight?" He asked me and I thought about it

"Maybe it depends but if you want me here , text me and I'll be here. I love you" I told him and he smiled at me

"I love you too Jax now go to school, bye" he said to me

"Bye" I exclaimed and then turned to Allison

"Now are we ready?" Allison asked me and I nodded at her

"Positive let's go get some breakfast" I told her and she smiled as she walked out of my front door and to my car getting in the passenger seat

"Okay so dunkin, mr bagel, Starbucks? What are you feeling?" I asked her and I watched to make sure no cars were coming and pulled out of my driveway

"Umm Dunkin is closest to the school" she stated and I nodded my head

"True so dunkin?" I asked her and she nodded

"Dunkin'" she repeated to me in confirmation

And I drove to dunkin talking to her the entire time

God how I wish I could've slept in and cuddled her


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