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Chapter Ten
Shit They're Back

Jaxs POV

"We're home! Oh, sweet revenge! You see sisters, my curse worked perfectly!" Winifred exclaimed as Mary and Sarah danced around together

"That's because thou art perfect winnie" Mary stated and Sarah stayed back lifting her arm up and finding the rat tail she had hidden years ago

"Shit they're back" Jax whispered and Allison put her finger up to her mouth

"I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you? Oh I knew it" Mary said and Winifred smiled at her as Dani crouched down further and further trying to hide

"My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" Sarah said as she smiled and ran it under her tongue

"But who lit the black flame candle?" Winifred asked as she smiled and then she gasped and walked over to the book

"Wake up. Wake up, sleepyhead. Oh, I've missed you. Did you miss me, too? Come on we've got work to do" Winifred exclaimed as her finger taped the glass of the holder that the book was in as Mary walked over to her

"Winnie. I smell children" Mary stated

"Sic'em" Winifred stated and they looked around for them and Allison peeked around the door but Jax pulled her back

"It's a little girl" Mary said and the breathed in heavily

"Seven, maybe eight and a half" Mary continued as she kept sniffing as hard as she could

"Oo, let's play with her. Come little children, I'll take thee away in" Sarah started to sing and then Winifred put her hand over her mouth

"Come out, my dear , we will not harm thee" Winifred stated

"We love children!" Mary said and she smacked the counter making Dani jump out and scream softly

"I thought thou'd never come , sisters" Dani said and a smile grew on Jax's face at her smartness

"Smart girl" Jax whispered to herself

"Greetings little one" Winifred said putting her hand under her chin

" ''twas I was who brought you back" Dani said and I chuckled

"Imagine" Winifred exclaimed as Sarah smiled

"Such a pretty little child" Winifred said but paused before child and Mary walked over getting close to Dani

"Look at her. She's so well- fed, isn't she?" Mary asked as she poked dani and dani screamed

"Plump. Plump. Shiskababy" Mary said and dani kept backing up

"Tell me, dumpling, what year is it?" Winifred asked as they brought dani over to the chair and sat her down

"October 31st , 1993" dani exclaimed as she was pushed down

"Sisters! We have been gone 300 years" Winifred said and she kneeled next to dani

"Well Winnie, how time flies, huh? When you're dead" Mary said and they all started to laugh hysterically. I chuckled and Allison slapped my arm

"What it was funny" I told her and she shook her head

"Not right now Jax" she whispered and we were brought back by the sisters not laughing and dani stopped

"It's been great fun but I guess I'd better be going" Dani said and tried to stand but Winifred pushed her down

"Oh stay for supper" Winifred said and Sarah ran a hand down Dani's throat

"Oh but we are" Mary said and they all grabbed Dani bringing her to the cauldron

"Hey! Let go of my little sister" Max yelled jumping to

"Roast him , Winnie" Mary said

"No, let me, let me play with him" Sarah exclaimed and Winnie's powers shot out of her hand as she shocked max

"OH SHIT" I yelled on accident and Sarah turned to look at me as she walked over

"Oh hello, can I play with you?" Sarah asked but I moved away from her

"Hmm no sorry" I said and then I punched her knocking her out

"You there" Winifred said flinging max onto the wall

"I haven't lost my touch , sisters, see?" She asked not noticing Sarah on the floor

"Max!" Dani yelled

"Hello, goodbye" Winifred said turning max and dragging him up the wall as he yelled and groaned in pain

"MAX!" Dani yelled as Allison yanked the broom off the wall

"MARY!" She yelled and Mary turned to look at her

"Well, hello" She said and Allison wacked her as she then grabbed a pan and hit Mary in the head

"And when I thought I couldn't be more in love with you" I said and she smiled at me

"YOU LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE" Dani yelled and wacked Winifred with her candy sack

"Max!" She yelled and bent down as Winifred tried to grab her

"I'll get you" Winifred said

"TO HELL YOU WILL" I yelled as I punched her in the gut and Binx jumped on her


"Max let's go" Dani said and helped him up as they ran out

"GET OUT! Keep Dani safe" I yelled as I stayed in the building

"Get it off me" Winifred yelled as Sarah woke back up and Mary stood up . I climbed up to the loft and got their attention

"HEY YOU WACKOS" I yelled to get their attention

"YOUVE MESSED WITH ME AND FRIENDS AND NOW MIST SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. I summon the burning rain of death" I said and brought the lighter out flicking it open

" the burning rain of death?" Mary and Sarah said

" the burning rain of death? I don't know" Winifred said and I lit the lighter as they gasped.

"She makes fire in her hand" Winifred said softly as I raised it above my head and triggered the sprinklers

"OH, the burning rain of death. come on, you idiots. Get under shelter" Winifred yelled as she grabbed her sisters and dragged them away. I jumped down but slipped and fell as Binx jumped on me

"BINX" I yelled and he smiled

"Nice going , Jax" he said and I tilted my head

"Hey, I didn't bring them back , Max did" I told him and he shrugged

"Yes I know, now get the spell book" Binx said and then scratched my face

"Come on , move it" he said and jumped off of me as I stood up


"No , it's not. It's the burning rain of death" Winifred said as I ran over

"Shut up" Winifred said as I hit the case for the book

"My book!" Winifred yelled as I kept shaming it

"DONT! SHES GOING FOR MY BOOK! STOP" Winifred screamed as I grabbed the book and I ran out of building

"My book" Winifred said

"The book! The book" Mary said and I ran out of the building looking around

"JAX! JAX, OVER HERE! COME ON! THIS WAY" Allison yelled and I ran as I noticed Binx following me , I stopped and let him jump on my shoulder as he clung on and I ran

"You got it?" Binx asked as I continued running

"Yes Binxy I did" I told him and he smiled at me

We continued to run looking for Allison and at some point we met up with them

"Theirs a cat on your shoulder" Allison acknowledged

"Yeah I know alli, are you okay?" I asked as I put my hands on her cheeks and inspected her

"Yeah I'm fine, are you?" She asked and I nodded

"Yeah we tricked them" I told her

Or so we thought. Maybe we did but it was only for a little while and we were close to being screwed

max and Jax are questionable

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