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Chapter Four
Alli has her number, she doesn't need yours

Jaxs Pov

Ms. bickford had now been on her story telling of the night of the Sanderson sisters death for about 40 minutes now and considering the class in 55 , we only 15 more minutes left to the school day. I was thumbling my fingers on my desk pretending to be playing my bass that no one knew about.

I felt a stare on me and looked up to see Allison looking at me

"Pay attention" she mouthed and I shook my head softly

"I've heard this a billion times and Marcus's version is better" I mouthed back and Allison shook her head with a smile on her face and that's when I heard the last of the story

"Poor Thackery Binx,
Neither his father, his mother nor anyone else ever knew what became of him those 300 years ago.
And so, the Sanderson sisters were hanged by the Salem townfolk.
Now there are those who say that on Halloween night, a black cat still guards the old Sanderson house warning off any who might make the witches come back to life" she said and then threw a black streamer at Molly making her scream softly as we laughed

"Give me a break" said a boy with Brown hair, a tie-dye shirt and a pencil in his hand. Ms. Bickford turned her head to him

"Ah-ha . We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison, would you care to share your California laid-back, tie-dyed, point of view?" She asked him and people laughed softly. I stared at him with , well I don't know. I felt annoyed by him, I mean Its Salem and Halloween grow up and let people have fun

"Okay. Granted that uh you guys here in Salem are all into these black cats, and witches and stuff" He said and Ms. Bickford interrupted

"Stuff?" She asked and I scoffed

"Fine but everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies, it's a conspiracy" he exclaimed and Ms. Bickford gasped

"It just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient fest called All Hallows' eve. It's the one of year where the spirits can return to earth" Allison exclaimed and max stated at her with a glint in his eye .

I don't like that glint and I noticed he started to write something down and I laughed , man he has another thing coming when he finds out she doesn't even like men

"Well said, Allison" Ms. Bickford exclaimed and max stood up going over to alli. She looked at me and I shrugged , she laughed softly without max noticing

"Well, in case Jimi Hendrix shows up tonight, here's my number" he said and handed the note to Allison. She folded it and held on to it as the class ou'd and someone whistled. Then the bell rang and people packed up

"Max. Fat chance. Also see that girl." Micheal said and pointed towards me making max look at me as I waved and put my bag on

"Alli has her number, she doesn't need yours, if you get what I mean" Micheal told him and then he walked out of the room with max quickly packing up his stuff .

I walked out of the room and found Allison slightly down the hall talking to Mako and Teo. I walked over and I shushed them as I wrapped my arms around Allison's shoulders and she screamed softly before noticing that it was me

"Jesus Jax, you gotta stop doing that" She exclaimed with a hand on her chest and chuckling softly as I laughed hard with Mako and teo

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry but that was funny as shit" I stated and she scoffed slightly pushing me back

"No it wasn't" she said and Teo interrupted

"Yes yes it was" he said and we all laughed together until I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from my brother

Marco( his name in her phone) : hey when will you be home?

Polo(her name in his phone): I don't know but soon , I promise

Marco: okay I just wanted to know

Polo: I know i get it , I'm heading home now. I love you

Marco: I love you too , bye

Polo: bye

I put my phone in my back pocket and looked back up to see Alli, Mako and Teo all looking at me

"Your brother?" Teo asked me and I nodded my head adjusting my backpack

"Yeah I gotta go" I said and they nodded their heads at my words

"Do you want me to come with you?" Allison asked me and I shook my head

"No no it's okay Alli you have fun with them" I told her and I kissed her cheek walking away from her and out of the school to my car and home. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and played my favorite songs playlist and driving out of the parking lot.

I got to my house and I walked in , closing the door behind me. That's when I turned and saw Marcus with my neighbor Amaya on the couch talking

"Oh Um hi" I said and they turned to look at me

"Oh you really are home early" Marcus said and I nodded my head

"Yeah but um I'll be in my room if you need me. Nice to see
you Amaya" I said to her and she smiled at me

"Nice to see you too Jax" she said

Why was I annoyed that she was here for some reason, Marcus wouldn't leave me, would he?


I had Marcus's name as Marco and Jax as polo because they used to always play that Together as kids but they always find each other no matter where they are

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