O1. Lady Luck Left

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"Ah, we're here."

A vibrant fair set against the backdrop of a clear, azure sky greeted Harry's sight. He exchanged a quick glance with his accompanies before leading them through the entrance arch.

The fairground was a sprawling, open space filled with colourful attractions and bubbly chatters. In the center was a towering Ferris wheel adorned with thousands of twinkling lights, enchanted people filling each of its carefully spaced compartments. The aroma of cotton candy and freshly popped popcorn wafted through the air, enticing the visitors. The smell of food got his friend, Ron, pumped up the explore the booths.

Stalls lined the pathways, each offering a game different than the one on its sides. Most of the families were enjoying the unique experience that each stall offered them. Harry spotted a huge, fluffy blue teddy bear up for a master ringer and decided to try his hand at it later. Should he win, he could make his little godson happy with it.

Nearby, excited and fearful roars from the passengers on a roller coaster was heard as it sped along its track. Otherwise, children's laughter filled the air, making the atmosphere infectious. Hermione had done a good job by choosing that particular location to refresh their sombre days.

"I heard that they sell delicious funnel cakes and corn dogs in a stall named 'Tasty Bites'. Would you like to visit that, Ron?" Hermione's voice snapped everyone out of their admiration of the ambience. When her statements sunk in, Ron nodded his head in approval. "Great!"

"Wait!" Harry shouted, almost attracting every eye in the commotion. He immediately restrained his voice in embarrassment. "Guys, um, there's something I've got to do."

"What's going on, Harry?" Ginny asked, her worried brown eyes immediately concentrating on him. The action only managed to achieve a great deal of colour in Harry's cheeks.

"Spill it, mate. We aren't gonna eat you when the funnel cakes are available here," Ron joked, looking pretty pleased with himself for making Hermione chuckle.

"Er, there's a teddy bear. . . "

"Teddy Lupin?"

"No, mate. A teddy bear. Like a real plushie. I, er, wanna get it for my godson, Teddy."


"Well, why don't you try it while we get some food for all of us?" Hermione piped up, motioning towards Ron and herself. With Harry's approval, the quad split off, Ron and Hermione walking towards the food booths. Since a long time, which was actually a year, Harry felt self-conscious. He was with The Ginny Weasley.

"So," Ginny began, looking around wildly for something, but not once glancing at him. It made something in his chest tighten, nevertheless, he let it slide. "Where's the game?"

"I saw it on our way here. . . We should probably retrace back." The pair passed a carousel with beautifully painted horses that went up and down to the cheerful tune of a calliope. Ginny marvelled at how magical Muggles were without the need of charms. To this, the boy could not help but chuckle at her amusement.

"Oh, look! They look like the Weird Sisters!" The redhead pointed to a live band that was playing lively music on a stage, drawing a dancing crowd. As they paused in their way to admire the country music, Harry could not help what his mouth blurted out.

"May I have this dance with you?"

Ginny looked taken aback, but she quickly regained her composure and with a hint of colour in her cheeks, nodded and let herself be whisked away into the crowd of dancers by the boy.

On the other hand, Harry was not as calm as he was putting a show. His heart raced, his palms clammy with nervousness. The mere thought of dancing with her had always made him feel like a bundle of jitters. Yet, as they swayed to the music, he found himself surprisingly graceful, his feet moving in perfect harmony with hers. The world around them blurred, and it was as though they were the only living people on the grounds. The reassuring warmth of Ginny's hand in his gave him the confidence boost he needed to overcome his anxiety, and together, they danced like they had been practicing for years, their steps a beautiful reflection of their intensifying their connection.

"Feels like I'm always waiting—" The lyrics suddenly broke them out of the trance that the other had cast, and the atmosphere suddenly turned warm.

Deciding to procrastinate asking the girl in front of him out and instead continue the search for the stall, Harry withdrew any physical contact from her. "Er, shall we look for the teddy?"

"Yeah, sure."

The search continued in silence. The only time they spoke was when Ginny paused at a stall that housed several souvenirs and lucky charms. However, she did not ask him, or shopkeeper for that matter, about what attracted her eye.

"You want something from here?" Harry initiated when she remained silent. Her gaze broke off from a heart shaped locket to meet his eye, before it went back to the charm and she shook her head.

"No. . .nothing. Let's. . . go."

Harry was perplexed by her unusual silence. Sure, she (and all of the Weasleys) never asked for anything but the desire in her eyes for that particular locket had him confirm mentally that she would buy it at some point or the other.

In a short time, Harry had managed to find the stall that held a huge brown bear as a prize for people with an exceptional aim. With twenty bucks, he managed to procure three rings to hit the bottle that would win the teddy as a prize.

"Good luck!" Ginny exclaimed from behind him, brushing her hand on his shoulder and letting his heartbeat go haywire. Accordingly, his aim missed and the hula hoop fell just beside the bottle. Get yourself under control!

After the second failure, he sighed. His arms and eyes were not cooperating with her by his side. It was funny how he could be all agile one moment and go all clumsy when she was near the next. "Want me to give it a go, instead?" Ginny's voice broke him out of his reverie and he handed her the last ring with an encouraging smile.

Ginny set her left foot forward and bent a little. Harry watched her in fascination, as she bit her lip and scrunched her jaw, before her expression lightened and she laughed merrily, jumping up and down. "Harry! We got it!" she exclaimed, sending the stall keeper into a frowning fit.


Harry felt totally stupid when the huge plushie was thrown at him, causing him to stumble back a few steps before Ginny caught him by his elbow and steadied him. The shopkeeper huffed before going back to placing another gift in the teddy's stead.

When he finally managed to feel his own legs, they started walking to where they were supposed to meet Ron and Hermione. "Harry?" The way his name rolled off her tongue made his heart skip a significant beat.

He struggled to look at her through the fur of the bear. "Yes?"

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been awfully silent today."

You just hypnotized me, girl.

"Er, is that so? I'm fine, really."

"If you say so."

The pair walked in silence until Harry could no longer spot Ginny beside him. He placed the heavy plushie down on his shoes and let out a tired sigh. Why is nothing ever going right today?

No sooner than the thought crossed his mind that a burly man pushed past him, causing him and the gift to fall back and roll into a nearby tent. When Harry stopped seeing stars, darkness overtook his vision. He struggled to his feet, and when his eyes adjusted to the darkness saved by an eerie purple light, a bead of sweat dropped down his cheek. The tent towered high to intersect at the point right above his head. A lone, burning purple flame was at the corner. Huge glass orbs and charts of planets and their movements filled a table to the side that was being illuminated by The strange lamp. The place have him Trelawney vibes for some bizarre reason.

"Ha, a young man and a — a teddy bear?" A thick accent startled Harry out of his reverie, and the wind rushed out of his lungs for a second. A man, eerily reminiscent of Dumbledore stood before him. But when the man came in front of the purple beam, Harry realized that he was younger than he looked.

"Er, my pardon, sir. I—"

"You didn't intend to step foot into this place, did you?"

Harry's eyes widened at how quick the man was at familiarizing himself with a stranger's body language. Perhaps Harry ought to focus during the body language classes in his auror training. "Erm, yes, sir—"

"But I'm sure you could spend a while with me, yeah? Unless you have someone waiting on you, of course." For some reason, Harry could not decline the man's request, so he nodded and obliged when the man offered him a seat in front of the messy table. "You see, I am an astrologer. Judging by the looks on your face, you seem to be going through an inner conflict. Am I right in saying so?"

Harry definitely would have looked startled, given how the man shook his head with a smile and proceeded to look into a glass orb. If Harry hadn't known better, it looked exactly like Trelawney's glass ball. "Sir?"

"And you're a wizard."


"You don't have to lie to a fellow wizard. I can see it in your stars. The magical core you'll achieve by the end of your life – 7.8 which is quite high considering Albus Dumbledore was a solid nine."

"Er?" Harry felt like a fool who had no idea what was going on but the man seemed unfazed by his awkwardness.

"You have a fairly blissful life–" Harry barely held himself from snorting. "–however, you still have one week of idiocy to put up with."

"A week of what?"

"Shut it, boy!" the astrologer snapped, for the glass ball seemed to have started glowing. It turned from crystal clear to a penchant grey colour with black smokes rising inside. A small stream of vine red flowed in between the dark, before every colour dissipated into nothing, leaving Harry wonderstruck; he had not witnessed such astronomy at its finest before that now, it intrigued him.

"What is it? What did it foretell?" Harry managed to ask, forcing his dry throat to ramble the words out even if they sounded impolite and sudden.

The astrologer did not seem to care about his tone, or the surroundings for that matter. His stormy grey eyes travelled from his glass orb to Harry before fixating them on the boy in a stern way. "Lady Luck is not by your side for a week. Until you find your lucky charm, you'll never be able to find tranquility for the rest of your life."

Hey guys!
Yup, I'm here with another hinny fic! probably one of the last for a while..

Isn't the skies overcast for our hero? Who knows?

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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