O2. The Selfish Art of Letting Go

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Harry stumbled out of the tent after the wild encounter with the astrologer. After paying the man did he realise that his life was never going to be calm but before he could mull over his thoughts and reconsider the stupid prediction, he had to find her.

The entire grounds was bustling with people of all ages range and all hair colour. It would be a hard task finding Ginny when there were several redheads among the crowd, but it was him. He was one hundred percent sure he could spot the shade of red he adored so much more than the black he inherited from his dad.

Soon enough, he spotted her standing by a cotton candy stall and handing the stall lady some coins. When she saw him approaching her, she beamed in appreciation and sending Harry's heart rate in weird pulses.

"Ah, there you are! I was afraid I lost you!"

"I thought we could use some candy cotton!"

They spoke in unison before a tense silence passed. Harry's narrowed eyes competed with her thin lip before the pair burst out laughing. In their fit, the girl almost dropped the cotton candy, further insinuating the merry mood.

"What do you think about going on that ring?" Ginny asked, out of the blue, when Harry found them an empty bench to rest on.

Inquisitively, Harry's eyes followed to the Ferris wheel that Ginny was pointing to. "Do you want to?"

"Yeah, if you're okay with it, I guess."

Her curious expression was just to unbearable for Harry to decline. He turned red, and answered despite his gut feeling screaming otherwise, "I'm fine with it, of course!"

He only hoped his gut feeling was wrong.

The pink skies of dawn was really pretty to look at, but if there was something that he was looking at with admiration, it was Ginny's excited smile as the Ferris wheel rose to the highest point of its ascent. If he ever wished to freeze the time at some point, it ought to be then. Surprisingly, Time seemed to have complied to his wish as the Ferris wheel suddenly stopped its movement and stopped with a violent shake, throwing both the teddy bear and Harry off of his seat and at the floor of the car.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked when Harry managed to get to his feet.

"Probably a power cut or a breakdown."


She patted the seat beside her for him to sit. However, he had second thoughts if he ought to. Nevertheless, he placed the brown plushie on his previous seat and obliged, although maintaining a distance in order to not make her uncomfortable. It was a miracle that she was allowing him to sit beside her when he had broken her heart and voluntarily proceeded to leave her behind for months.

A comfortable silence reigned for some time as they watched the birds return to their nest. The sun was just above the horizon, indicating it would be dark sooner rather than later. Harry turned to Ginny, half a sentence forming in his throat but it never reached his mouth. The evening glows illuminated her face, giving her red hair a beautiful touch. He wanted to melt into her embrace but urged himself to bury his unnecessary thoughts by clenching his fingers. She seemed to have sensed the change in his behaviour.

"Harry, you really don't look fine. What's wrong? You know that you can tell me anything, right?"

Harry had really tried to keep his anxiety down but he could no longer. He felt his spinal cord go weak. "Ginny - er, are you seeing someone?"

The question was spontaneous and definitely would have been out of the blue for the redhead. However, she seemed to have composed herself rather quickly. Wetting her lip, a movement that gave Harry chills, she answered him. "Yes, of course. What did you think-"

Harry's heart sank and with it, his power to hear, but he forced himself to smile and respond with as normal a tone as he could force his vocal cords to comply, "Oh, that's brilliant! Great!" His eyes burned, and he looked away to avoid letting her see his internal breakdown.

"Huh? I really think you ought to see a healer, Harry. Something is definitely up -"

He blinked before turning to face her, one last time. The car jerked before the Ferris wheel started operating again. The lights inside turned on but for reason, Harry felt everything go dark inside him. "Look, Ginny." Somehow, his hands shifted to her shoulders and he looked her in the eye, those perplexed brown eyes washing over him like a hurricane; a gaze so powerful that she held. "I want you to be happy. . .I don't want you to be happy that I'm over you because I'm not. . . happy."

Ginny looked alarmingly confused that a selfish thought crossed Harry's mind: was she acting? Or was it really how bad he had phrased his incoherent thoughts?

In the end, he decided it mattered no more. It was her happiness that mattered the most. More so than even his heart. Harry laughed bitterly, withdrawing himself from her when the car jerked to a stop, indicating that they were on the ground. He was thankful for them to have reached the ground to deboard. Another second with her would open the stream of tears that he was barely holding back in the dam of his eyes.

However, Ginny did not seem to be too happy about that. With narrowed eyes, she spoke the words that made sure to etch in his mind for an eternity. "I thought you would, for one time, leave behind your stupid noble reasons and choose me over your ruddy stuff. Alas, no. I've got this. At least, you hope I do." With that, she shook her head and smiles laden with melancholy were exchanged before she ran out of his life, making it the worst metaphor he had really thought.

Hey guys!

I left it on a cliffhanger, lol. The story started, and it'll be filled with sprinkled humor and some wholesomeness (I hope)!

I wish to ask a request of y'all! If you spot a blank space or anything half-written/grammar errors, kindly let me know! I wrote this in a hurry and haven't had the chance to proofread it through! Your help will be really appreciated.

Your thoughts until now? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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