XO.7 ~ Minji Choi

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      We were sitting on the benches outside the hospital when a black BMW SUV pulled up to a stop. The back door flew open before the driver could even unbuckle his seatbelt. A girl hopped out, slamming the door shut behind her and rushing in our direction. She was wearing a cute, flowy white dress, with cherry blossoms on it, that reached halfway down her thigh. On her feet were these white and pink ballet style shoes.

     "Miss Choi! Miss Choi!" The driver called after her, "What about your practice session?"

  "Cancel it!" The girl called back, "I already told mom and dad that I've got something urgent to see to."

      "Wait, the Minji Choi that Dae is seeing, is the Minji Choi?!" Yuri was standing with her jaw open in shock.   

       "Um, am I missing something here?" I asked. No one replied as even Florian had a look of surprise on his face. 

    "Guys," Minho brought the girl over, "this is Minji Choi, figure skating prodigy and child actress."

     "No need for the flattery, Minho," The girl chastised him. She looked at us. "It's nice to meet you all."

        My jaw dropped. Dae is seeing a girl who is literally famous?! She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my whole entire life. I honestly don't blame Dae for falling for her. The girl had silky black hair that was done in a loose braid over one shoulder. She was about my height and had curves in all the right places. She had these beautiful chocolate eyes that seemed to sparkle. And her voice! It sounded so sweet and gentle. I was feeling a bit insecure knowing the Dae has moved on from me to this girl. 

      "So how's Dae?" Minji asked, turning to look at Q and Minho. 

   "Dae's in ICU -" Q started.

        "In ICU?!" Minji exclaimed, "How serious is it?"

   "He's in a medically induced coma," Minho explained, "During the surgery he crashed once, and then yesterday he had a reaction to one of the blood bags."

     Minji was silent, eyes dashing about. You could clearly see that she was trying to wrap her head around this information. I don't blame her honestly. Imagine thinking your almost-boyfriend was ignoring your texts and calls to find out the reason was because he had been in a car crash. 

       "Which room is he in?" Minji eventually spoke up again. 

   "Room 127 on the 7th floor," Minho said, "But, we need to ask a favour from you."

       "I want to see Dae first, then I'll we'll talk about favours and requests," Minji bargained. She was definitely the kind to not take no for an answer when she had her mind set on it. 

       "Okay," Minho nodded.

     They lead the way back into the hospital and up to Dae's room.

  "Minji!" Mr Kim's jumped to his feet when they entered the room. 

       "Mr Kim," Minji bowed respectfully, "good to see you, despite the circumstances. Minho and Q told me what happened."

      "Ah, yes," Mr Kim slowly nodded, "My apologies for not getting in touch with you sooner."

  "It's alright," Minji smiled, "How is he?" She asked, looking towards the bed. 

        "Stable," Mr Kim replied, "It's going to be a slow recovery, I'm afraid."

    Minji walked towards the side of the bed and grasped Dae's hand. "Hey, Dae, it's me," She whispered, "I don't know if you can hear me, but, I just want to let you know that I'll come by and visit everyday, that's a promise."

      Watching all this, I realised that me and Dae breaking up was definitely the right time. He deserved a better and I think he might have found the right one with Minji. 

      "I need to go now, but I'll be back tomorrow," Minji was saying. She then reached round her neck and unclasped her necklace. She took Dae's hand and began wrapping the chain round his wrist to form a bracelet. I managed to get a glimpse of the necklace and saw that it was a pink cherry blossom made with crystals hanging from a thin, gold chain.

      So that's why Dae put a cherry blossom emoji next to her name in his contacts.

   We decided to give Minji a few more minutes alone in the room, so we headed out and down the corridor to the waiting room area. 

     "How come you didn't tell us that Dae is seeing the Minji Choi?!" Yuri asked again, still unable to believe it. 

      "How famous is she?" I asked. From what I could make out, she seemed to be famous enough if Yuri knew her. 

      "Minji Choi is the second youngest child to Jangsoo Choi and Soyeon Lee," Minho began to explain, "Their family is very well known across Korea. Mr Choi not only works at Seoul National University Hospital, he owns it. He's also in partnership with the Min group."

      "Min group?" I raised an eyebrow. 

   "Here in Korea, wealthy families who own big companies and the like our called groups, like my family for example. My family is the Han group," Yuri said. 

      "Anyway, the Choi family and the Min families have always been close friends and have been in partnership for ages," Minho continued, "Like I said, Mr Choi owns Seoul National University Hospital. His wife, Mrs Lee, used to be a famous ballerina, now she owns one of the biggest fashion boutiques in the country. They've got four children, Jaehyun, Hana, Minji and Jisung."

      "Jaehyun Choi is a CEO of his own company, while Hana is an A list celebrity. Minji is a well known figure skating prodigy as well as being a child actress. She started in the same movie as her older sister this one time. Jisung is about Bora's age, so not much is known about him," Yuri took over. 

      "Minji won her first gold medal in figure skating when she was only three years old. She's a four time world champion, the youngest female skater to win a gold medal at the Four Continents Championships as well as one of the youngest skaters to win gold at the World Championships," Minho said.

      "She is like, the Korean female version of Japan's Yuzuru Hanyu," Florian added, "There was an announcement a couple of months ago saying that she and Yuzuru Hanyu will be partaking in a sort of Disney on Ice show thing."

   "I've heard of her," Alex nodded, "she toured Australia a couple or so years back."

         "Wow," I was in awe. 

     Minji appeared a few minutes later. "So, what's this favour you're wanting?" She asked. 

        "There are suspicions that Dae might have a long lost sibling," Minho started, "So -"

    "Wait, hold up, what?" Minji interrupted him. 

          "Basically, what happened was, he was given a AB+ type blood bag yesterday, but he reacted badly to it. The doctors did tests and stuff and found out that the DNA in the blood bag and Dae's DNA are very similar," Q said. 

     "But couldn't it be, wait, no... Bora is type A while Mr Kim is type B," Minji shook her head, "So, Dae has an unknown sibling?"

      "Yes, and we need your help to find him or her," Minho said. 

   Minji nodded. "Okay, what do you want me to do then?" She asked. 

        "Both Dae and Bora were born at Seoul National University Hospital which is where your dad work. Could you maybe ask him to look through some records to see if another baby was born under Dae's mom's name?" Minho asked. 

      "Yeah, I'll call him now," Minji pulled her phone out of her faded denim jacket. She went a few yards away from us as she talked to her dad

     "It was a good idea to get Minji on board with the search," Q said, "she has connections."

   "Specifically her dad," Alex said, "Thank goodness I don't have to sweet talk any more children out of trouble."

      "I've spoken to my dad," Minji returned, "He said he'll take a look right now. My dad said we can go to the hospital now and maybe by the time we get there he'll have answers."

      "Okay, let's go," Minho nodded. 


      We couldn't all fit in Minji's SUV, so Minho, Q, Yuri, and I rode in her car while Alex and Florian took a taxi. 

     "So, I don't think we've been properly introduced," Minji turned to look at me, "I'm Minji Choi."

     "Nice to meet you, um, I'm Katherine Song Covey, Kitty to my friends," I introduced myself.

   "Oh, so you're Kitty!" Recognition lit up on Minji's face, "I've heard a lot about you from Dae. You're his ex-girlfriend, right?"

       I nodded, a bit scared on what she was going to say.

   "Don't worry, it's all good things I've heard," Minji laughed, "Dae can never say anything bad about people, so you're all good."

      I raised my eyebrows. This was not the kind of reaction I was expecting from someone meeting their boy's ex-girlfriend.

     "So how did you and Dae meet?" Minji asked. Yep, definitely not the usual reaction. She seemed pretty chill about the whole thing. I like her. Dae did really good.  

     "I met Dae when I was in Seoul with my family on holiday," I replied, "I asked him to take a picture of me and my family and we got talking."

     "Cool!" Minji said, then she laughed. "If you're worried because you're Dae's ex and I'm kind of with him, you have nothing to be worried about. I'm not that kind of person."

     She and Dae seem to be a really good match. Dae is quite, shy, kind and caring. Minji seems to have a calm, gentle and soft personality. I think they're both perfect for each other. 


Chapter 7!!! Introducing Minji Choi!!! 

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

Clara x

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