The Ender Eye and the Portal

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The tunnel took her underneath the city and straight to the center of it. Nikita emerged into the cool night air through a trapdoor in an old abandoned building that used to be a house, but wasn't any longer.
She quietly opened the door and looked around to get her bearings. She wasn't far from the school, so the shop wasn't far either, just down the road and to her right. Nikita began to walk towards the store, careful to stay in the shadows so no one would see her if they were awake. When Nikita passed the school she paused for a second, thinking of her friends, but she quickly banished the thought from her mind and kept moving.
Two minutes later she made it to the shop. She tried the door, knowing that it would be locked. She was right. She then had an idea. She pulled a piece of wire from her inventory, inserted it into the lock and  moved it around, slowly starting to unlock the door from the inside, her heart pounding in her chest. Finally she got it open and the door swung inwards to reveal a dark room.
All of the items on the display were still in their glass displays, with sea lanterns below them, making some of the objects glow eerily. She quietly closed the door behind her so no one would get suspicious and went over to one of the display cases along the wall.
She quickly scanned the miscellaneous objects in the case, like weird necklaces and odd potions that glowed shades of blue, green and purple. There were also skulls of weird creatures in some of the cases and on the walls, some looking like dragons.
Her heart leapt when she saw it. The Ender Eye was in the case in front of herZ
As she looked at it, however, she realized that it wasn't a normal Ender Eye. Instead of being green and blue in the middle it was violet and black, with a white outline along the outside. It was like nothing that she had ever seen.
Nikita then prepared herself to break the glass container, knowing that she had no other choice, she didn't have anything to unlock the case with, and she knew that Jake kept his keys with him at all times.
She took her pickaxe from her inventory and prepared to break the glass when the glass just... disappeared. She looked around but saw no one.
It must have been a Servant. She thought to herself.
Nikita then reached into the case and touched the mysterious Ender Eye. Suddenly the image if a portal made of weird black and white blocks that glowed vaguely filled her mind.
The actual portal inside the portal blocks glowed an eerie violet color. What Nikita could see of the room around the portal was made of obsidian. Then Nikita knew what she was seeing.
The Shadowstone portal.
The weird portal blocks were Shadowstone, a magical block that lead you right to Shadowstone. They looked like Ender Portal frame blocks, but black, white and violet. Ender Eyes much like the one she was touching lined the outside of the portal... and one was missing. The Ender Eye in the shop was the key to the portal.
Her vision then ended and she mentally shook herself. Nikita then picked up the Ender Eye, put it in her inventory and left back the way that she had come, careful to close the door behind her. While she walked down the tunnel she thought about the portal, the Eye and the journey ahead of her.
She knew that it would be long, hard and dangerous, but she was well prepared.
Nikita emerged again into the night and walked home. When she got there she carefully snuck back upstairs and got ready for the journey, putting good, blocks, clothes and extra weapons in her inventory. She then quietly snuck downstairs and stole food to take with her. Once she had everything she wrote a quick note to her parents and left it on their nightstand, her heart pounding the whole time. Nikita then put on the enchanted armor that Herobrine had given her, took the belongings that she was taking with her and left. She found the Village Elders waiting for her, a slight surprise.
"We have gifts for you, Nikita." Said the Librarian, walking up to her.
"A book of enchantments and potion brewing to aid you on your journey." She said, handing Nikita a leather bound book.
"And a map to guide your way." The Librarian said, handing her a worn map.
Next the Blacksmith stepped forwards and presented her with a black stallion in enchanted diamond armor to aid her on her journey.
The Baker presented her with food for the journey and the farmer golden apples that he had the Librarian enchant from one of her books.
"Travel safely, Nikita, and my your mission be successful." They all said at once.
"Thank you for the gifts." Said Nikita as she strapped her chest to the horse's side. Then she mounted the stallion and turned to face them.
"Thank you for everything that you've done."
Then Nikita was gone, riding off into the unknown, following the map that the Librarian had given her for her journey.
** ** **
"Nikita!" Called Thomas, running up the stairs.
"Do you..." he trailed off when he saw her empty bed and drawers, and noticed that her chest with her things in it was gone.
"Mom!" Called Thomas, running back down the steps.
When he entered their bedroom he found their mother crying.
"What is it?" Asked Thomas gently.
His mother handed him a note.
"Read it." She said.
"If you are wondering why I am not here, it is because I have other obligations that I have to attend to. My life has gotten a whole lot more complicated, and for your safety and for Brimstone's, I must go. Don't come after me, you will only put yourselves in danger. Go about your normal lives without me." Thomas stopped, staring at the last line of the note:
It is for the better that I am gone.
"She left, and she's out there somewhere, and she's not coming back." His mother said through her tears.
"All we can do is hope that she comes back alive." Said his father.
"That she comes back to us."

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