It Was a Nightmare

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It was a nightmare.

Harmony bolted up in her bed. Just a nightmare, she repeated. It can't hurt me.

That didn't stop the fear, however, that infiltrated her mind. It was the same one— all those she had killed in the course of her job, hunter for the king, coming back for her.

I'm just doing my job. I didn't want to...

Pushing back the fear, Harmony tried to go back to sleep.


Harmony glided through the trees, shifting from patch of sunlight to shadows with each step, the setting sun streaking through the trees.

She much preferred the spots of light, where it dappled the fallen leaves and illuminated the rough bark of the trees. The light also helped banish her nightmare, as well as the fear of whatever she would be facing soon.

Harmony didn't know for sure what it would be from her quick briefing, only that it was something straight out of nightmares, as the General put it. Just what she needed, after the night before.

And any previous hunter to face it hadn't returned.

But Harmony was the best of the best. Fingering the hilt of her sword and throwing knives, she glanced around. This— nightmare— would regret the terror it has caused.

Although, Harmony had to admit that this case was out of her normal duties, which were generally in the way of bandits and common thieves, the occasional assasination. The last war hadn't been for years.

But cases like this, possible magic cases, were few and far between. Harmony's last one had been years before.

It'll be fine, she reassured herself. No need to be scared of the dark.

For the sun was disappearing behind the horizon, just visible between the trees. Harmony knew she would have a few minutes before the light faded from the sky, but still not long to find this nightmare.

If I were a nightmare, where would I be? Harmony thought.

Probably in some dark, creepy cave, waiting for my next victim, she answered herself.

Were there even caves in this part of the forest? Harmony didn't know; she rarely spent time in this eastern part of the kingdom.

The light was fading, and Harmony shivered. A stick cracked behind her.

Years of training kicked in, and Harmony whirled around, pulling her sword out of its sheath and going to a defensive position.

Silence. Maybe I just imagined it.

Still, Harmony held the sword in place a beat longer before relaxing.

And then the nightmare attacked.

Everything was a blur of teeth and claws, tearing into Harmony. The sun was gone, all light was gone, and the darkness was everywhere.

Fear took over, primordial instinct overtaking training. She slashed blindly with her sword, never connecting with this shadow creature.

Harmony was smothering in the darkness, in the fear. She couldn't think, couldn't feel anything other than this overwhelming panic.

You're just like me, the nightmare seemed to say. A killer. Evil. A nightmare.

No, no I'm not! Harmony wanted to say. I didn't want to, I was just doing my job—

A nightmare. A nightmare. A nightmare.

The mantra repeated in Harmony's mind, unceasing. Stop, stop!

But slowly the words sank in. I am. I am... a nightmare.

And the darkness overtook her.


The nightmare crouched in the darkness of a cave as the sun rose, shrinking back from the poisonous sunlight that it had previously loved. This was no longer a human, it was pure darkness and fear. Its past was fading.

It was a nightmare.

I'm going to be honest. This was... I'm not even sure. It was a lot darker than what I usually write, for one. Still, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I did it for the picture writing prompt by TheSpartanAwards in their prompt contest book. Anyone who's interested should join! They also have a full book writing contest, which Magicae is entered in.

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