Best Friend Drama, A Betas kiss,Mood Swings.

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(and this one didn't take as long I hope.. Sorry guys for the wait..)


It had been 2 days, since we got Thunder out of the Card, and Jokertu into his Cell...
We were called to the main control room for some reason...we already had our break fast but Thunder and Cyclone decided to go after us since they had to return a few book they borrowed from the library..

"What do you think we'll be called for?" Quake asked

"Dunno but it might be important...Tarung called us for a reason..." I replied...

"Solar's Right, Tarung called us for a reason, and it might be important if he called us for it..." Leaf said agreeing to my statement...

"I dunno why..but I actually might find this...a little fun. Going on a mission together might be hard but fun!!" Blaze said while Ice nodded...

"You two always find everything fun" Quake complained

" least we're not at Rintis, Now we can freely use our powers!" Ice said while Turning his hand into solid ice...

"Eh I guess so..but let's not get a hold of ourselves, TAPOPS are after power spheres...and Missions is what they are giving us..." I said kinda complaining..

"Pretty much, at least we get to go to different places...some places nice I assume.." Leaf said hoping..

" I doubt that today..for some reason, and why do my instincts are starting to tell me.. we'll meet a square head again..." Quake said..

"Square? adudu..we haven't seen him in foverer, ever since our fight with Kaizo.." Blaze said remembering the fight...

"'s still funny how he somehow joined this team with Fang and never told us..." Leaf said feeling a little left out...

" But hey, he's changed...and I'm surprised he still has that small scar on his cheek you three gave him.." I said looking at Quake and the twins...

"And it's been years and its still there? Some things just don't wanna leave huh?" I said..

"I guess..but is it just don't know..something strange.." Ice scratched his neck..

"What do you mean? " asked by Quake.

" Think about it, Jokertu said another attack will remain in the station.. But what kind.. " Ice Exclaimed..

"not to mention, That he hasn't said anything after that.. That could explain why Tarung wants to us to go on this mission, so the power sphere can do something for when the ' Attack ' happens.. " Quake Calmly said..

"How long Is this attack? It's been ligit, 2 days.. " Blaze Whined..

"how bout we just see what this mission is, and we can figure out this Ambush,after" Leaf Concluded and We nodded..

Come little Children, I'll take Thee, away~

We stopped as soon as we heard, and stood our Ground..
"please tell me ,I'm not the only one who heard that.. " Leaf Shredded..

"Nope.. Definitely not.. "Blaze and Ice Continued..

Into a land of Enchantment~

"this is so not cool.. " I stated Hesitantly..

We continued walking, as the sound of the song was getting louder or more clearer..

"-ow, do you not hear that?! That's so loud?! " a yell from the door infront of us was the control room..

We headed inside and see, Fang and the Commander Fussing over something, with Thunder..

Come little Children, the times come to play~ here in my garden of sha~dows~...

"There you don't hear that?! " Fang Exclaimed..

"Hear what? I'm serious I don't know what you're hearing!" Thunder scoffed..

Follow sweet Children, I'll show thee the way~ through all the pain, and the sorrow~

"you guys hear that too?!" I Shouted..

"Yeah! But For some reason.. Thunder dosent hear it... " Cyclone Stated..

Weep not poor children.. For life is this way~ murdering Beauty and Passion~

"Thunder, this is no time to be playing around!!" Blaze yelled..

"How am I playing? I'm serious.. With whatever you guys are hearing.. I really have no idea.. Listen, can we just go on with the mission? Or you're just gonna fuss about this sound" He Retorts in Annoyance..

Hush now dear children.. It must be this way~ Through weary of life.. And desception~

We looked at him surprised.. I gulped, I looked at Quake and Cy who were Terrified, I notice Blaze and Ice who were filled with Anger..

"Thunder you're Scaring you're Brothers! " Ice Continued.

Rest now my Children~ for soon we'll away~ Into the calm and the Quiet~

"Maybe stop, Complaining about this then? It isn't this hard to ignore whatever you're hearing! " Thunder exclaimed..


Fang then slapped him hard..
I gasped as I saw Thunder go Dark..

"Leave, Thunderstorm" Fang scoffed..

Thunder got Darker and his Voice hitched..
"Fine, but don't come crawling back to me, when you've finally ignored this sound of yours.. " He said Calmly yet trying not to scream nor yell.. During the process I noticed how his character Changed..

"fang! -" the Commander was caught off when Thunder snapped his fingers..

"-and to think I had to stop for the next years.. Guess I not.. " He concluded before leaving the room and shutting the doors behind him, leaving us shocked and traumatized..

"Fang... " Me and the rest looked at him.. Before he realized what he's done..


I stared blankly before I felt myself Hug Cyclone.. Ice and Blaze then proceeded to walk closer to Fang..

"Uh guys.. " He Stated scared, noticing the twins, are inches away from him..

The girls only looked at the Twins in Concern..

"Fang.. What part.. Of you're mind.. Decided.. It was a good idea to slap, Thunder" Ice Asked Camly yet furious..

blaze placed his right hand on his neck while his left hand forming a flame..

"Blaze! stop! " Gopal Yelled..

"Why should I?! He SLAPPED Thunder, out of the Blue.. Cause he just wanted us to ignore this stupid Siren!!" Blazes Gripped on his neck only got tighter.. Ice sighed..

"As much as I want to stop you, I really wanna Beat you up right now.. " his twin Growled..

Fang gulped.. He never thought he'd be so afraid of the twins in his life..

"They maybe Playful, Yet Chaotic.. But very good at hiding their Anger, Especially when it's About one of us" Cyclone Concluded,Quake sighed, sitting next to Gopal..

I noticed that Leaf wasn't Here.. And just then The Admiral Barging into the room full of Anger..

"Why, Is, Thunder, Suddenly, So, Dark?! Huh?! What made him get so Edgy?! And why did Leaf come into my Meditating Room, full of tears and fear?! Huh?! " He Shouted looking at us..

Ice Gladly Showed Fang who was 2x more terrified..

" Thundy just wanted us to ignore the sudden song that was playing.. And Fang out of the blue.. Slapped him.. And now the twins are gonna beat him up" Leaf Explained, with Thunder behind him.. Silent with his Hood up..

We all know, not to make Thunder feel like he was a Problem.. And that just so happened to because Fang, his best friend.. Now just slapped him cause of it..

"Thunder I-" Fang Was paused when I placed my Hand infront of his mouth..

"You have no Right, to speak to Thunder Now.. " I Exclaimed looking at him in the eyes..

Commander and the girls backed up..
"I can't believe, Thunder even Considers you his First Best friend, Cause of Something so Simple.. Cause of a simple sound.. You had to slap him!" Quake Raged..

"Who was playing that sound Anyway?".

"dosent matter, Thunder, you may be excused, you're brothers will be informed on the mission you had at hand.. " The Commander protested turning his head towards the oldest, and he nodded..

Thunder looked at Fang, before he growls and leaves the room..

"Now, Time to deal with you.. " Yaya and Ying exclaimed..

Fang gulped, and He is already wanting to say sorry but he knows not to say sorry to them, but to the person he slapped..

Sonya's Pov.

"you'll think he'll be OK? " I Asked..

"Yeah.. He's Strong, a simple slap can't hurt that much.. Besides, We've faced WAAAAY worse than just a hand to u
You're Cheek" He Exclaimed..

I smiled, before laughing..

"Listen, if he's able to, Raise Such Troublemakers like his brothers, an Entire Colony of Ruthless, and Power hungry Wolves, fight for his life, There's no way that simple can even hurt! Besides He has the Ember on him, it won't even sting! " He Protested..

"True, but, Fang is his Best friend.. Before Me, or the VKs.. " I Stated..

"Don't think about it to much princess! I'll make sure he'll be OK.. " He Smiled..

I blushed, " You know Leon, we've known each other for a while.. And I just have one urge to do this.. " I Confessed..

He looked at me.. With a grin before grabbing my hips and nearing his head to my ear..

"Is it a kiss a princess?" He Whispered.. I blushed and nodded into his shoulder..

For the next few seconds our lips connected and it already felt like Heaven,for a few minutes we stayed and I cuddled.

(A/N: Cussing ahead!)

"Will you be my GF, Princess? " He Started..
I chuckled, I nodded..



We turned our backs, to see Echo and Gale, doing their victory Dance with proud faces, and Thunder with his Phone Filming..

"You saw all that didn't you.. " Leon Said,Quite Embarrassed..

"Let's FUCKING Go!!!!!!! " Gale Remarked..

"LANGUAGE!! " I yelled..

" Alpha! Send me the Pic please! " Echo said looking into Thunders Phone..

"OMG that's So Cute~" Gale teased..


"Alright, that's it.. Imma just take Sonya back to Atlohontai, and Make out-" He said before teleporting me..

"Wait Wha-" Were the last words I heard before I was in the forest..

Gales Pov.

They disappeared before we could ask..

We looked at each other with a grin..
"I'm so asking them when's the Wedding.. " Echo teased..

"I'll be the flower girl, with Fall of course! " I remarked happily, Thunder just Laughed in stupidity..

"I'm so Blackmailing her, when she annoys me.. " He Chuckled..

"Not a bad idea.. " Echo concluded, looking at the picture again..

"She's gonna hate us, but I don't care.. " I Said..

"Mood swings.. " Echo Started.. I looked at her in disbelief..

"Oh hell no!! " I started Chasing her before leaving Thunder in the dust..

"Guess I'm not the only one who has mood swings.. ", He stated before Turning off his phone and, Running towards us..

To be continued~

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, And thats another chapter finished! This chap was supposed to be Published like maybe 3 days ago.

but the Drawing you saw, took me a while, considering my Drawing Skill are Evolving, and it's annoying.. Cause it'll take me like 2 weeks to finish Dammit!

And also!!! I'm in Among Us!! I've already released a chapter in wich my schedule of play is! So also when this chapter is released! I'll be playing Among us Right now!

So go ahead and Join me! In 3 hours, from now.. I'll be in my Public server, My Name is
" TundraM00n "..

And thats it for today, I hope you enjoyed, sorry for the very sudden mood swings.. And yeah, I'll see you puppies in the other side.. Bye~~~

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