Brotherly Shared Dream.

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It was night...and the brothers were asleep, getting ready for a mission, the next day,

They were certain that things would be fine, so they hoped they would get a good amount of sleep..though what they thought would be the complete opposite..

Instead of having at least a decent amount of sleep, and Dreams, something has them trapped into a complete nightmare, Or so they thought..

The brothers were laying on the ground, laying on a soft carpet.. Leaf was t he first to wake up, and noticed they weren't in their bedroom.

"Where am I? " He Said Tiredly.. He then woke up the others but noticed, the three eldest were not there with them..

It was just him, solar and the twins..
"Ice wake up! " Leaf Said worried, shaking his Older Brother..

"Leaf? Whats wrong? " Ice asked in a soft yet groggy voice..

"Wake up, Blaze..I'll handle Solar" He Concluded before crawling to Solar and waking him up.

Ice only nodded, and took in his Surroundings..he was constantly confused, but started to Shake Blaze to get his eye lids to open..

"Ice ,what now?" Blaze Said annoyed, wanting more sleep..

"You know we have a mission tommorow leaf.. " Solar Said looking at his older brother..

"That might not be right now.. Look where we are.. " Leaf said looking around..

They were in a Castle.. Not in Rintis, but one they don't recognized..

A werewolf looking castle..
As the Guards around have Ears and a tail, and Wolf marks.. The Throne in front of them, has A dragon laying on its side, with its tail surrounding the bottom edges of the throne..

"Werewolves?" Solar stated Nervously..

They look at the windows to see colored glass panes, in a shape of Different people.. The glass pane they saw above the throne,to see, their oldest..

"Thunder? " Blaze called, seeing the glass pane..

"What does this place have to do with Thunder.. " Leaf asked very worried..

Just then the door Opened, They see Thunder, with Quake and Cy, Unconscious..

"Alpha what do we do with them? " A female werewolf asked him..

Thunder sat on the throne, and his whole body glowed.. Showing his ears pierced through the top of his head, and his Tail, to the side of his body.. And a red X mark glowing on his cheek..

He pet the dragon, as it's like a pet to him..
"Bring them to the interrogation room, we have to find out, what they want, they might have been sent to get, MemoryBot..but we cannot take any chances, MemoryBot is our Priority.." He exclaimed..

The female bowed, dragging Cy and Quake away.. "Get away from them!!! " Blaze took action, and sent Fireballs to the female, only to not get hit, just go through..

"what.. " He said Eyes wide.. The other three were surprised, "How.., " Leaf said blankly..

They turned to Thunder, who was just chilling on the throne.. "Thunder? " Leaf called, no answer.. He pulled out a red crystal like, stone.. He started caressing it, and stroking its side.. His eyes glued to it with attention..he smiled softly then sighed..

He started petting the dragon, and it's head was laying on the arm rests of the throne.. Thunder chuckled and continued to pet it, while the Dragon in black was comfy, with the petting..

(swear words a head)

The 4 just stared in confusion and awe.
They found it cute, you the dragon was enjoying it's attention, but Confused of what just happened..

"Thundy!! " A voice called busting through the door..

" WHAT THE FUCK SONYA!! THE DOOR! " He shrieked.. He turned to the owner, to see a white Werewolf with wings.
Her eyes were Pink and teal, her hair was tied in pigtails.. Pink and white, with a crown like tiara.. Her clothes were simple, gym clothes, with Dark teal boots..

She had a light pink diamond mark on her cheek, and her tail was destined with spirals and different designs...

"who are you.. " Solar asked the female yet no answer..

"Are we in a dream? " Ice asked..

Leaf then pinched himself,and no hurt reaction.. He nodded and the four just decided to be Quiet and listen..

"Sonya... " Thunder Growled Raising his Ears.. Sonya just raised her hands up in surrender..

"Really babe? You owe the Alpha a new door.. " A Male werewolf entered through the side doors behind the throne..

"Sorry Leon.. " She Apologized.. He just rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek.. She hugged him, and Thunder smiled Fondly at this.. Taking out his phone and taking another picture..

"Thunder!" Sonya Yelled...

"Not sorry.. " He Concluded with a happy smirk on his face.. Leaf laughed..

"Why's Thunder a wolf?" Solar Suddenly asked.. We shrugged,

"it's just a dream Solar.. It's not real" Blaze Assured..

"It's a weird thing to Dream about, but at least we have some entertainment.. " Ice Said turning back to the scene..

The Dragon then transformed into a human, not a werewolf.. She had purple Hair and silver eyes, her clothes were a mix of Purple and Green, and her shoes were black and a dark green.. Her wings were a dark lavender ccolror on the outer, and a lighter lavender in the inner..

She had crystal like Horns on her forehead, with a Black And Green Scepter in her grasp..

"Hey Mal! " The white Female Concluded..

"What up Sonya! " she Replied..

" Great! " She said..the boys looked at each other and giggled.. The dark Cyan werewolf walked towards Thunder, and Sat on the arm rests of the throne..

"How's it's like to be royalty.. Not in Rintis but here? " He asked.. "It's quite Fun, yes it's stressful, but at least I have somewhere I can relax, without a problem" Thunder answered..

"Also~" Thunder started.. the wolf looked at him, "What? " He asked.. " When's the wedding? " He blurted out with a grin..

We looked at each other, in shock.. "What?! no!! " Leon turned away..

"Sure~, Alright, I'll be you're man! " He stated..

The Cyan werewolf then punched him playfully, with a blush running across his face..

"I hate you.. " He said.. And Thunder chuckled.. "I know you do" He replied.. Before standing up and going towards the balcony..


The Brothers woke up, at the same time, to see that their free from their dream, and back on their beds..

"Weird Dream right? " Quake Said..

"Quake?" Leaf said getting up and he going him..

"I had the same Dream! What were Werewolves doing with Thunder" Solar asked.. They see Thunder reading a book, without noticing them..

All nodded and approached him..
Thunder took his eyes off his book and turned his head to see his siblings surrounding him..

"Uh.. Good morning? " Thunder said Nervously.

Cyclone sat down beside him.. "Thunder are you.. Hiding something? " He asked.

Thunder raised an eyebrow and closed his book.. "What do mean? " He replied..

" Are you a werewolf?" Solar asked putting away his book..

"what? Why would you ask that? " he said as he tensed..

"We all had a dream, you were a werewolf in a castle, you commanded a wolf to take Quake and Cy to an Interrogation room.. .. " Leaf Stated and signaled his Brothers

"Something About MemoryBot? Or whatever, Another Werewolf came, she had wings.. And a crown.. " Blaze Stated..

Sonya... Thunder thought..

"another came in, and kissed her cheek, you then Took a picture, and said Not sorry" Ice continued..

I remember that..

They continued to explain their dream and once they were finished with it, Thunder sighed..

"It's only a dream Guys, it's not real" He said comfortingly..

"But it all looked so Real!" Ice said..

Thunder groaned, and pulled them Into a hug, the six were surprised at first, but then melted into the hug..

The door then swung open.. To reveal Goal and Fang shouting..

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS-" Gopal was cut off when Fang had slapped him, and pointed towards them..

Thunder secretly Growled having Fang and Gopal, shiver.. Solar looked at Blaze and Taufan..

The two nodded and started chasing them..
"GET BACK HERE!! " They both yelled at them, Cyclone was using his Hovorboard..and Blaze summoning his fireballs..

"Oh boy.. Are you still, ok from yesterday? " Quake asked.. And Thunder nodded..

"Let's go.. It's time for the mission" Thunder then stood up and, got ready for a big day today..

That was Close one..almost got caught.. Again..


And thats another Chapter done made in one day! Took two hours to get put together cause it was a painful one to write! Sorry if this was rushed... I had very little time, and I wanted this to get out as soon as possible..

Since School is starting! And if you have no idea what this Chapter is for, this Chapter was to make the Brothers Suspicious of the Werewolf thing.. And yeah..

Sorry if this Chapter was Short? I had little motivation, and since I know you guys are hungry for more of these..

Please I'm trying my best! Next chapter..heres a bit of a spoiler..


"This is so Hot!! "

"It's so Blank! There's nothing here! "


"it's been like.. 2 days? "

"When will this be over! "


"Adudu?! "

"Hmph! Come here you little Rat! "


"He's so cute!!

"his name is Cattus! "


"Awe, he likes you Leaf! "


"Sonya.. I found him.. "


And that will be you're only spoiler, for the next chap, you can guess whats about to go down, so yeah!

And you'll see soon, what that last line means, the one that says
" Sonya.. I found him"

That will be a secret.. But will still appear in the next Chapter, and I with nothing else to say, I will see you guys on the other side..

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