Long time No See

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Narrative Pov

As the brothers made their way out of the castle..

"Gah!" Cyclone said hitting the ground when they teleported with Thunder..

"Ow!" Quake groaned hitting a tree..

"Oof!" Thunder exclaimed hitting a rock...

"Ow...we should've thought that through...you both ok?"

"I think so..." Quake said scratching his head..."Yeah I'm good..." Thunder added getting up...

"Some coronation party buster he was!" Quake Said helping Cyclone stand up...

"Yeah..no kidding..we better find the rest..." Thunder exclaimed just that moment something fell on the tree on top of them...

"Ow!gah!...Oof!" A figure groaned hitting the branches of the tree...

"Leaf?" Quake asked..

"Owie...that hurt...Quake? Cy?...Thunder!" He said...happily...

"Where are the others?" Thunder asked but leaf shrugged...

"Dunno..." He replied..

Then a faint yell came...but was getting clearer and clearer each second...

"Um you hear that?..that sounds li-" Thunder was cut off by a figure who had fell on him from the sky...

"Ow!" He groaned..."ow..." The figure said and it revealed to be Solar who had been the one who teleported Leaf and the twins...

"Solar! You're ok! Where are the twins?!" Leaf said..."I'm ok! But why didn't I fall on solid ground is my first question.." he asked...

"Solar..I'm right here..." Thunder said in a dry voice..."Oh! Sorry Big Bro.." Solar apologized quickly..and helped Thunder up..

"It's alright..but...Where are the twins?" He said, that got them worried..

"Oh dear.." Leaf said..

But just then they heard a scream..nearby the Rintisillian Sea...

As they got closer they saw the twins in the middle of the water..but To Blaze's Safety...Ice had Frozen the sea when his feet had touched the water..so Blaze is safe...

But..the problem is..They both can't skate...and the ice.might not hold them long..so their stuck..

"There you both are!" Solar said looking at the twins..

"Blaze you're lucky Ice had Frozen the Water when you both landed.." Quake exclaimed..

"I know that!" He yelled back..

"How are we gonna both get you two out of this..." Cyclone said knowing the twins can't skate yet...

"Don't worry I got this! Ice make a Frozen boat will you?" Leaf said..

"Ok?" Ice replied and did what he had told..

"Alright! You both get on!" Leaf Said..

"Oh I get it!" Cyclone said and his brothers nodded..

"Leafs got the big brain!" Solar said looking at his brother...

"Hold on though! Creeping Vines!" Leaf yelled summoning vines...the vines had hold on to the boat and leaf started to pull..

"Hold on tight blaze..." Ice said...Blaze nodded

Leaf then pulled the vines and the twins had started to slide along the frozen lake...

"Wheeeeee!" Both of them said while sliding along the Frozen water...

"There...alright you two get off before the vines start to tickle you..." Leaf said and the twins got off quickly and hugged him tightly..

"Thank you Leafy!" Both of them said thanking leaf..

"Your welcome you two now let's go before it gets dark." Leaf said..

"Alright.." they both said letting go..

"Let's go find a place to stay...then we can set up our temporary home there.." Quake said...

As they walked through the forest they came across a cave..big enough to fit all of them in...

"Alright this might be our base For now.." Solar said..

"Hmm..Blaze..light up this piece of wood.." Thunder said..handing a small log of wood...Blaze Blew on the top and a small fire had formed...

"Alright..let's go in..." Ice said..Forming an ice sword..

As they went in the cave...it seemed safe...the cave ended and they started to set up camp...Blaze set up a campfire..Leaf and Ice made food...

Solar set up extra lights.. Quake made the Cave a little bigger..and Cyclone and Thunder went a to explore the forest a bit more...

Solar's Pov

When Thunder and Cyclone came back..we started to eat our food..and it was getting late..

"Alright.. time for bed..." Thunder stated and we all nodded..we went over to the little hammocks that leaf had made..and started to rest for the night..


We all got up early..and started to eat breakfast and head off...

"Wait where's Thunder at?" I asked...but they all shrugged..

"Oh no..what has he got himself into now..." Quake said with worry...

Just then a brown box flew inside...

"Look out!" Cyclone stated getting down as we all did the same...

"Jeez some surprise this is.." Quake said..we all went over to the box carefully and opened it with caution...

Inside was a note and six different clothes...

"What does the note say...?" Leaf asked...Ice Picked up the Note and started to read it...

Dear my fellow brothers...

Sorry if I concerned and surprised you a bit..I got up early and went into the kingdom to find our stuff...luckily..nothing was changed so far..

I got us new clothes and our old gadgets like our phones and laptops...they should all be in the box you've encountered...if you are concerned where I am..

Then meet me at the back of the cave but all dressed alright? And don't worry I already have changed as well and eaten my breakfast...some of the people in the kingdom recognized me...

But instead of being scared they actually felt bad..they were sorry...but I forgave them...so go and get changed and I'll see you at the back..the clothes are all you're favorite colors...so cya!

     Sincerely: Thunderstorm Rintis

"Looks like Thunder went on another adventure aye?" Leaf said...

"Wow...no wonder he's gone..." Blaze said...

"Well let's get dressed...we don't want to keep him waiting right?" I said and we all nodded...

We picked up our color coordinated clothings and started to get dressed...

Thunder's Pov.

As I waited for my brother's..I had my phone in hand..it's been a while since I texted them..even if we are apart..we can still text each other..

In the chat~

Mal_Book: Thunder you still promised you'd text us After you're coronation...

Sonya~Pearl: yeah what's with the hold up?

JayMoren: Yeah I'm concerned...

Carlos_Demon: you ok man?

Dark_Thunder: yeah..sorry I didn't text you guys... where's Evie?

Evie_4_hearts: I'm here..but I'm busy I am worried about you cause you didn't text us...I'll see you later though...

Dark_Thunder: My goodness..

Mal_Book: Bruh! You got some explaining to do...

Dark_Thunder: I know that...

JayMoren: So what happened?

Dark_Thunder: Well...The Coronation was going well until dome..guy just messed everything up and I have an idea who it might be...

Sonya~Pearl: who do you think it is?

Dark_Thunder: Here's a hint...Mal..who was the first VK I met before all of you...years ago...

Mal_Book: the first VK you met?

JayMoren: awe crap! Not him...

(And I mess up again...)

Dark_Thunder: yeah he's back..but he wanted my Powers too...

Sonya~pearl: it has been a while since we've all seen him..he less worse than Uma though agreed?

Carlos_Demon: Agreed..

Mal_Book: Definitely..

JayMoren: Positive..

Dark_Thunder: Of course...

Mal_Book: I guess we might not be seeing you in a while...

Dark_Thunder: I hate it...but true..

Carlos_Demon: also if we don't know you're location.we might not get to portal over there...

Dark_Thunder: pretty much anyway...Shoot I hear my brother's talk to you guys soon?

Mal_book: yeah ok...Bye Thunder!

Sonya~pearl: Bye bye

JayMoren: Later!

Carlos_Demon: bah bye!

End of chat~

As I quickly turn of my phone I turn my back to see my brother's..

"Thunder!" Quake and Cyclone said before hugging me..

"Hey guys..I see you're all dressed?" I said looking at their outfits...

"Where did you get this?" Blaze asked

"I got them in our bedrooms I may have sneaked in..a bit.." I added making them laugh..

"Where are we going now?" Quake asked...I smiled

"The only place we used to go.." I said getting the confused faces...

"And where is that?" They asked..

"Our old treehouse" I said gaining a smile for them..

"You think their still there?"

"Hopefully anyway.."

As we walked along a path near an edge..we took caution walking cause one of us could fall..and I'm not in the.mood to go swimming since below is..the Rintisillian Sea..Wich is complete solid foundation..due to the twins fall..

A few minutes later we arrived..the treehouse looked..safe..but it did look old..from the last time we we're here..

Just then we heard grunt..near our location...

"Wait who is that" Solar said pointing at a figure who looked like he faceplates himself cause of a fall...

"You idiot..why did you think I pushed you when you just fell to you're misery!" Another figure stated dropping from a tree..

"Dey!..it was you!" The figure on the ground turned around to face his friend...

"What happened?" Quake asked..

"This pancake syrup idiot think I pushed him off even when it was his fault when the ship Shaked..."

"No,no,no! The ship did not shake..you pushed me off! And now you have blah,blah blah,blah lies like how you were secretly with you're brother and betrayed us!"

"If I betrayed you and our friends..why would I think to give back your watches and turn on my own brother for god sake..."

As they kept arguing I started getting annoyed, usually I barely get annoyed..since I like it when people argue, but this..this is just one of the most stupidest arguements I've ever seen and heard...

"Oi! You two...stop arguing.."

"And who do you think you are to stop us?!" They both shouted..

I raised an eyebrow..

"Oof...Their dead meat" Cyclone said backing up..

"Who am I? Don't you already know me?" I added..and they shook their heads...

"Welp...looks like someone doesn't even recognized their long known best friend..."

"If you really know us what's our names.."

"I was getting to that...Gopal..Fang..you really don't recognize...the name..Thunder by any chance?" I said teasing them...

"Wait what.." Gopal said getting shocked...

"I haven't heard that name since forever.." Fang stated they both looked at me...

"Thunder?! Is it really you?!?" They both stated..

"Why, is there anybody else you know that goes by that name?" I said teasing them...

"Wait...OMG!! It's been so long..." Fang said Hugging me..."WAAAHHHH THUNDER...I MISSED YOU!!!" Gopal said crying a little...

"You missed him?? You were the first person to forget about him..ever since we last seperated!!" Fang added shouting again..

"I did not!...I was distracted!! You think you missed him more than me?! heck naw! I missed him more than you! Shadow head" Gopal said talking back..

"I was the one who kept talking about him and his brothers the most while you sat there talking about food!" Fang said back..

As they argued again..after Gopals fall..again I got annoyed..."dear Lord what have we got ourselves into..." Quake said..a bit more annoyed..

"Ice..please do you're job.." Thunder said as they all nodded..

"Alright then..." Ice said before Blowing his breath on them making them turn into solid statues...

"Wait...huh!" Fang said...noticing his whole body turning into ice...

Gopal shivered as he saw the same thing...

"Now are you both gonna stop fighting or we'll have to do it the extra hard way..." Blaze said glaring at them

" We'll stop!!" They both said with mercy...we all nodded...

"Gopal! Fang!! Where are you two?" A female voice shouted calling their names...

"Gopal! Fang! We're only here to get supplies you dumbbells" another female voice but was a little more higher than the other...

"Oh there you two are!" One of them said...wearing a pink scarf and was muslim...

"You found them?" The higher pitched one said...

"I did!" The pink muslim girl declared...

Cyclone's Pov

As we saw two of the girls...we already knew who they were...but it looks like their more concerned about Gopal and Fang..

"Look who it is..." Solar added..

"Wait...Thunder? Cyclone?" One of them said...looking at us..and ignoring Gopal and Fang in their frozen state...

The blue and yellow one did the same...ignoring the two of them...I noticed Gopal and Fang had their jaw dropped as the two of them got ignored by their own comrades..

"Cy...Blaze..Ice Quake...Solar...Leaf.." the blue one said...They both hugged all of us..still leaving The two boys...solid statues...

We did the same..."We missed you...Yaya and Ying...it's been a while..."Solar said...

"It has been...Oh aren't you supposed to be in Rintis?" Ying asked...

"We..went for a walk..you know..going exploring!" I said hopping they would believe me...

"Oh..really? That's ok...you wanna come and join us?" Yaya offered..

"Why not!" Thunder accepted and we all nodded...this would our chance to leave this place for a period of time...

"Come! Let us show you.." Yaya said turning around...

"Oh..um you two ok?" Yaya asked...

"Does it look like it?!" Fang yelled...

Without a warning the Ice melted and the two men were free but landed on their stomachs and faces...

We laughed at Ice's plan...even the girls couldn't resist but to laugh aswell!

Leafs Pov

As we went off...we talked and talked the whole way...but I notice Thunder being a little Silent..he would talk but sometimes...

but I didn't bother since I got distracted by talking and joking with the twins..

We stopped by a little tree and it looked like a treehouse too...but it was bigger and cleaner than our old treehouse...

"Ok we need to..Eh? Where'd they go?" Fang said turning around..seeing that it was only Gopal,Yaya and Ying behind him...

"Climb this tree...sure!" I said hanging from a Vine..I liked at them..and at my brother's...who seemed to also climb the tree real quick..

I noticed they we're looking at us in awe...but mostly me since I was..Grabbing vine to vine...and I shall admit this treehouse is taller and bigger...it's like a size of a normal home...

"Guys you just gonna stand there...?" Thunder stated as he still climbed...

Cyclone was using his hoverboard to get up...I mostly helped the twins...and Thunder teleported with Solar and Quake...


A few minutes later we made our way to the top..and what we saw was nothing we could've seen..it's an amazing Spaceship...

"So...you guys..wanna go in..?" Gopal said panting a little...

" Sure!!!" I said...and in a second...all of us were inside...it was technical and fascinating...

"Koko ci meet Thunder and his brothers.." he said looking at a small commander...

"It's very nice to meet you seven..and yes I heard all about you..thanks to Fang" Kokoci stated looking at us then at Fang...

"Your names are?" An alien with red skin and black stripes and had blue and white hair asked...

"Thunderstorm.. pleased to meet you."

"I'm Cyclone sir.."


"Blaze and Ice" the twins said together..

"Leaf..happy to see you sir.." I said with a smile..

"Solar" he stated...

"Wow all Elemental names...who knew.." The Red alien said...

"Well..from what I heard from Fang...You all must be polite,Kind,caring,and over protective for each other and your friends correct?" Kokoci asked and we all nodded...

"Well...It's official!Thunder I welcome you and you're brother's to TAPOPS!"he shouted in glee..as we all cheered...the girls were mega happy...

"Oh and also you may call me Tarung" he said...

We nodded and saluted..I looked at Fang and his team..."looks like their not allowed to call him that..." I whispered to the twins and we giggled...

"Alright...let's head into space...whilst that..Kokoci..show our new comrades their bedroom will you?

He nodded and led us to our room..while we heard a shout..and saw Fang and the others ran past us...

"What's up with them?!" Blaze asked seeing how fast Fang and Gopal ran..

"Commander Tarung had commanded them quite fiercely..." He answered and opened a door...and showed us a room we.never thought we see...

Four bed on one side...and Three beds on the other..it's a bunk bed..seven computers...a couch on the floor...a Tv above the door...this place has everything...

"Now all of you now settle down..and get some rest it's been a long day..." Kokoci said before leaving...we nodded..

"I call top Bunk!" Ice yelled getting to the top bunk..blaze did the same but with the other bed...

"I guess we're bottom..." Solar said looking at me...I nodded...turned around to see cyclone on the top,Thunder in the middle,and quake at the bottom..

"This was a great start to our Royal Free life huh.."Thunder stated...

"Yes it is...and to think we actually ran into them was great..." Quake said...

Well now we just sat down and relaxed...

Thunder pov..

I took out my phone as I sat down the couch...and as always...I see texts rolling in..I join the conversation...and see what these Mischief makers are yapping about...

Dark_Thunder: Guys what are you Yapping about?

Mal_Book: ugh...Well we have some explaining to do..to be honest...

Dark_Thunder: and what's that?

JayMoren: Thunder please don't be mad..

Dark_Thunder: sure...what's wrong?

Carlos•Demon: well... we're in Auradon...

Their in Auradon? And never told me...how would I be mad...I smiled...

Dark_Thunder: Hey...how would I be mad...I'm happy...even if I'm not there you'll have a new life..away from the isle..but Mal...knowing you're Mother...she wants something yeah?

Mal_Book: yeah she does...but I'm not able to get the wand since we're only second year...

Dark_Thunder: how are you guys second year?

JayMoren: Age...

Mal_Book: hey Thunder have you seen Sonya?

Dark_Thunder: no...She has Princess Duties...

Carlos•Demon: I guess so...

Dark_Thunder: don't worry we'll see each other soon...also is it done?

JayMoren: what's done?

Dark_Thunder: The Thing...

Mal_Book: no..I'm still working on it..but I'll get it done...

Dark_Thunder: ok...well I'll see you guys Tomorrow then...Bye!

Carlos•Demon: yeah I'll see you...bye!

--------- to be continued ----------

Tundra: hey guys sorry for the long wait..and sorry this was a long chapter....

Thunder: this was hard!!!

Cyclone: I'm out of breath..

Tundra: so yeah..I'll hope to see you all next time and be on a watch..on what the VKs are planning...this is also just the Beginning..

Xoral: look out for more...

Tundra: *nods* well I hope to see you all next time...bye my Wolves!!

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