The Restricted

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Solar's Pov

As I woke to the light in my face..I see the twins chatting and laughing...
I rose up to see whats with All the ruckus...

"Ok and now!" Blaze said..

" name's Fang and I'm so Smart and Brave that I thought I was...but when Gopal defeated me in my game..o waaah I'm so sad, Eh Nye..please don't kill me..I will take revenge! Oh Nye,nye,nye,Nye!" Ice said looking like he's teasing someone...Blaze laughed real hard..

"Hey you two what's up with the noise?" I asked them looking behind me..leaf is still asleep..

"Oh nothing we're just planning on torturing Fang a little" they both said with the word Proud on their faces...I couldn't stop I went with it..

"Where's are the Others?" I asked again..

"They said they'd meet us at a training hall..the one we saw when Kokoci..Led us here..." Ice said and Blaze nodded..."alright.. I'll get ready..and wake leaf up as well alright?" I said looking at them as I went into my shower...

"Yes Solar!" They both Said..

"Hmm..I wonder where Thunder,Cy, and Quake have gone up too..." I said but I shrugged before taking my towel.."bath time!" I said before entering..

Quakes Pov

We walked around the ship to wander around whilst that..We made a few a cafe,Library,and the tank room...

"What was...that?" Thunder said, looking at a window...

me and Cyclone both looked at the window too..

but there was nothing except bright neon space filled with planets and stars...

"What'd you see big brother?" Cyclone asked....a little worried...

"I swear I saw something.... definitely not normal...." He replied while still looking suspicious about whatever he saw...

" might've been nothing... c'mon let's head to the training room the others are probably already there..." Cyclone said changing the topic....

"Ok..."Thunder said agreeing...and shaking off whatever he and Cyclone would've never saw anything..

due to Thunder's sharp eyesight...he could see anything outta the ordinary really easily...while me and Cyclone couldn't...

We entered the room and saw the rest of our brothers chilling and talking on the floor since they were waiting for the three of us...

"Please you two help us..." Ice said talking about someone..

"No,I'm not joining!" Leaf said while Solar nodded..."I'll think about it..." He said..

"What are we missing huh?" I said while walking towards them...

"Yeah what are we missing out on?" Cyclone said..crossing his arms...

" Oh nothing special..."Leaf said looking at us..

"Yes it's special!" The twins said together...

I raised an eyebrow...oh's another fight and we need Thunder who is just watching this go on...I quietly laughed...

Just then the whole Ship was shaking..

"Lightning Blade!" Thunder called summoning his blade and peircing it to the ground to prevent him from shaking...

"Cyclone! Grab my hand!" Thunder said stretching his arm to grab Cyclone.

"Earth Spike!" I yelled as I Summoned a Rocky spike to hold on too..

"Twins! Solar leaf!" Cyclone said worried...

Leaf nodded.."Creeping vines!!" He said while summoning vines to wrap around him , solar, and The twins..

"Are we all ok?" Thunder called..

We all nodded.."let's head to the control room and see what all the mess is about.." I said..

Few minutes later..we finally arrived..
We see Fang and the girls discussing something with the commander and Tarung trying to stabilize the ship..Gopal on the other hand is just in Panic and eating what it looks like gummy bears to make himself better...

"Typical Gopal..." I heard the twins Say out loud..Thunder sighed in Annoyance..."OK..WHAT.THE.HECK.IS.GOING.....ON!!" he shouted gaining our attention...they looked at him as he was like about to kill them and lose control..

The lights were flickering..and the ship was slowly shaking..

"Brother calm down...their just panicking.." I said trying to calm my angry and annoyed big brother down...

He facepalms himself looking very angry..everyone else kinda looked a little terrified...

"Well panicking won't solve answer my god damn question before I burst my powers out...What,is,going,on.." Thunder said before summoning tiny red lightning sparks on his palm...

Everyone looked terrified of him..and the ship was still shaking a little bit..but as always..Thunder is very straight forward..

"Thunder may you please calm down!" Fang and the Commander begged..

"Are you gonna answer my simple Question..or do I have to leave you guys to panic..and I go to bed to sleep?" He said increasing his powers and letting his eyes glow..

"Is he always like this?!" Gopal questioned..

"Now you're just ignoring my question!!" He yelled aiming for Gopal..

We nodded..a little hesitant..

"Ok fine..Spacebugs are attacking, they drain the power from a ship if it passes by their region..and somehow we crashed into an abandoned ship and now we cannot leave..." Tarung explained...

Thunder sighed deeply not just in Annoyance and anger...but in disappointment..

"Oh my god...Who was trying to control ship?" Cyclone asked..

They all glared at Fang who was just trying to hide from all the embarrassment..and attention

"..of course...Kaizo hasn't given him his Pilot of course he drove us into nothing but absolute Danger! And now those metal flying nonsense are gonna whip whap our ship like it's nothing!!! All thanks to Koala summoning Pincher!!" He said looking at Fang very angry...

I couldn't help but laugh a little..." Koala summoning Pincher??" I asked..

"That's what he really is..a tiny baby Koala who didn't understand or even know where he was going in the first place...Tarung why did you even let this black dumb Koala control this entire masicare in the first place?!" He pointing at Fang..

Tarung shrugged but giggles a little.

"I start to think Thunder's gonna call him Koala from now on.." Solar pinched in..

"That isn't a bad idea..his Nick name is no longer Fang or Pang.. it's Koala are you stupid? Yes, you.are!" Thunder stated

"Hey! I'm no Koala!!and I'm not stupid!!" Fang declared..

He raised an eyebrow.."then what did you summon when you we're fighting years ago, huh?" Thunder continues..

Fang was flustered and annoyed.."why you little!!"

"Calm down Thunder...Calm down" Blaze and Ice said trying to make sure Thunder doesn't burst his powers again from anger...

" Koala..I swear..I'm so killing you.." Thunder said looking at him...The girls who were silent just backed away trying not get involved..same with the two Commanders..

"So again with the situation...Spacebugs.. we need to stop them now,before our ship becomes,one of those.." Yaya exclaimed pointing at several ships that had been already destroyed.

Leaf shivered a little,looking at the several spaceships,fearing our one might become like those..

"Well?,we'll go and fight them!, Unless you want a gazillion Bugs destroying this one.."

"What do you mean we?!" Gopal stated..has he not learned anything...

This man is acting like a newborn..
"Are seriously Askin that infront of all of us?" Ice said making Gopal looking at each of us...

"Sorry...but for real, how are we even gonna get out of there! We can't breathe!!" He exclaimed, looking at the hideous Bugs..

"Well,I have a solution for that..." Commander Kokoci stood infront..

"Why didn't you just say that sooner..." Thunder mumbled..facepalms himself..just then a Power sphere had came out.

"Hello I am motobot!" The green power sphere introduced.

"Motobot here can create, space viechles and help you breathe and fight out there..while me and Kokoci try and stabilize this ship and get it running.."

Thunder's Pov..

As Tarung explained who the green power sphere infront of us was, I don't know why, but several sentences and memories,keep popping up in my head...And Yes I'm still angry at fang for his own stupidity..


"We're rotten to the core!"

"Who could ask for more? "

"we're nothing like the kid next! Like the kid next door! "

"I'm Rotten to the core! "

"I'm Rotten to the~~"

"I'm Rotten to the core.."


"Jay,what did you steal?"

"nothing important.. "

"yeah right show us what you have.. "


"Mal, Stop!!! No!! Ugh, this girl..."

"catch me if you can Evie!"

"My goodness.. "


"Thunder Zap me!"

"what.. No.. "


"Don't, fall, off..Carlos.."

"I will not! "

"just in case white head.. "


"I love the clothes, Evie!"

"do you have one for me? "

"of course I do Mal! Come with me you'll look gorgeous!! "

"oh no.. "

"good luck M.. And I ain't helping.. "

"why you little!? "

Back to reality

Years without you guys,your all Auradon ,starting a new life.. A new start.. I hope anyway....

"now are we clear? " Taring asked us..

"yes sir! " we saluted.. Even if I wasnt bothering to listen to this guy.. I had no other choice.. Besides.. He doesn't know yet that I know his little secrets..

How? Cause every villain kid has an experience for doing things that are illegal.. We villain kids never mess around when it comes to evil.. Because.. Once we're Evil.. We're born evil..

Just the moment when I wasn't even paying attention I was already on a vehicle.. Me and my brothers already out on space.. Looking ready while I was just in my own place...

"wind and Earth Element! Activate! " Cyclone and Quake Declared in sync, activating their Motorbike..

I don't have any other choice.. "time to get wicked.. "I whispered.. Activating my Elemental Motorbike...

"Fire and Water Element!!! Activate! " I heard the Twins Yell from afar..

"Light Element!"
"Nature Element"

"Engage!" Solar and Leaf said in Unison.. activating their Motorbikes like the rest of us.

"are we ready?? " Quake Called.. we all nodded and started to fight off the bugs that were attacking the ship and removing it's energy..

A few minutes later of fending of the bugs.. I take a moment to calm down.. And see my surroundings and my brothers who are still Attacking the bugs with no mercy at all...

Blaze and Ice are at the top of the ship keeping a look out...

"this is so... So.. Stupid... Who even made these things in the first place?! " I said unhappy with the amount of bugs that are still coming strong..

I take a glance at an old ship that had been destroyed and used as base for the bugs.. It looked like a satellite..

i rode my vehicle over to the abandon ship and went to explore... Yes I was aware of the situation...but I kinda got curious...

it was said in a book I read in our bedroom ,that this was the first ship that had been destroyed by the metal bugs.. I know that cause I recognized the symbol..

"this place sure is big.. Aliens have not been careful around here.. " I said to myself seeing an very old stain of blood on the wall and floor...

"what happens to this place.. I mean like.. It's weird.." I said to myself...there were no space in here so I was free to roam for now..

I suddenly felt a strong force hit the ship I was in.. And almost knocking me out completely.. "oww.... What in the world.. " I groaned.. Holding my head as it was in pain due to the strong impact of whatever hit the ship...

"Thunder!!!!! " I heard someone call, I couldn't quite hear as the gravity was strong and the impact hit me hard...

"Big Brother!!?? "


"Hello?!?! thunder?! Answer me!! " I heard my brothers call me as my hearing was getting better.. "better go help them.. "I noted myself getting on my motorbike and started to drive towards my brothers who were currently looking for me for some reason..

I looked back at whatever hit my area.. It was the mother of the space bugs.. 100 times bigger than the normal ones.. And I see that the area looks clear...

"no wonder I felt a strong force.. " I mumbled..

"Thunder there you are!! " Quake exclaimed hugging me when I got near him..

"we were worried for a second.. Since you went missing.. I thought the bugs may have taken you.. "Solar said Glad that I was Alright..

"they have to do something better than that you know.. " I Said.. Gaining a giggle..

"well let's head back now.. Wait a minute.. Thunder where did you get those scars and cuts? "Cyclone said noticing my whole being was covered.. Not to mention the twins were in the same state..

"eh.. I guess when I went "missing" I had to fight some bugs and got these... " I said lying to them about the bruises and scars..

I actually got these when I got hit by force that had suddenly appears during the exploration in the satellite.

"ok well be more careful next time.. Let's head back now.. Tarung had said that the ship is now stabilize and we can get going.. " leaf suggested and explained what Taring had said to him earlier..

"let's go then I wanna get outta here and beat the heck out of fang.. " I said craning my head towards the ship...

Fang was looking at us through a window and noticed my stare at him and just backed away..

Fang, why did I even trust you...

I sighed, and we all rode our vehicles back to the ship..

Leafs Pov

We were takin to the infirmary to get patched up whilst that, the ship was running again! It means we can finally go to the station after a quick ruckus of course..

Ice sighed.. "well ,after some distress...i actually found it quite fun.. Except for the bruises of course.. " Ice said looking at his Twin who nodded.. It's true we all found it fun..

But it was strange at the very moment Thunder had disappeared out of nowhere too.. Now he was in the same state as Blaze and Ice.. As they were the ones defending the ship..

"you're not the only one.. It was really fun.. Getting to use our powers for once.. Actually made me wonder.. " said Cyclone..

"make you wonder what? " Thunder said Curious..

"who has powers like ours? " at that moment we didn't know what to say.. Yes their could be some people who have our powers but we let it slide..but also legend also has it 7 males have Elemental powers for they are the last..

And if we guessed correctly it's us.. Like who else would it be.. Us seven has these and legend is sometimes not wrong...

" I don't but remember what the legend said.. " blaze said..

"yeah I guess, but also Where's fang? " Thunder asked in a deep tone.. We all gulped as we all knew what would happen next...

"in the Main control room?? " I said a little hesitant..just then Thunder nodded and headed straight for the door.. And left us..

"well he's dead.. " Cyclone Said looking at each one of us..

"let's hope Thunder Doesn't kill him, or he is asking for a death wish if Fangs not careful.. " Solar said and I nodded at his Statement..

"well.. Good luck to Fang.. I suppose.. "Quake stated before giggling..

"that place is gonna get restricted soon.. " Cyclone Bugged in..

"it's not called the Restricted for nothing right? " Solar said Remembering the name of the region.

"well that was some experience...lets go to bed.. We have a long road ahead of us.. " I said before tucking myself into a pillow..

"night guys! "I said before closing my eyes and see pure black..

"good night leaf! " I heard them say before I gave into the sleepiness of the night..


Tundra: hey guys! So yeah sorry for not posting a while, Online studies are in the way.. And I can't focus..

Phoenix: it's sucks..

Thorn: tell me what in the ship now!

Thunder: Thorn there's nothing OK?

Thorn: there is something in there in know it!

Thunder: ugh...

Tundra: OOF.. Thorn there's nothing ok?

Solar: it's OK.. *pats his head*

Tundra: well guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter of S.E.R. sorry again for not posting in a while, don't forget to, Vote, comment, and Follow me please it helps me a lot! And I would like to see you all on the other side.. Bah bye ~~~

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