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Lips turned upside down, wandered about the incident yesterday with that little kid. He has been nothing but a rude kid ever since he entered the palace, and my parents didn't even do anything about it but respect every little wish he have. One time, I even heard from the servants how he is so demanding here and there but then they're not complaining since it's rare for the royals here to bring a guest, especially a special guest.

"Mommy." I grumbled, feeding the lamb that is in front of me.

"Yes, darling." She smiled, looking at me while holding the animal and caressing it with care and tenderness.

"Is Lord Namjoon staying here?" I beamed awkwardly, eyes widened in anticipation making her grinned widely.

"Look at you," My mother giggled with a teasing tone. "Your eyes are sparkling now."

Yes, they're sparkling— in need of revenge. I'm just kidding. I'm twenty eight years old already, how could I get revenge to a little child?

"Do you find Lord Namjoon handsome?" Mother asked, smile never leaving off her face making me stun. Mother suddenly gasped, palms covering her mouth. "Why are blushing?"

My eyes widened in surprise, abruptly snapping my head towards her— I'm blushing?

"I am not!" I retaliated, covering my cheeks in defense and backing away causing the animal food to drop on the ground. Sometimes, it's nice being a child, back to where you don't have any problems at all. So might as well act sometimes where you still have chance.

"You clearly are." She purses her lips, trying not to smile and looked away making me raise an eyebrow at her.

"Let's go." She informed, standing up and let the animal go. "Let's go back to the palace. It's time for lunch."

Nodding my head, I followed her behind with the animal walking forwards passed my mother. Elfido suddenly appeared, voice appeared to be sarcastic as he announced. "You got a mission."

"A mission?" I whispered, a bit startled before furrowing my brows. "I've never even heard you telling me about that before?"

"Nah, I just made it, girl." He shrugged, walking beside me. Gladly, no one can see him except me. "But I'll give points so that you could get out of this dimension faster, and have a hundred percent successful rate."

I squealed, eyes bulging out as I turned to face him. "What is that?!"

"Mady?" My mother's voice suddenly echoed in my ears making me froze, and turned to look at her. "Are you okay?"

Laughing awkwardly, I scratched the back of my neck, and avoided her gaze before whispering to Elfido. "What should I do now?"

Elfido laughed loudly making me scorn at him. "Just tell her there's a bee."

"Bee?" I squeaked silently, hissing at him. "What is that?!"

"A type of animal here that you can't easily see in your country." He tilted his head, attention fixed back to my mother. "By the way, your mother looks beautiful, just like you."

"Mady?" Mother called again causing me to snap my head towards her, and I smiled sweetly.

"Sorry, there's a bee." I lied, and mother nodded with confusion written on her face before going back to her main attention.

"Anyway," Elfido trailed off, and continue to walk as well. "Your plus points mission is to tease the child."


"Lord Namjoon." With that said of him using that poker face of his, I looked at him in a 'seriously' expression.

"I think you are hiding something." I cocked an eyebrow at him, trying to let him spill out everything.

He chuckled nervously making me even more suspicious at him while wavering his eyes away. "Nothing."

"Elfido..." I huffed, glaring at him.

"This mission is an option, and there are total of hundred points." He suddenly explained making me confused. "This mission is five points, and if this goes successful, it will be added."

"Elfido..." I trailed, glaring at him. There must be something else that he's not informing me.

"Okay, let me get this straight. You currently have 1 percent status." He said, grabbing my hands and showing a 1%. Of course, I've learned numbers since I'm one of the nobles in my country, and it's pretty rare for the commoners to learn one leading to unfairness. Having a 1% status must mean I have too much way to go since Elfido accidentally said to reach until a hundred status.

He then continued. "And each mission have points, and the more it's harder, the more points you can get. So might as well get more points to make for you to finish this once and for all."

I nodded, sadly, and without noticing, we have entered the palace when the maids and butlers greeted mother and I.

"Mady," Mom called, and I looked up at her who reached her hand towards me in which I grabbed it.

As we walked towards the dining hall with the butlers opening the door, I paused with my head suddenly hitting the right plan.

"Mommy?" I asked while looking above, and she took a glimpse down at me. "Can I go to the kitchen?"

Mother raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What for?"

"I want to help the kitchen ladies prepare the foods since Young Lord Namjoon is gonna be here."

Mother gasped again, with that teasing expression of hers, and she giggled. "Do you like him that much?" 

I scoffed. It's not that I like the kid, I just want to complete my mission.

She squated down, and gently pat my head. "Alright. But—"

Flicking my head with her fingers, she said. "You're still ten years old, and you can't cook yet. Just watch 'em, alright? Or at least ask the servants for help."

I nodded with a smile before spinning around, and jogged towards the kitchen with my hands, clasping on the skirt.

"What are you gonna do in the kitchen!?!" Elfido growled, running beside me while I just ignored him.

"You're not thinking of killing the young Lord with some poison, right?" He scorned, glaring at me making me laugh.

"I'm pretty sure that he has something to do with me existing here, right?" I said, and stopped.


I faced him, panting lightly. "I'm gonna tease him for all my life to complete my mission."

Elfido rolled his eyes before sighing. "It's not like your mission's gonna be teasing him forever. It's gonna be different."

A smile crept on my lips, and once again stormed inside the kitchen but then with no seconds tell, I slipped.

"Princess!" Bunch of kitchen maids chanted in unison, approaching me. 

A moan escaped my lips, groaning as I tried to stand up with the help of the maids. I kneaded my butt, and hissed. "I'm fine, you may continue your work." 

They went back to work. But one maid stayed still, and I looked at her with questionable expression.

"What made you come in this humble kitchen, Princess?" She asked, politely.

"I came here to watch how you cook." I informed her in which she looked at me in surprise, and a sigh left my mouth. "I already told mommy about it."

She nodded right away, and announced what I said to the other maids. I walked towards the table, eyeing every single things that's placed.

"What is that thing called?" I mumbled under my breath, glaring at the yellow thing on the ground that seemed to be splattered by me stepping on it awhile ago.

Elfido looked at me, weirdly. "A banana?"

"It's called Abanana?" My mouth went agape, shock that there's such thing.

Elfido nodded, hesitantly. "It's a fruit that you could even see in your country. How could you not know about it? Are you that dumb?"

"Hey! How would I know? I only eat what the maids prepared for me." I said, awkwardly.

"As expected from a noble family." He scorned. "How could the Goddess of Nile River chose you to enter the Seven Lives of Reincarnation? I don't know if you'll ever survive."

He groaned, shaking his head, displeased. I rolled my eyes, thinking about what he said to me yesterday. Talk about taking words backs.

Yes, I know It's surprising how I don't even know the name of the fruit. I guess I should study more about this what so called France or else I'd be suspected. But thankfully, there are some things that are much familiar to me.

Just then, a smirk played on my lips, and Elfido released a defeated sigh while looking at me.

"Tell me why are we hiding here." Elfido said blankly while hiding behind me.

"Just wait." I said, gripping onto the tree that we are hiding.

After finishing lunch, I hurriedly went to the kitchen to start my plan and went here in the garden outside the palace. Waiting for the little kid to appear, I glanced at the yellow fruit that's on the ground laying there.

"Don't tell me—" He halted as I interrupted him with my hand covering his mouth.

"Here he goes." I said, and took a glimpse at Namjoon who is walking. What's more perfect is that he is reading a book while walking, and he seemed to be too focus to know what is currently happening around him making the side of my lips curved up.

Elfido kept on squirming while I tightened my grip around his mouth, trying to shut him up. With much intense, my heart palpated with excitement and anticipation as he got nearer to the position of the fruit. My face fell when I noticed that he stopped his steps when it's going to be a step forward to the fruit while his face covered the book.

"What—" I choked when he suddenly took a step sideward before continuing to walk. My jaw dropped, staring at him who didn't even mind a single thing and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"What the hell?" I trailed off, not amused by what happened where he just avoided the fruit.

I shook my head, eyebrows knitting together as I demanded. "Bring me another abanana!"

But silence was filled, and I turned to face Elfido, frowning. "What are you staring for?!"

"First of all, it's not called abanana, it's called banana!" He wheezed, glaring at me making me pout and cower. "And second, that kind of tactic, even humans know about that."

"That—" I paused, expression fell. "They know about that?"

He puffed his cheeks, leaning on the tree and released a defeated sigh. "Just because you experienced it doesn't mean that you're the first person who ever figured that out."

"But—" I pouted, eyes staring directly at him.

"That doesn't even count as teasing!" He groaned, crossing his arms. "Are you trying to kill him?!"

"I am not!" I defended, raising my arms.

He gritted his teeth, eyes hitting intense stares towards me. "What if his head will hit against the pillars? What will you do?!"

"That, my dear," I smiled sacrcastically. "Is what you call teasing."

Elfido's mouth dropped, rolling his eyes making me grin at him, trying to ease his anger off.

"Go away! You're embarrassing me." He whined before disappearing away.

Author's Notes:

sorry for the late update! Hope you'll like this!

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