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Five days passed, I couldn't do anything again but just sit on my bed, leaning against the headboard while looking outside through the window. My health is not well, that's so obvious, and I've never even experience this kind of pain where it's just your own body who is against you. In my real body, I've been healthy as heck that I could fight ten people at once yet how is it that this body is so weak, and slow as a sloth. 

Laying down isn't exactly boring since I feel like I wasn't the only one in this massive bedroom. Why so? It's because passed through the window, I could see the little kid reading a book under the tree. I smiled weakly, and all I could do was watch him from a far as he flipped through those pages, eyes firmly focusing on the book and not caring about his surroundings. His small figure feels like a hundred thousand zoom in my view.

Ever since I decided to tease him that day with the banana, I fell sick all of a sudden. Elfido left me, and I collapsed on the floor with the maids finding me a few hours later. Hence because of me staying outdoors for too long, under the cold weather, my health deteriorated even more.

Pressing my palms on the bed, I tried to help myself up and uncover myself with the blanket before standing up from the bed. I patted my white night dress, and walked towards the door.

I don't want to stay here. I mentally thought, opening the door, and gladly, the maids were out to greet the envoys from another country that I don't know of. This made it easy for me to escape since no one's guarding my door. 

A smile appeared on my lips, and tried my best to walk out of the room, and passed through the hallways all the way to the palace door, leading to the garden where the little kid is. Peeking above, I saw him who stayed still and smiled. A certain white feather caught my eyes, grabbing it before jogging towards him.  I became baffled because I know that he noticed me already, but why is he ignoring me?

"Hey!" I patted his head with my small hands, but he didn't even budge a single part of his body and continue to read his book.

Squatting down, I took a glimpse at what he is reading which made his attention so fixed that he didn't even spare me a glance.

"What are you reading?" I asked him, waiting for him to answer. But there was none. He stayed silent, unbothered by my presence.

Hey little kid, I want to be friends with you. I internally screamed but I just groaned, staring at him in utter disappointment.

"Little kid," I called him once again but he didn't look at me, and continue reading the book as he flipped another page. "What's with your attitude?"

He wouldn't even give me a little attention making me huff before reaching for the feather that I saw a while back, and bringing it close to his ears. Grinning widely, I tickled him making him release a small squeal.

That made me genuinely smile.

"Stop bothering me." He scorned, glaring at me before fixing his eyes back to the book again making me pout. I raised my eyebrows, seeing his ears were red. Is he perhaps blushing? Why? Anyway, what is with his attitude?

Scoffing, I managed to sit next to him with my arms crossed over my chest and waited for him to at least have a little coversation with me. Even a few minutes later, he didn't start any word for me to continue, and honestly, it's annoying me.

"Little kid," I trailed off, and looked above to see the beautiful blue sky. "There was someone who always read stories to me when I was young."

It's true though. But it was years ago, and I couldn't tell him about me experiencing the life as an adult already.

"That person wasn't my blood family, but even so, he treated me like a family." I said, and glanced over at him who suddenly halted making me anticipate that he was interested but then he goes back to reading again as he flipped another page. My expression fell but nontheless, I continued my story. "That person was sweet and beautiful. He is perfect..."

Thinking about it, it saddens me.

"But then something happened," I sighed, looking down as I remembered what happened back then before I entered here. "I couldn't save him...I couldn't save them."

Tears formed on my eyes, fidgeting my fingers. "I wish I could bring back the past."

With that, I leaned against the tree, and glanced up to the sky again. A yawn suddenly escaped my mouth, eyes feeling drowsy all of a sudden, and I couldn't even utter another word. My body's feeling so tired right now, and I couldn't even control my own movements as it just took in, in its own way. And the fatigue just spreads out my entire system that I abruptly blacked out but squeaked when I try to regain my consciousness again.

I could feel a sudden movement, no, more like startled movements. Yet, the heaviness of my eyelids couldn't be described. Soon, my eyes were close to losing itself to darkness, and I could feel my entire system shutting down and calming down. Feeling the breeze of the air, I didn't even notice that I already fell asleep.

Few hours later, unaware of the time, my eyes flattered open, and a low growl escaped my mouth. Chills ran down to my spine, feeling shivers hitting every corner of my body. Looking around, I could tell that I'm all alone, and that little kid has left me, even without any cloth to cover me or anything at all.

"What son of a bitch would—" A groan escape my mouth, rolling my eyes and wrapped my arms around my knees to help myself warm up. I winced, feeling my body aches for every moments that I created.

What a gentleman. I thought, sarcastically and coughed in reflex.

"Princess!" A voice yelled from behind making me snap my head, and looked to see a maid.

She stopped her tracks, eyes widened before running towards me with the blanket in her arms. She kneeled in front of me, glancing here and there.

"You're really here!" She squeaked, immediately wrapping the blanket around my body. I sniffed, feeling the liquid entering back to my nose and looked at her weakly. "You're even wearing your night dress only!"

"Your highness isn't aloud to roam around with a thin piece of clothing especially in this kind of weather!" She retaliated. "What are you going to do with your health and dignity, princess!"

"Now, what does me being outside have to do with dignity?" I huffed.

"A noblewoman shouldn't go out with just a thin piece of clothing, your highness." She explained, and my mouth dropped, thinking.

So that's why the little kid was blushing, and didn't even talk nor look at me.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, shaking, and trying to change the subject.

"Probably for two hours already, Princess." She answered before bringing me close to her body and helping me up.

She is so nice. I thought, never leaving my eyes off of her.

"Someone please call the doctor!" She screamed, and the maid nearby nodded before running towards the palace to get a doctor.

While walking away, I glanced behind, and a scorn expression appeared on my face. That little kid didn't even have an ounce of guilt for leaving me alone. I shook my head, knees feebled and body began to be weak again.

"Your body is too weak to handle the weather, Princess." The maid sighed, continued to help me walk with her arms around me. "You shouldn't have gone out."

Even if you stop me, I need to complete this mission to add some points, and leave as soon as I can.

"Lord Namjoon—" I interrupted, voice became hoarse as I panted lightly. "Lord Namjoon..."

"Pardon?" She stopped her tracks.

"When is the young lord going to leave?" I asked, heart began to get heavy.

"The Young Lord is leaving next week, Princess." She responded in confusion. "Why are you asking?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, and continue walking.

Next week... I need to finish this task or else I'll have no points. 

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I won't reassure you that I will be able to finish this book but time to time, I will surely update! Thank you for supporting!

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